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Allegations of UN Agency Staff Involvement in Hamas Attacks Prompt U.S. Funding Pause

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I believe that in international law, evidence obtained through torture is considered unreliable, and it is not able to be submitted in court. Torture a guy for long enough, and he'll give up half his neighbor's names even if they were totally innocent. This is why I do not believe Israel's 'evidence' against UNRWA




Initial reporting about the dossier from Axios stated that the information was obtained through confessions. “A lot of the intelligence is a result of interrogations of militants who were arrested during the October 7 attack,” a senior Israeli official told Axios’s Barak Ravid. But subsequent reporting from the New York Times does not mention confessions, instead claiming that the evidence was obtained using the accused militants’ cell phone conversations, text messages, and movements on the day of the attack.

The Israeli security apparatus has a long history of using torture on Palestinian detainees to extract confessions. In recent decades that use of torture has been curtailed somewhat by the courts, but the Shin Bet still uses some techniques, like denial of sleep and solitary confinement to elicit confessions. And then there’s the so-called “ticking time bomb” loophole, in which Shin Bet interrogators can use “exceptional ways to investigate” if such tactics were the only way to prevent possible future violence and save lives.

As Haaretz and Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor have documented, Palestinian detainees are currently being abused in Israeli prisons, and six have died since October 7.


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46 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


Let them do whatever they want with UNRWA after the this all ends. Investigate everything fully, transparently, and by independent agencies and journalists. Knee jerkily withdrawing funding at this critical stage is just monstrous. Tens of thousands will die of starvation and disease.


Dismiss my other posts and my views entirely. Feel free to completely disagree with all of my opinions, as I do yours. But now ask yourself this:


Do you really think this is what the world should be doing right now. Withholding aid from those who need it the most, and will die without it?


These people need help, and they need it now. Is it the moral thing to deny them life?




Why do you think these governments decided to suspend/withdraw/whatever donations to UNRWA? You dodge around this all the time.




We oppose axing UNRWA mid-war, senior Israeli official says amid global funding halt



I said on another post, that I doubt the monies will not be transferred, eventually. This is more about showing UNRWA how serious things are, how serious governments see things.

Edited by Morch
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2 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:

I believe that in international law, evidence obtained through torture is considered unreliable, and it is not able to be submitted in court. Torture a guy for long enough, and he'll give up half his neighbor's names even if they were totally innocent. This is why I do not believe Israel's 'evidence' against UNRWA




You really are blind with this conspiracy of yours, Israel does not even want UNRWA to stop right now, nobody does, after the war yes it needs to be reformed or changed to another agency but there is no choice but to have it at the moment. This is a small pause to get them to actually do something about terrorists in their ranks. Its peoples hard earned tax from all these countries that goes to UNRWA.


We oppose axing UNRWA mid-war, senior Israeli official says amid global funding halt


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3 minutes ago, Morch said:




Why do you think these governments decided to suspend/withdraw/whatever donations to UNRWA? You dodge around this all the time.




We oppose axing UNRWA mid-war, senior Israeli official says amid global funding halt



I said on another post, that I doubt the monies will not be transferred, eventually. This is more about showing UNRWA how serious things are, how serious governments see things.


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13 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


Wow. Only an Israeli or a far right/Zionist Jew would be so biased to believe that withholding aid is the most important issue right now. Can it not be dealt with after the conflict?


Dismiss me as a conspiracy theorist? Then trust CNN & the UN. Budget is almost depleted, they will run out within days, if not already... Did you not look into this yourself?



"Let them starve and die from disease and famine". This is essentially what you are saying.




The UN (or elements of) are fond of these alarmist the-sky-is-falling statements. It makes for a decent headline, and generates public/diplomatic pressure. For someone who presents himself as savvy, you sure do have some blind spots.

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5 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Nope, I was born in London and supposed to be Christian but never really attended churches unless I had to. Wedding etc.


Can you link to where exactly it says food will runout in days? Only it must be in other areas aside from Rafah, from the 30th Jan. I wonder if the IDF stop at one of the kebab takeaways for a spot of lunch inbetween killing a few Hamas?





Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself.


The people are starving, and you post this nonsense?


I'm sorry, but I do not believe anyone can be that heartless, unless they have extreme bias for a personal reason. I support the plight of the Palestinians with all of my heart, but I still feel bad for the Israelis that died in the Oct 7th attacks. You don't seem to care about the tens of thousands of Palestinian deaths.


