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Thaivisa Cliches

November Rain

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If all else fails, blame kayo !
This post has been edited by kayo. OK I own up, I am the anti-everything. But I do have a dimple. Today 2017-07-17 23:04:43

This post was funded by the "Blame kayo for Everything Foundation", a non-profit organization dedicated to proving that everything bad that has ever happened is kayo's fault. Please support this worthwhile organization by adding your 2 satangs worth of opinions.

I must stop using smilies! :o

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i personally am very interested in the price of electricity as mine has doubled in the last 6 months. I suspect that someone is piggy backing off my line. it is very a very common scam here.

I hate posters who bring a serious subject into the middle of an otherwise light-hearted thread. :o

(Turn all electrical appliances off, trip off all your circuit breakers, etc. and see if your meter is still going around. Sorry, back to to the silly stuff...)

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It seems like many of the same subjects come up again & again, on TV, in one guise or another, which is predictable, if you think about it, as we have many similar experiences or questions.

But are there any thread subjects or responses that members come out with, time after time, that make you angry? Or want to throw your hands up in despair?

Please don't mention any particular member or thread, just the cliche.

Mine are: All Thai men are lazy, alcoholic wasters. (Oh, and cowards - forgot that one!)

If you don't like it, go home.

Any thread that stereotypes women (of any nationality)

So, anyone else bothered by any TV cliches? :o

Makes me angry that you've taken the time to post crap like this. Maybe you have to be in the click.

As with all threads, you don't need to read them, and you certainly don't need to lower yourself to respond to anything you consider to be "crap". I've found that if a member whose views or attitude I dislike starts a thread, it's often a good rule of thumb not to even bother reading it. Saves me from getting "angry", like you profess to be. Have a nice day. :D

Makes me angry that people rush to the defend something so tria. The OP ask for opinions and i gave it. I'm not offend the OP directly.

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Makes me angry that you've taken the time to post crap like this. Maybe you have to be in the click.

you mean the clique?

and the best way to join the clique is to post 15 posts a day. i'm told a smiley goes a long way too, though i have no intention of ever using one.

Thank you four the correxion. Clique

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It seems like many of the same subjects come up again & again, on TV, in one guise or another, which is predictable, if you think about it, as we have many similar experiences or questions.

But are there any thread subjects or responses that members come out with, time after time, that make you angry? Or want to throw your hands up in despair?

Please don't mention any particular member or thread, just the cliche.

Mine are: All Thai men are lazy, alcoholic wasters. (Oh, and cowards - forgot that one!)

If you don't like it, go home.

Any thread that stereotypes women (of any nationality)

So, anyone else bothered by any TV cliches? :o

My pet hate cliche is threads that talk about the Thaivisa forum.

Hey, does it really matter?!

Andrew Hicks

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i personally am very interested in the price of electricity as mine has doubled in the last 6 months. I suspect that someone is piggy backing off my line. it is very a very common scam here.

I hate posters who bring a serious subject into the middle of an otherwise light-hearted thread. :o

(Turn all electrical appliances off, trip off all your circuit breakers, etc. and see if your meter is still going around. Sorry, back to to the silly stuff...)

if you hadn't just received an irony bypass you might have noticed i did everything the previous poster disliked.

Posters who believe that anyone is interested in how much they pay for electricity.

Posters who believe that every glance, every mistake, every slight, constitutes a "scam".

Posters who deny a characteristic, and then reinforce it with the next sentence. For example, "I'm no homophobe, but queers make me sick." Or, "I'm no pedophile, but I think 13 year old women are at their sexual maturity."

mr hicks,

for someone who had a little bit of a whinge in one of his last few posts, you certainly seem to be spoiling for it.

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i personally am very interested in the price of electricity as mine has doubled in the last 6 months. I suspect that someone is piggy backing off my line. it is very a very common scam here.

I hate posters who bring a serious subject into the middle of an otherwise light-hearted thread. :o

(Turn all electrical appliances off, trip off all your circuit breakers, etc. and see if your meter is still going around. Sorry, back to to the silly stuff...)

if you hadn't just received an irony bypass you might have noticed i did everything the previous poster disliked.

Posters who believe that anyone is interested in how much they pay for electricity.

Posters who believe that every glance, every mistake, every slight, constitutes a "scam".

Posters who deny a characteristic, and then reinforce it with the next sentence. For example, "I'm no homophobe, but queers make me sick." Or, "I'm no pedophile, but I think 13 year old women are at their sexual maturity."

mr hicks,

for someone who had a little bit of a whinge in one of his last few posts, you certainly seem to be spoiling for it.

You see, I hate threads talking about the Thaivisa forum because they get up my nose so much that I hen can't help posting a whinge or two!

It's what the forum's for surely... having a b..... good whinge.

Read all about it on Thaivisa in my article titled, "An Expat Expatiates" on my blog, 'You Can Score on Route 24!' (Yes, you can click on 'blogs' at the top of the page to find them and some of them are excellent reading.)

Choke dee!

