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Are YOU, now, Too Old to BLAST the BLASTED Music?

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15 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

My Dear fELLOW Audiophiles:


I am just sitting here wondering if you might, these days, be just too old to blast the blasting blasted music as you once enjoyed when you were a bit younger.


As for me, sometimes I still do BLAST AWAY!


For example, I have three audio amplifiers, and 10 decent speakers in my abode.


And, on rare occasions, I just feel like BLASTING the BLASTED Music....but not too often.


What I do is to close all the windows, TURN UP the ACs, FULL BLAST, and then let my Music Rip, and, thereby, Let my Freak Flag Fly....


When I first heard this tune, 6 Was 9, just after its release, I was just BLOWN AWAY by it!

I was at the exact right age for it, too.


So, anyway, if you were to BLAST AWAY with 6 Was 9 in your Thai wooden house, would the house come tumbling down?

And, WHAT WOULD Your Thai Wife say???????

I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this what you say to yourselves?


White Collar Conservative Flashing Down the Street!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, Man!


So, anyway, I am still not too old to BLAST AWAY!


But, normally, if there is anything NORMAL in my life, or normal about me.....

I prefer to BLAST AWAY with  .............  JEFF BECK!


Fortunately, I live alone.

I have no irritating wife to bother me when I BLAST AWAY....


A small price to pay, not having a wife...when....when one is without this BAGGAGE...then on can just....


BLAST AWAY at any time of the day or night.


Listen carefully...to what I say....folks.




Note:  And, to all you deserters from America out there, or any out there who have likewise DESERTED your HOMECOUNTRY......Listen to Jimi....


LET JIMI TAKE OVER!...........!!!!!


Or...Let JS BACH...take over....FULL BLAST....





NOTE2:  I Dedicate this Topic to....The American Deserters Society!  (to paraphrase Jimi)



NOTE3:  imho....Jimi was a true genius, not just musically.  But, a genius.  Far beyond most ahole Mensa wannabees.



Sometimes I do when thinking about the times which were gone too fast. The feeling to be young, invincible, the feeling of freedom, yes and the time without HIV, they never come back but are still in my memories. Thank you for your post🙏

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17 hours ago, save the frogs said:

I have changed musical tastes.


While most people are trapped in their youth and only listen to music they grew up listening to, I have outgrown most of that music. 


Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck guitar solos, most of Led Zeppelin music, is noise to me. 


I don't listen to much head-banging stuff anymore. It's noise that causes anxiety to me. 



Agreed - but I never liked that type of music - more Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Mississippi John Hurt etc... at moderate volume... 


And last night a frog the size of my hand visited my bedroom... I caught him in a box and released him in the garden near the pond... so, one more big guy still alive. 

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20 hours ago, Denim said:

Noooooooooooo. This cover shows one of greatest guitar solos EVER !!


Indebted to this bloke for showing how to play the main part. 



Personal favorite of mine, Thin Lizzy, Leave this town,  off the Renegade album.

Never managed the lead.

I'm still playing and blasting into headphones now days.

Sadly missed,  Mr. Phil Lynott. Base/Vocals.







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It's depending of what "too old" is..?


I'm 74 and can sometimes enjoy a live video of some of the old legends from when they were at their top and enthusiastic – like Ian Anderson and Jetro Tull in the 70s and 80s, or The Who with Kieth Moon on drums – some of them actually became better live a little later in their career, like Kieth Richard and The Stones, and the Cream, especially Ginger Baker.


However, I'm not too much into the vintage stage – some of what was good at that time, is not so good now looked with contemporary glasses – I rather prefers the newer dance music, or even some well-produced house music, at a venue with a well balance Front-of-House speaker system.

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12 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:





I grew up with the Carnegie version, was on album of my father. I think it is the most impressive one.

As the beat of Krupa in that version was really making all the difference. DOnt know if he had another set, modified his set then or recording has to do with it, but it made a great number.

Of course the cowbells are there, just right after the piano solo for starting up end. 

My first bought album was Slade and then even Sladest with all hits on it.

A great song was "goodbye to Jane" , nice pounding number.

See there is even a cover of Britny Fox, but that is a turn down cover, really bad.



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30 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

I grew up with the Carnegie version, was on album of my father. I think it is the most impressive one.

As the beat of Krupa in that version was really making all the difference. DOnt know if he had another set, modified his set then or recording has to do with it, but it made a great number.


I recall well both versions.

I just forget which was which, and only knew that one was superior to the other, and one also longer than the other.



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7 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

Agreed - but I never liked that type of music - more Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Mississippi John Hurt etc... at moderate volume... 


And last night a frog the size of my hand visited my bedroom... I caught him in a box and released him in the garden near the pond... so, one more big guy still alive. 


Dylan, Mitchell. You actually appreciate good lyrics. Not just guys screeching incomprehinsible gibberish.


And I cannot believe what I just read. You literally SAVED A FROG.

You are my hero!


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I think he must have come in through the a/c - - ?? Truly as big as my hand and clinging to the wall, up high. I got up in the middle of the night and was looking for him when he fell onto my office chair and then leapt onto my 27" computer screen in front of my face... he could not grip the screen and was slowly sliding down.. I placed a shoebox below the screen and gently swept him into the box w/a piece of wood... I took the box outside into the garden and let him go near the pond. I think he has been around a long time. 


Yes, love the lyrics... 


"Love, is it really love at all, or something that I heard love called." Eric Andersson 

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