Even when presented with evidence that the UN clearly stated they will run out of funds by February - today is the 1st of Feb- you still don't believe. There is no hope for some people i suppose.

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5 minutes ago, Morch said:




The UN (or elements of) are fond of these alarmist the-sky-is-falling statements. It makes for a decent headline, and generates public/diplomatic pressure. For someone who presents himself as savvy, you sure do have some blind spots.


Put your thinking cap on, for just a moment.


Their previous funding was prior to the events that occurred on Oct 7.


Since that day, virtually all of the population has been displaced, nowhere to go because their homes,  hospitals and other buildings have been destroyed, severely overrun, damaged or rendered incapable of operating. The entire population is starving and relying on aid now.


Do you not think that their need for funds has dramatically increased because the needs now are so much greater than what they were dealing with prior to the conflict? This is just basic common sense.

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19 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself.


The people are starving, and you post this nonsense?


I'm sorry, but I do not believe anyone can be that heartless, unless they have extreme bias for a personal reason. I support the plight of the Palestinians with all of my heart, but I still feel bad for the Israelis that died in the Oct 7th attacks. You don't seem to care about the tens of thousands of Palestinian deaths.


Even when presented with evidence that the UN clearly stated they will run out of funds by February - today is the 1st of Feb- you still don't believe. There is no hope for some people i suppose.

What nonsense would that be then, be specific?


What personal reasons would I have? more of your conspiracies being born............. but please share them with me since I apparently have them?


The UN has not run out of funds,  link to where it stated that, most of the funds from the countries where not even due until the end of Feb. That's why I said, read the links already provided.


France for instance. France had not planned any further payments in the first quarter of 2024


Payments from all countries will start again when investigation finished. Nobody is going to die, almost sounds like that's something you want to see just to prove yourself right

Edited by Bkk Brian
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7 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


Disg I support the plight of the Palestinians with all of my heart,


   Why is that ?

There are about 5000 groups in the World who want their own Country

There are many people/groups in a worse situation than the Palestinians 

There are a million or so stateless people in Thailand who cannot get citizenship from Thailand or any other Country and they cannot get refugee aid from the U.N 

   Why you you care for Palestinians sol much ?

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12 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

What nonsense would that be then, be specific?


What personal reasons would I have? more of your conspiracies being born............. but please share them with me since I apparently have them?


The UN has not run out of funds,  link to where it stated that, most of the funds from the countries where not even due until the end of Feb. That's why I said, read the links already provided.


France for instance. France had not planned any further payments in the first quarter of 2024


Payments from all countries will start again when investigation finished. Nobody is going to die, almost sounds like that's something you want to see just to prove yourself right






UN Secretary General António Guterres has said a full independent investigation into UNRWA is under way,

A UNRWA spokesperson has said that if funding is not resumed, the agency will not be able to continue its operations beyond the end of February.

"The allegations of involvement of several UNRWA staff in the heinous attacks on Israel on 7 October are horrifying," a statement by the UN Inter-Agency Standing Committee says.

"As the secretary-general has said, any UN employee involved in acts of terror will be held accountable. However, we must not prevent an entire organisation from delivering on its mandate to serve people in desperate need.

"Withdrawing funds from UNRWA is perilous and would result in the collapse of the humanitarian system in Gaza, with far-reaching humanitarian and human rights consequences in the occupied Palestinian territory and across the region," it adds.



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5 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:



UN Secretary General António Guterres has said a full independent investigation into UNRWA is under way,

A UNRWA spokesperson has said that if funding is not resumed, the agency will not be able to continue its operations beyond the end of February.




   Hey Antonio, the defunding on UNRWA didn't happen in a vacuum 

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Just now, Brickleberry said:


Even if it absolutely riddled with Hamas and 30% are found to have some involvement, the agency will have to continue in the meantime - there isn't anyone else able to do this in the current conditions, and in time to reach the people when they need it most.


This discussion is quite frankly, moot. The agency is under the UN, it will fire and punish any of those responsible, and investigations are underway. It still doesn't change the fact that they will still need to use UNRWA at least until the conflict is over.


Do what they want with UNRWA when this is over. Clear the smokescreen away from hiding Israel's war crimes that are currently being committed. That's all this is. Smokescreen. The governments involved in withholding know they will have to keep using them, its just convenient news coverage smokescreen for Israel.


