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International driving license for Thai local licence

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Good afternoon,


I have a local Thai driving licence and need an international driving licence as I'm going to europe for a couple of weeks. Today I went to the nearest DLT office which is in Nangrong.

The officer told my wife that they could not assist, neither could he suggest where to get help.

May I kindly ask if anybody has a suggestion on how to obtain an international driving licence please?


Thank you

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1 hour ago, Moonlover said:

The basic 2 requirements for the use of any license in a foreign country are, does it have a photograph of the holder and is the information printed in English? (It should also match the details on the holder's passport of course)


A Thai license meets these requirements so it will be valid. 


Good to know, thanks.  I'm surprised the fussy French accept English or Thai and don't demand Francais!

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24 minutes ago, JackGats said:

An international driving license has a very limited validity if I'm not mistaken (1 year?).

That was the fact for decades.

Since a few years the 3 year IDP (1968 Convention) is officially acknowledged in Thailand (took them only a few decades to get it through bureaucrazy).

And I vaguely remember that the DLT should now also be able to issue a 3 year/1968 on request.

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6 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

And some even have a separate office:

(Chatuchak office, Bangkok)

If I got it right it was a 10 minute affair there.


Just an additional point that may be useful for some.


Wife (Thai) recently got hers at DLT Area 3 (Bangkok)...   The system requires an appointment (which involved a two week wait), so she went the next day.... and could get her IDP there and then (no need to wait for the appointment day) - Mileage may vary of course.



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1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:

Wife (Thai) recently got hers at DLT Area 3 (Bangkok)...

Did she have to show a passport (additionally to ID card)?

That's what the Thai vlogger states.

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10 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:
12 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Wife (Thai) recently got hers at DLT Area 3 (Bangkok)...

Did she have to show a passport (additionally to ID card)?

That's what the Thai vlogger states.


I've no idea... But, I'm guessing she did...   There's even a certain element of 'Thai logic' to it that that you have to prove you have a passport and can travel abroad to prevent all those hoards of people without passports from getting their IDP and wasting the officials time !!!....    

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4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


The 1949 IDP has 1 year validity.

The 1968 IDP has a 3 year validity.


Whether you need a 1949 or 1968 IDP depends on your destination (area where you intend to drive overseas).


For example - Japan requires a 1949 IDP.


Both 1949 and 1968 IDP's can be obtained at 'main district' DLT's in Thailand.


You can check which treaty was ratified by any country at the United Nations Treaty Database. Some countries only ratified one of the two treaties and some countries ratified both.


1949 Treaty - https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetailsV.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XI-B-1&chapter=11&Temp=mtdsg5&clang=_en


1968 Treaty - https://treaties.un.org/pages/ViewDetailsIII.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XI-B-19&chapter=11&Temp=mtdsg3&clang=_en


Ignore the 2nd column. "Signature" just indicates that they participated in the treaty conference. The third column is the one that indicates it was ratified.

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11 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:


Good to know, thanks.  I'm surprised the fussy French accept English or Thai and don't demand Francais!


They do, but nobody listens or cares.


Insert Gallic shrug [here]

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I have a 5 year Thai driving license. On all my visits to the UK I have used it without any problems, including for car rental.

However, on a recent trip to France I had to get the International Driving Permit as the French do not accept a license in any other language than French (contrary to what some other posters have said above).

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I managed to get the IDP at my provincial capital LTO, my local LTO would not do it. Same thing happened nearly two years ago when my DL needed to be renewed and I wanted a 5 year DL. Local LTO said impossible, provincial capital LTO said local should do it but when local LTO refused again (despite calls between the two offices discussing), the provincial capital LTO did it.

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21 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:


A IDP is certainly not required to drive in the UK, as a Thai licence is printed in English.  Not so sure about all countries in Europe though.

Rented the car and drove in Czech Republic, then Germany, Austria with no issues. Then again, no accidents, driving tickets, etc. Same ha been true with use on my Kentucky Driver's License previous to getting my Thai license.

Edited by Wrwest
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Every country roung ye olde globe make IDPs available via their respective Automobile Associations, so don't waste yur time going to your DLTs or DMVs... 

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  • 7 months later...


This morning was told in Pattaya office to go to Chonburi office (as some said above)..

Do I need a residence certificate from immigration or not ? Then one girl told me it would be valid one year, the other girl said it would be valid till my 5 years Thai driving license ends (2027)

Can anyone confirm those 2 points please

Have a good day 

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