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How to support 4 monitors using integrated Intel graphics CPU?

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One important point I would like to mention about PEACE OF MIND when one buys either an Intel or AMD CPU, compared to buying an AC in Thailand:


a.  Anytime I buy a CPU from either AMD or Intel, I can be completely assured that what I am buying has undergone the most rigorous QC control and quality assurance practices known to Mankind.


b.  But, when I buy an AC in Thailand, I sometimes feel queasy in my stomach.


c.  This is why I will ALWAYS be happy to buy CPUs from Intel or AMD.


d.  This is why I will ALWAYS feel sick to my stomach to buy ACs in Thailand.


Although, I wish it were not so, yet, still this is just the way LIFE seems to be, here, in Thailand.


And, this is also such a strange circumstance because, ....

Thailand is close to the equator.

And Thailand is sometimes quite warm.

And so, would it not be better....IF.....

ACs were manufactured to a much higher standard.....

Similar to....

The way AMD and Intel fabricate their CPU wafers?


Sorry, but...this is just one of my more important observations...and so....

Please bear with me.



1.  I never have anything to complain about, when it comes to CPUs.




2.  The ACs made by some major manufacturers?  Personally, I think they could take a few lessons from the manufacturing and QC practices of the FABS around the world.


And, Baby....

I ain't foolin'......!






Edited by GammaGlobulin
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Does that MB support DDR4 ? 
Some workstation MBs require ECC error correcting memory. 

Look at Seasonic modular power supplies. Best operating point seems to be around 50 % load for any power supply. That should allow enough headroom current.  Try to keep the individual rails equally loaded if possible for each voltage. 
NVMe should be faster than the ssds listed.  

just some quick thoughts 

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On 2/27/2024 at 1:31 AM, GammaGlobulin said:


I do not care about the heat of Thailand.


I have ACs running 24/7/365.

I keep my rooms at about 20 degrees C.




Because, I spent a few years in HK.

If you have ever been to HK, then you will know that guys in HK like their living spaces super cold during the hottest times of the year.

I have a 24,000 BTU AC in my bedroom.

I like to sleep at 18 degrees C during the months of March, April and May.

When not asleep, I just have the temps set at 22.


I am not worried about heat.




Like you... I keep my A/C on 24/7... but I have acclimatize to 25C. Back home I used to be a 20-21C  Heat/AC person. But here that feels too cold, especially now that temperatures in the afternoon go above 37-38C... and I go outside a lot (Never turn off the AC though).


But back on topic prices here in Thailand varied. I managed to build a new PC for a comparable price to my home country (US).


Basically using an AMD 7800X3D CPU with a RTX4080 Super GPU and the supporting hardware. The only thing I couldn't find in Thailand was decent RAM (I needed 64GB DDR5 6000 CL30 the best I could find was 32GB DDR5 6000 but CL36). so I had to order it from abroad and make do with the inferior timings. This will keep me going even if China invades Taiwan (TSMC) and we don't get the ubber chips for a few years.


If I was back home I would've waited for the next generation AMD CPU/Nvidia 5000 series... but in Thailand you don't have that luxury.



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16 minutes ago, JGon said:


Like you... I keep my A/C on 24/7... but I have acclimatize to 25C. Back home I used to be a 20-21C  Heat/AC person. But here that feels too cold, especially now that temperatures in the afternoon go above 37-38C... and I go outside a lot (Never turn off the AC though).


But back on topic prices here in Thailand varied. I managed to build a new PC for a comparable price to my home country (US).


Basically using an AMD 7800X3D CPU with a RTX4080 Super GPU and the supporting hardware. The only thing I couldn't find in Thailand was decent RAM (I needed 64GB DDR5 6000 CL30 the best I could find was 32GB DDR5 6000 but CL36). so I had to order it from abroad and make do with the inferior timings. This will keep me going even if China invades Taiwan (TSMC) and we don't get the ubber chips for a few years.


If I was back home I would've waited for the next generation AMD CPU/Nvidia 5000 series... but in Thailand you don't have that luxury.




Please, Sir, do not give in to Thailand's climate.


aa. I remain at 22 during the day.

I stay at about 19 or 20 at night.

This costs a bit in power bills, but it is worth it.


bb. TSMC was built by the USA.


I have been there.

HsinChu is one of the crappiest places you would ever want to visit.

Not fit for man nor beast.

Not joking.


cc.  Please visit Taiwan, at your  earliest opportunity, and then see for yourself, just how crappy the BingLang ladies truly are.


