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dog walkers

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What net citizens ... not Thais, as I've yet to see anyone pick up after the dog, myself inclusive.   But I don't live in urban area, and she won't do her business on walkways.   Of course, I drove her to the park (prior house), so not to drop any land mines on neighbor's property, as simply rude.


But at the park, on Vit D run, land mines placed on non-walked areas, away from walkways & excesice equip....


& it's free grass food, or locally, down from the house, (present), along roadway with no houses.

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13 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

I live in the countryside and there lots and lots of dogs. But no dog walkers. All the dogs in the village, 30, 40, maybe more are free to roam. And just like @KhunLA says, the dogs will always make their deposits very discreetly, never on the roads. I walk every day but I never encounter dog poo and I doubt if any Thai would consider removing it if they did. They don't even clean up buffalo dung for heaven's sake!


This doesn't answer @stoner's issue of course, but it does at least indicate the type of society that we're dealing with here. Scooping up after ones mutt is a fairly recent western construct, which I doubt will ever catch on here.

To add to my previous ... my dog is always on a leash, as too damn stupid to not get run over, or chase after anything moving in the grass.  Even caught a pigeon at the park, though did drop it, when I told her to, and it flew off, seemingly no worse from the taste test. 


She did a taste test on a cane toad the other day, dumb ass ... so wife spent a bit of time wiping her mouth out.  I wasn't with her and it was in the yard, as she knows to avoid them, if I'm there, or a swift kick will follow with any thought of disturbing a toad.  "NO, don't even think about it" usually works.

Edited by KhunLA
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19 minutes ago, Etaoin Shrdlu said:

In the mooban I live in, there are basically four types of dog owners.


The first type is the owner that never walks his dog or dogs. There are many of these, including at least one that doesn't let their dogs out of their house. This owner has at least four, but they are small dogs. There is also one family that has six huskies that spend almost all of their time in the house or yard. Instead of walking their dogs, they put them in their car and drive around the mooban with the windows down. I'm not kidding.


The second type, of which there is really only one or two, walks their dog, but does not pick up the dog's poop. Everyone knows who they are, but this being Thailand nobody says anything.


The third type picks up after their dog and advertises this by visibly carrying one or two plastic bags. This is the majority and I am in this group.


The fourth type not only carries a plastic bag to pick up the poop, but also carries a bottle of water to dilute the dog's pee. There is only one of this type of owner in our mooban. This is a Thai that has lived in the US and probably picked up this practice there.



great post. 


how much is that husky in the window ? ruff ruff

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49 minutes ago, Etaoin Shrdlu said:

they put them in their car and drive around the mooban with the windows down. I

Are they $hitting inside the car?

Edited by Ben Zioner
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44 minutes ago, stoner said:


i come across new landmines in my village almost daily. many on the pavement too. 

Rural village or or an estate type village?

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11 hours ago, proton said:

Not my dogs, never had one, filthy beasts

So would you be if not looked after properly and trained from an early age.☺️

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Seen two people in my moobahn walk their dogs on a lead (+ 1 cat ! ), one is an overweight Beagle who gets a brisk walk/jog most evenings , the owner carries bags and a bottle of water to wash down any car wheels used as a toilet. The other just uses the facilities/bushes close to his house, don’t think he picks up.

Don’t get stray dogs in the moobahn but have seen a couple of turds in the road , one right outside our house this week, suspect someone’s dog escaped for a break or visitors thought it okay to let pooch relieve himself anywhere.

Our neighbour had an old “ Golden “ for many years, the owners worked every day and Goldie would attempt to cover the carport floor every day, don’t know what he was eating but the stink was atrocious.

I would love to have dogs but don’t think my circumstances are suitable , if I lived in the sticks i would have a handful for sure. Currently have to get my dog fix with the mil’s 5 “ outside “ dogs ( not sure where they do their business, never seen any) or walking Toby, my daughter’s dog, twice a day when i visit next month.


Even in the U.K. there’s lots of offenders despite warnings of fines and abuse from passers by if you fail to pick up but the moorland area near my hometown is disgusting, a council bin reserved for dog waste rarely gets emptied causing big overflows and often see bags hanging from trees or bushes, locals reporting tired of having bags thrown over their garden walls.


Thankfully ( not for the dog's sake ) Thai are not in the habit of exercising their dogs, imagine the mess if they did walk them religiously !!, I suspect the number who pick up would be very small.