Even the US admits as much: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68150519


But the US, the biggest donor to the UNWRA, has said it wants to see the aid agency continue its work.


"There is no other humanitarian player in Gaza who can provide food and water and medicine at the scale that UNRWA does," US State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller said.

"We want to see that work continued which is why it is so important that the United Nations take this matter seriously, that they investigate, that there is accountability for anyone who is found to have engaged in wrongdoing."


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3 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:

Wait, you've ignored every single request I've made from you after your false accusations to back them up. I can only assume thats just another tactic of yours to throw as much against the wall and see what sticks.


As for the BBC link, here is the quote that you should take note of:


"A UNRWA spokesperson has said that if funding is not resumed, the agency will not be able to continue its operations beyond the end of February."


Here's some more pics of food in Gaza courtesy of Cogat along with aid and food trucks entering.






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2 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:

Even if it absolutely riddled with Hamas and 30% are found to have some involvement, the agency will have to continue in the meantime - there isn't anyone else able to do this in the current conditions, and in time to reach the people when they need it most.

Yes we said that a few posts up......................:cheesy:

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8 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Wait, you've ignored every single request I've made from you after your false accusations to back them up. I can only assume thats just another tactic of yours to throw as much against the wall and see what sticks.


As for the BBC link, here is the quote that you should take note of:


"A UNRWA spokesperson has said that if funding is not resumed, the agency will not be able to continue its operations beyond the end of February."


Here's some more pics of food in Gaza courtesy of Cogat along with aid and food trucks entering.







The fact that you don't know what COGAT is, shows the level of ignorance you have on this topic.


If you do know, then you wouldn't have posted those ridiculous pics from twitter. Troll.

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44 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself.


The people are starving, and you post this nonsense?


I'm sorry, but I do not believe anyone can be that heartless, unless they have extreme bias for a personal reason. I support the plight of the Palestinians with all of my heart, but I still feel bad for the Israelis that died in the Oct 7th attacks. You don't seem to care about the tens of thousands of Palestinian deaths.


Even when presented with evidence that the UN clearly stated they will run out of funds by February - today is the 1st of Feb- you still don't believe. There is no hope for some people i suppose.




You can't believe anyone can be that heartless? Consult your own posts. Especially ones commenting on rapes and other Hamas atrocities.

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3 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


The fact that you don't know what COGAT is, shows the level of ignorance you have on this topic.


If you do know, then you wouldn't have posted those ridiculous pics from twitter. Troll.

I know exactly who Cogat are. But then we all know you have zero trust in Israel. Troll? Mmmmm weak. Very weak.


Still waiting for you to back up your claims about me......

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40 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


Put your thinking cap on, for just a moment.


Their previous funding was prior to the events that occurred on Oct 7.


Since that day, virtually all of the population has been displaced, nowhere to go because their homes,  hospitals and other buildings have been destroyed, severely overrun, damaged or rendered incapable of operating. The entire population is starving and relying on aid now.


Do you not think that their need for funds has dramatically increased because the needs now are so much greater than what they were dealing with prior to the conflict? This is just basic common sense.




Oh, so you're making a case than a UN agency who's workers were found to have ties with a terrorist organization who instigated this mess should get increased funding? That's nice, dear. Now....could you address that small issue of multiple governments not seeing things your way - and that's after being exposed to information you have not seen (but declare as unreliable)? What would their motivations be? Why would they do that?


As far as I'm aware, no hospitals were destroyed. Can you back that claim with anything? Same goes for 'damaged' (in a way rendering the unable to operate).


As for the 'entire population starving' - I kinda doubt Hamas men and leaders are starving. Or UNRWA workers, for that matter. And 'starving' is a big word. Unpleasant for sure - but I don't think you actually see pictures of people dying of starvation etc., right? Hardship? Sure. That kinda goes hand in hand with war.


I think that you are dodging the question.



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25 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


Even if it absolutely riddled with Hamas and 30% are found to have some involvement, the agency will have to continue in the meantime - there isn't anyone else able to do this in the current conditions, and in time to reach the people when they need it most.


This discussion is quite frankly, moot. The agency is under the UN, it will fire and punish any of those responsible, and investigations are underway. It still doesn't change the fact that they will still need to use UNRWA at least until the conflict is over.


Do what they want with UNRWA when this is over. Clear the smokescreen away from hiding Israel's war crimes that are currently being committed. That's all this is. Smokescreen. The governments involved in withholding know they will have to keep using them, its just convenient news coverage smokescreen for Israel.


