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Inside Biden's Border Crisis: Dysfunction, In-Fighting, and Policy Shifts

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President Biden's handling of the border crisis has been marked by internal turmoil, policy reversals, and growing political pressure. A previously unreported meeting aboard Air Force One in January 2023 highlights the administration's struggle with the complex issue of immigration, characterized by infighting and indecision.


The meeting, where Biden vented frustration at his team's inability to provide obscure immigration data, underscores the challenges faced by his administration in addressing the border crisis. Despite White House claims of productivity, insiders reveal a different picture of internal discord and disjointed decision-making.


While external factors like global calamities and decades of congressional inaction contribute to the crisis, the Biden administration's response has been marred by bureaucratic inertia and conflicting ideologies. The lack of clear ownership of the issue within the administration has hindered a coordinated response, with some officials avoiding responsibility for the politically contentious matter.




Vice President Kamala Harris's role in addressing the root causes of migration from Central America has been criticized as ineffective, leaving a leadership vacuum in the administration's approach to the crisis. Meanwhile, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan's delegation of border issues to inexperienced personnel reflects a disjointed strategy that has struggled to address the evolving challenges at the border.


Internal divisions within the White House and the Democratic Party further complicate efforts to formulate a coherent border policy. Conflicting priorities between punitive measures and humanitarian reforms have led to contradictory actions, exacerbating the crisis and undermining public confidence in the administration's approach.


The administration's initial reluctance to acknowledge the severity of the crisis and its limited public engagement on immigration issues have allowed criticism to flourish, contributing to a perception of incompetence and disarray. While President Biden has shown personal engagement on the issue, internal conflicts and missteps continue to hamper efforts to effectively address the border crisis.


As the administration grapples with mounting pressure and scrutiny, the path forward remains uncertain. The border crisis represents a significant challenge for the Biden administration, testing its ability to navigate complex policy issues and political realities in a deeply polarized environment.






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Article making mountains out of molehills. Just a functional meeting on important policies having multiple persons giving their inputs and disagreeing with their views of the matter rather than having one person to solve the problem and enervating oppositions. 

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6 minutes ago, gargamon said:

Wow. Where do you get this nonsense? It was the Repugnicans that insisted the bilateral support that existed for support for Ukraine and Israel would not go forward without support for the border package.


Nope, the republicans wanted only Israel included in the bill.


Biden promised to veto the bill if it was Israel only, and insisted on Ukraine to be included

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13 minutes ago, BenStark said:


Nope, the republicans wanted only Israel included in the bill.


Biden promised to veto the bill if it was Israel only, and insisted on Ukraine to be included

See the Lindsay Graham quote just above this post of yours.

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1 hour ago, gargamon said:

You should change the title to “Trump's border crisis“. There was a solution close to being signed into law that Trump killed. You kill the solution, you own the problem. 


You mean the solution that codified 5000 illegal entries a day?  That's 1.8 million a year.


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2 hours ago, impulse said:


You mean the solution that codified 5000 illegal entries a day?  That's 1.8 million a year.


It does not codify allowing 5000 illegal entries per day, it sets an obligation to the Govt for it to shut down the border if there are 5,000 per day rolling average over a week or 8500 in one day.

Senate Border Security Bill Text Explained—Five Key Takeaways (newsweek.com)

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2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Talking about putting his fat finger on the scale, Maga Mike Johnson in his first week as Speaker welcome a fresh Ukraine aid package linked to US border security. When the fat fingers hit the scale, he did a 360 and pronounced the bi-partisan bill dead on arrival even without reading the bill. Trump is the problem for the border crisis. 

Mike  ""donnies not calling the shots"Johnson that fake Christian who hasn't done a damn thing for the American people that guy?  R's are so concerned about protecting the border they didn't pass the bill to protect the border.

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2 hours ago, gargamon said:

Bad memory huh? The twitter blurb you posted is from after Trump effectively killed the bill. The Graham quote above in question was the Republican position before Trump put his fat finger on the scale.

Graham talking about thinking outside the box is pathetic.

Definitely an unarmed opponent. No memory, no logic, no understanding of the big picture. 


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3 hours ago, gargamon said:

Wow. Where do you get this nonsense? It was the Republicans that insisted the bilateral support that existed for support for Ukraine and Israel would not go forward without support for the border package. When the requested package was almost ready Trump had his brown shirts kill it.


It's so unfulfilling arguing with these MAGA rubes. They have no memory of what happened last week. It's a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. 