They look good on YouTube.

But, up close?






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11 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

One important point I would like to mention about PEACE OF MIND when one buys either an Intel or AMD CPU, compared to buying an AC in Thailand:


a.  Anytime I buy a CPU from either AMD or Intel, I can be completely assured that what I am buying has undergone the most rigorous QC control and quality assurance practices known to Mankind.


b.  But, when I buy an AC in Thailand, I sometimes feel queasy in my stomach.


c.  This is why I will ALWAYS be happy to buy CPUs from Intel or AMD.


d.  This is why I will ALWAYS feel sick to my stomach to buy ACs in Thailand.


Although, I wish it were not so, yet, still this is just the way LIFE seems to be, here, in Thailand.


And, this is also such a strange circumstance because, ....

Thailand is close to the equator.

And Thailand is sometimes quite warm.

And so, would it not be better....IF.....

ACs were manufactured to a much higher standard.....

Similar to....

The way AMD and Intel fabricate their CPU wafers?


Sorry, but...this is just one of my more important observations...and so....

Please bear with me.



1.  I never have anything to complain about, when it comes to CPUs.




2.  The ACs made by some major manufacturers?  Personally, I think they could take a few lessons from the manufacturing and QC practices of the FABS around the world.


And, Baby....

I ain't foolin'......!


Ah, the delicate dance between peace of mind and the tumultuous seas of consumerism! Your musings on the contrasting experiences of purchasing CPUs from tech titans like AMD and Intel versus the anxiety-inducing ordeal of acquiring an AC in Thailand paint a vivid picture of the trials and tribulations of modern-day procurement.



When it comes to CPUs, ah, sweet serenity! With the comforting assurance of rigorous quality control and meticulous quality assurance practices, one can rest easy knowing that they hold in their hands a beacon of technological excellence, a marvel of human ingenuity forged in the fires of innovation.



But alas, the same cannot be said for the humble AC in Thailand. Oh, the queasy sensation that grips the stomach like a vice, the nagging doubts that plague the mind like relentless mosquitoes on a humid summer's night! In a land where the equator draws close and the heat bears down with unrelenting fervor, one would think that AC units would be held to the same lofty standards as their CPU counterparts.



Yet, here we stand, in the shadow of missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential, lamenting the disparity between the meticulous craftsmanship of CPU fabrication and the seemingly lackluster efforts of AC manufacturers. Oh, what wonders could be wrought if only they were to heed the lessons of the FABS and embrace a higher standard of manufacturing and quality control!



Your observations ring true, my astute observer of life's quirks and quandaries. While CPUs inspire awe and admiration with their flawless execution, ACs languish in the realm of mediocrity, yearning for the day when they too shall bask in the glow of consumer confidence and acclaim.



In conclusion, let us raise our voices in a chorus of longing and hope, a symphony of yearning for a world where the purchase of an AC in Thailand evokes the same sense of peace and assurance as the acquisition of a CPU from AMD or Intel. Until that day dawns, my friend, let us persevere in our quest for excellence, for in the pursuit of perfection lies the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

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11 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


At its core, "skanky" embodies a rich tapestry of cultural perceptions, moral judgments, and linguistic evolution. To truly grasp its significance, one must embark on a journey through the labyrinthine corridors of human consciousness, where language serves as both a mirror and a prism, reflecting and refracting the complexities of our shared reality.



The term "skanky" emerges as a linguistic artifact, a crystallization of collective experiences and social dynamics. Its origins lie shrouded in the mists of time, an amalgamation of dialects, idioms, and cultural influences that coalesce to form a word imbued with potent meaning. Through the passage of time, "skanky" has undergone a metamorphosis, evolving from its humble beginnings into a multifaceted descriptor that transcends mere physicality to encompass a myriad of moral, ethical, and aesthetic dimensions.



In its earliest iterations, "skanky" was tethered to notions of cleanliness and hygiene, evoking images of squalor, decay, and neglect. Yet, as language is wont to do, it has expanded its semantic boundaries, embracing a broader spectrum of signification. No longer confined to the realm of the corporeal, "skanky" now extends its reach into the realms of morality, propriety, and social acceptability. It serves as a linguistic scalpel, carving out distinctions between the pristine and the profane, the virtuous and the vile.