Even the US admits as much: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68150519





Since you dropped the 'ignore' act, you can 'officially' read posts. Try and read the two that linked comments from an Israeli official on that, appearing up topic. This was already addressed.

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14 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


The fact that you don't know what COGAT is, shows the level of ignorance you have on this topic.


If you do know, then you wouldn't have posted those ridiculous pics from twitter. Troll.




So, you trust UNRWA's statements even though they are an involved party, and even thought they are obviously compromised. But comments from an Israeli agency? No no no.....

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4 hours ago, Brickleberry said:

Did you also believe the stories about 40 beheaded babies? Pregnant women having their babies cut out of them? Dead babies hanging on a clothes line? All of these stories have been found to be false. Can't wait for the evidence to prove this one is bogus as well.

It's sad that some people are so brainwashed about Palestinians that they actually believe the fake garbage news that has been put out there by israeli sycophants. I immensely enjoyed it being shown that  Biden had been telling lies when they had to admit his statement about beheaded babies was BS.

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3 hours ago, Brickleberry said:

As Haaretz and Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor have documented, Palestinian detainees are currently being abused in Israeli prisons, and six have died since October 7.

If any other country was doing what the israelis are doing to Palestinian prisoners the western world would be outraged, but when it's israelis doing it there is a resounding silence. I don't actually understand why western leaders are so willfully blind when it comes to israel, but it appears to be reality.


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5 hours ago, Brickleberry said:


Put your thinking cap on, for just a moment.


Their previous funding was prior to the events that occurred on Oct 7.


Since that day, virtually all of the population has been displaced, nowhere to go because their homes,  hospitals and other buildings have been destroyed, severely overrun, damaged or rendered incapable of operating. The entire population is starving and relying on aid now.


Do you not think that their need for funds has dramatically increased because the needs now are so much greater than what they were dealing with prior to the conflict? This is just basic common sense.


  Even worse for the Palestinians,   Israel has just allowed 10 000 Indians into work in Israel , they will be taking the job positions vacated by Palestinian  workers and that is just the first batch 

India were quite supportive of Israel .

   India and Israel, formed in 1947 and 1948 

Both Countries begin with an I and both Countries have hostile Muslims neighbours beginning with a P




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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's sad that some people are so brainwashed about Palestinians that they actually believe the fake garbage news that has been put out there by israeli sycophants. I immensely enjoyed it being shown that  Biden had been telling lies when they had to admit his statement about beheaded babies was BS.


2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If any other country was doing what the israelis are doing to Palestinian prisoners the western world would be outraged, but when it's israelis doing it there is a resounding silence. I don't actually understand why western leaders are so willfully blind when it comes to israel, but it appears to be reality.



   Its you who believes fake news 

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If any other country was doing what the israelis are doing to Palestinian prisoners the western world would be outraged, but when it's israelis doing it there is a resounding silence. I don't actually understand why western leaders are so willfully blind when it comes to israel, but it appears to be reality.



Follow the money, that's where all the influence comes from.



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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's sad that some people are so brainwashed about Palestinians that they actually believe the fake garbage news that has been put out there by israeli sycophants. I immensely enjoyed it being shown that  Biden had been telling lies when they had to admit his statement about beheaded babies was BS.




It's sad that some posters continue to pretend having others on 'ignore' so that they can deny explanations have been posted numerous times.

You're pushing a false narrative and account of what happened - in a post baiting about such. Well done.

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It seems from the posts they make that some on here are indeed heartless. Some of the posts were so vile that I had to put them on ignore so I could come on this subforum without feeling nauseous.




More cowardly baiting.


And the above post in  reply to a poster trying to casting doubt on rapes being part of the 7/10 Hamas attack.


Just recently, I wondered (in reply to one of your own vile posts) if you reached the bottom yet. Guess not.

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Israel welcomes the @WHO’s confirmation that the UN would be able to scale up humanitarian aid operations in Gaza even if @UNRWA were defunded. This is a positive acknowledgment that UNRWA is not in fact indispensable.



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19 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Israel welcomes the @WHO’s confirmation that the UN would be able to scale up humanitarian aid operations in Gaza even if @UNRWA were defunded. This is a positive acknowledgment that UNRWA is not in fact indispensable.




Maybe. But let's not forget Israel just recently leveled a new set of accusations at WHO as well.

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