I think it is more than that for some of them they reflect the R /Maga mindset .  Unfortunately, many Americans follow suit. It's the same thing they did with Kerry ,Obama ,Hillary and Biden.Constantly and consistently lie ,vow to never to do anything to help the Democratic President  (remember when Christie thanked Obama for the hurricane help)  give no credit or assistance even when the President is responding to attacks.They are anti-Democracy they DGAF about America only staying in power.   Complain about the border and then their master says no they say no.they are moral cowards. The American economy has the best recovery of any country since covid   -Biden .  The only thing they had left to attack was the border now they need something else  ; enter Hur in the spirit of swift boating ,Benghazi, emails -let's attack Joe's age   and it is working .Yet the other guy is constantly babbling nonsense ,is a rapist ,a seditionist and a traitor.  Imagine if he was a Democrat the R's would have a field day. He didn't have evidence to prosecute   but that wasn't enough he went on to characterize a man that couldn't remember specific dates from 14 years ago as senile.  however his candidate yes he was appointed by drumpf  doesn't even know what city he is in or who the Speaker of the House was on 1/6/21 the day he incited an insurrection and did nothing to protect  the Capitol .Imagine that we have people supporting a person fro president that orchestrated an attack on US soil and he's still walking around free but We hear more about Biden's age.  Americans (many)  are bigoted ,misinformed , selfish hypocrites.  Sad

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44 minutes ago, animalmagic said:

It does not codify allowing 5000 illegal entries per day, it sets an obligation to the Govt for it to shut down the border if there are 5,000 per day rolling average over a week or 8500 in one day.

Senate Border Security Bill Text Explained—Five Key Takeaways (newsweek.com)


So as long as there's only 4,999 a day, it's all good.  You figure the cartels couldn't brain through that one out in a New York minute?


Edited by impulse
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10 hours ago, impulse said:

The truly sad thing is that they don't care about the immense cost, the crime, the devastating effect on inner cities, the fentanyl deaths, the human trafficking, or the 5th columns sneaking in.  All they care about is how it will affect the election. 


Votes and donations and optics are their goal, no matter how much they have to damage the country to get them.  And it's not just the Dems.



Not just the Democrats ... bit of an understatement. The Republicans insisted that immigration must be addressed and the House passed a bill. That Bill, was known to be extreme and a nonstarter with the US Senate. Bowing to Republican demands, a Senate bipartisan Security Bill was drafted with the support from both parties. Enter "The Donald" publicly stating that the Republicans should pass no such nonpartisan Bill as immigration/border issues is a weak point for the current administration and he wants to use that issue to run for President as the Republican Party Nominee. Most Americans definitely agree with Congressional representatives of both parties that immigration law needs revising. We would agree that both USA political parties have kicked the issue down the road for decades (almost as complicated an issue and fraught with potential unintended consequences as addressing Social Security).

Edited by Wrwest
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9 hours ago, Tug said:

Ahh no in our system of government the legislature gets together and hashes out a solution that was done .then citizen trump said no he needs something heck anything to attack Biden with and the spineless republicans whimpered soiled themselves and betrayed what they have been harping about.Its  now officially DONALD JHON TRUMPS border crisis hope that helps keep it up Donnie even the most obtuse of your base are starting to get it!

We can only hope for a massive turn out for the general election. If an overwhelming number of American citizen voters turnout, Trump and the current Republican Party will be soundly defeated. Oh, the dedicate MAGA types will turn out but their numbers can be overcome by the majority rejecting The Donald. Many of us would rather have seen a different contest but ... here we are currently. I do fear folks being so discouraged that they do not bother to vote. Too many times in history a vocal, dedicated minority has come to authoritarian power in such a case.

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1 hour ago, biggles45 said:

There is no border crisis. The White House, the President, Myorkas and most of the media have said so  repeatedly  for a long time. The border is secure, read my lips. 

It was not necessary to introduce new legislation as the crisis was invented by Republicans to distract from Bidens achievements. 

Cute, but the reality is that most recognize that there is, in fact, a critical immigration issue that has been kicked down the road by both parties for decades. That is why we agree with the Republican Party, which long ago stated there was a need for new law. We looked forward to the addressing of the issue, and were very encouraged that Republicans and Democrats were proposing a bipartisan Bill (supported by membership of 18,000 border patrol officers). And then ... the apparent Republican Party future nominee declared Republican congressional representatives are not to support ...

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