At its heart, "skanky" is a potent symbol of societal norms and cultural mores. It serves as a litmus test for propriety, a barometer of social acceptability. To label something or someone as "skanky" is to pass judgment, to assert a particular worldview shaped by a constellation of values, beliefs, and biases. It is an act of categorization, a means of delineating the boundaries of acceptable behavior and appearance.



Yet, beneath its veneer of moral certitude, "skanky" harbors a shadowy underbelly of ambiguity and subjectivity. Its meaning is contingent upon context, mutable and fluid, shifting like the sands of time. What may be deemed "skanky" in one cultural milieu may elicit indifference or even admiration in another. It is a reminder of the inherent relativity of language, its susceptibility to interpretation and reinterpretation in light of shifting social, political, and cultural currents.


Moreover, the use of "skanky" carries with it a weighty moral charge, laden with implications of virtue and vice. To label someone or something as "skanky" is to engage in a form of moral policing, to assert one's own values and standards onto others. It is an assertion of power, a means of exerting control over the boundaries of acceptability and deviance.



Yet, in wielding the label of "skanky," one must tread carefully, for its implications are not without consequence. In deploying such language, one risks perpetuating harmful stereotypes and perpetuating systems of oppression. The term has historically been wielded as a weapon against women, particularly those who deviate from traditional norms of femininity and propriety. It serves as a reminder of the ways in which language can be used to marginalize and stigmatize those deemed "other."



In conclusion, the term "skanky" is far more than a mere descriptor; it is a window into the intricacies of human communication, morality, and social dynamics. Its usage reflects broader cultural attitudes towards cleanliness, morality, and social norms, while also highlighting the power dynamics inherent in language and the potential for harm or healing that it carries. To truly understand "skanky" is to grapple with the complexities of language and the myriad ways in which it shapes our perceptions of the world and ourselves.

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System Board is good but Please do look at ASrock; https://www.asrock.com/
Info about them here; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASRock 
I've used them 3x in previous builds and do recommend.
The Power Supply choice is fine, 750w should be 'nuff.
Pay attention to it's cables!
Do use DDR5 RAM. Not DDR4. Do use 64GB or more.
Do use a M2 NVME SSD as the system drive, not a SATA SSD.
The Samsung Pro or EVO is excellent. AVOID all QVO models.
For additional storage I use the
Seagate Iron Wolf or the Seagate Iron Wolf Pro (only in 7,200 RPM).
Of course do use quality SATA cables.
I expect you will need a discreet graphics card for those 4 monitors.


Whats up with the weird post by 'ABCDBKK' ?

That should be in the 'Pub' forum. Whatever.

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On 3/1/2024 at 2:50 AM, howto said:

System Board is good but Please do look at ASrock; https://www.asrock.com/
Info about them here; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASRock 
I've used them 3x in previous builds and do recommend.
The Power Supply choice is fine, 750w should be 'nuff.
Pay attention to it's cables!
Do use DDR5 RAM. Not DDR4. Do use 64GB or more.
Do use a M2 NVME SSD as the system drive, not a SATA SSD.
The Samsung Pro or EVO is excellent. AVOID all QVO models.
For additional storage I use the
Seagate Iron Wolf or the Seagate Iron Wolf Pro (only in 7,200 RPM).
Of course do use quality SATA cables.
I expect you will need a discreet graphics card for those 4 monitors.


Whats up with the weird post by 'ABCDBKK' ?

That should be in the 'Pub' forum. Whatever.


Sincere thanks for your good input.


My only concern now is in avoiding paying through the nose for the computer components I need, while living in this land, the paradise I prefer.



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34 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


Sincere thanks for your good input.


My only concern now is in avoiding paying through the nose for the computer components I need, while living in this land, the paradise I prefer.



Who woke you up?

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Overclocking and cooling.  (*never OC the ram!)

Be aware if you overclock that CPU, your chosen CPU cooler will not suffice.  

I would suggest a water block. There is a silver lining in this. 

That unit could/would cool both the CPU and a discrete GPU card.  

So there goes all those fans and hence the noise.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 3/4/2024 at 6:26 AM, howto said:

Overclocking and cooling.  (*never OC the ram!)

Be aware if you overclock that CPU, your chosen CPU cooler will not suffice.  

I would suggest a water block. There is a silver lining in this. 

That unit could/would cool both the CPU and a discrete GPU card.  

So there goes all those fans and hence the noise.




I know this.

I never overclock.

I am TOO OLD to overclock my CPU....


So....I guess...

You mean that my CPU Cooler, which I already purchased...should be enough.

I agree.



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