Andrew Hicks

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It seems like many of the same subjects come up again & again, on TV, in one guise or another, which is predictable, if you think about it, as we have many similar experiences or questions.

But are there any thread subjects or responses that members come out with, time after time, that make you angry? Or want to throw your hands up in despair?

Please don't mention any particular member or thread, just the cliche.

Mine are: All Thai men are lazy, alcoholic wasters. (Oh, and cowards - forgot that one!)

If you don't like it, go home.

Any thread that stereotypes women (of any nationality)

So, anyone else bothered by any TV cliches? :o

Makes me angry that you've taken the time to post crap like this. Maybe you have to be in the click.

As with all threads, you don't need to read them, and you certainly don't need to lower yourself to respond to anything you consider to be "crap". I've found that if a member whose views or attitude I dislike starts a thread, it's often a good rule of thumb not to even bother reading it. Saves me from getting "angry", like you profess to be. Have a nice day. :bah:

Makes me angry that people rush to the defend something so tria. The OP ask for opinions and i gave it. I'm not offend the OP directly.

eeeerrrrmmm - I am the OP & telling me I write crap seemed as if you were trying to offend me. I apologise for obviously misunderstanding that to offend wasn't your intention!?! I think? :D:D

BTW, Mr Hicks. Nice to see you back. :D Just one small point - we already know you use your real name; you told us last time you honoured us with your presence. No need to repeat it; most of us do have an attention span longer than that of a goldfish :bah::D

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There are many versions of football played in most countries on earth. Football is the generic term used by all.

What gets up my nose are posters who get incensed if someone refers to their version of football as soccer.

Rather than just accept that people from countries where it is not the main sport, identify it in this way to separate it from their own favorite football code, they take it as some sort of insult and react in extraordinary ways.

The term soccer was (and is) used right though the sport from the World Cup down to basic club level.

The attempts to boycott the word football for their own version of it, and attack others who use it outside of their context, gets up my nose.

Edited by Old Croc
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I'm generally pleased with this forum and appreciate lengthy discussions of all sides of issues and the great informaions that can be found here. I stopped by another forum the other day and was amazed at it's uselessness. I now refer to that other forum as the one liner forum. Try getting any benefit out of threads full of posts of a few words each. LOL

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There are many versions of football played in most countries on earth. Football is the generic term used by all.

What gets up my nose are posters who get incensed if someone refers to their version of football as soccer.

Rather than just accept that people from countries where it is not the main sport, identify it in this way to separate it from their own favorite football code, they take it as some sort of insult and react in extraordinary ways.

The term soccer was (and is) used right though the sport from the World Cup down to basic club level.

The attempts to boycott the word football for their own version of it, and attack others who use it outside of their context, gets up my nose.

On that subject, I was watching a concert on DVD of Roger Hodgson (lead singer of Supertramp) as a solo artist. I was surprised when and Argentine fan tossed a football jersey on stage and Hodgson picks it up and says "Is this your soccer team?". Hodgson is a Brit through and through. Go figure

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It seems like many of the same subjects come up again & again, on TV, in one guise or another, which is predictable, if you think about it, as we have many similar experiences or questions.

But are there any thread subjects or responses that members come out with, time after time, that make you angry? Or want to throw your hands up in despair?

Please don't mention any particular member or thread, just the cliche.

Mine are: All Thai men are lazy, alcoholic wasters. (Oh, and cowards - forgot that one!)

If you don't like it, go home.

Any thread that stereotypes women (of any nationality)

So, anyone else bothered by any TV cliches? :o

Makes me angry that you've taken the time to post crap like this. Maybe you have to be in the click.

As with all threads, you don't need to read them, and you certainly don't need to lower yourself to respond to anything you consider to be "crap". I've found that if a member whose views or attitude I dislike starts a thread, it's often a good rule of thumb not to even bother reading it. Saves me from getting "angry", like you profess to be. Have a nice day. :bah:

Makes me angry that people rush to the defend something so tria. The OP ask for opinions and i gave it. I'm not offend the OP directly.

eeeerrrrmmm - I am the OP & telling me I write crap seemed as if you were trying to offend me. I apologise for obviously misunderstanding that to offend wasn't your intention!?! I think? :D:D

BTW, Mr Hicks. Nice to see you back. :D Just one small point - we already know you use your real name; you told us last time you honoured us with your presence. No need to repeat it; most of us do have an attention span longer than that of a goldfish :bah::D

For the attention of 'Ms. Rain'. (I assume it's your real name.)

"There's more than one goldfish in the goldfish bowl."

Saying of the Chinese sage and philosopher and sage known in the West as Confucius.

Best wishes,


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When people ask questions about cashing travellers Cheques and peope say "you don't need them and you only need a card"

Hey some of us like the security T/C's give you and don't want to use an ATM.

The other is "it's never happened to me" answer.

Just because something hasn't happened to you personally doesn't mean it doesn't happen. :o

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People who post song lyrics instead of responses.

Okay, you asked for this one:

Get a haircut and get a real job... :o

i was looking for a job and then i found a job and heaven knows i'm miserable now.....

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