Only my opinion but dogs in moobahns are not practical, unless they are small like Yorkies or Frenchies  or bigger breeds are exercised regularly, picking up after them of course.

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34 minutes ago, Gsxrnz said:

Single use plastic bags and canine excrement- it's a conundrum.:coffee1:

Especially as excrement deposited in the right place, as dogs will do if they have the freedom to, actually benefits the environment.


Crap has been fertilizing the planet for millions of years.

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2 hours ago, Surasak said:

So would you be if not looked after properly and trained from an early age.☺️


If dogs are so great and mans best friend why do they need training at all? is it because without training they are even more nasty, violent and badly behaved? You dont have to train a cat so why train a dog if it's a domesticated animal. They are pathetically dependent pests and by nature very unpleasant to have around.

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1 hour ago, Gsxrnz said:

Single use plastic bags and canine excrement- it's a conundrum.:coffee1:


you could always go with the old style like they used for diapers. 

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16 hours ago, KhunLA said:

What net citizens ... not Thais, as I've yet to see anyone pick up after the dog, myself inclusive.   But I don't live in urban area, and she won't do her business on walkways.   Of course, I drove her to the park (prior house), so not to drop any land mines on neighbor's property, as simply rude.


But at the park, on Vit D run, land mines placed on non-walked areas, away from walkways & excesice equip....


& it's free grass food, or locally, down from the house, (present), along roadway with no houses.

It maybe Free Fertilizer but  Dog poop contains bacteria and parasites that can compromise the health of any individual. Bacteria such as E. Coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacteria can be found in a pile of dog waste.

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4 minutes ago, stoner said:
14 hours ago, Moonlover said:

Rural village or or an estate type village?



4 minutes ago, stoner said:


near robinson phuket.

I have no idea where Robinson, Phuket is.

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3 minutes ago, digger70 said:

It maybe Free Fertilizer but  Dog poop contains bacteria and parasites that can compromise the health of any individual. Bacteria such as E. Coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacteria can be found in a pile of dog waste.

So it's best left well alone isn't it. Left to their own devices and in a suitable environment, dogs will poop discreetly, therefor mankind has no need to worry about it. As I've already said we do not have a dog poop problem at all in our rural village. It's the modern environment that has screwed up the man/dog relationship.

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We live in bass-ackward times.

Plastic bags are deemed bad for carrying your shopping home and reusing them but it is perfectly OK, and expected, to have to purchase plastic bags to pick up dogs excrement preserving it in a plastic grave which will be buried in a landfill and remain entombed for years, which if left alone would return to the earth within a few days at most.

Further proof of the lack of sense any of this makes, is the fact that people get so bent out of shape when they see dog feces but aren't bothered in the slightest with the septic waste (human excrement) from every house in the city draining into the street drains, which often flood and spreads nasty bacteria and smells, and in some villages, like the one I reside in Bangkok, the garden team uses the water from the street drains to water the public area gardens and parks where the children play and the dogs are walked.

Many things in the world we now live in are laughable due to the lack of logic applied and misguided "outrage"... 😂🤦‍♂️

Waiting for the outrage to come regarding how vile bird poop is and what over-the-top "solutions" will be devised. 😂

It's often best to just sit back and just smile at all the absurdity instead of trying to make any sense of it all. 😊

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3 hours ago, proton said:


If dogs are so great and mans best friend why do they need training at all? is it because without training they are even more nasty, violent and badly behaved? You dont have to train a cat so why train a dog if it's a domesticated animal. They are pathetically dependent pests and by nature very unpleasant to have around.

Not such a very nice thing to say about an animal that would lay down its life without hesitation, had you treated it as a friend and looked after it. But then, think also about your own first ten years of life? How do you think you would have developed without someone to train and care for you? Or did they!!!???

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27 minutes ago, Surasak said:

Not such a very nice thing to say about an animal that would lay down its life without hesitation, had you treated it as a friend and looked after it. But then, think also about your own first ten years of life? How do you think you would have developed without someone to train and care for you? Or did they!!!???


More likely to attack a kid or an old person if they got the chance than lay down their life for you, we see plenty of the former but next to nothing of the latter. So you are claiming people are no better than dogs? Dog owners probably.

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7 minutes ago, proton said:


More likely to attack a kid or an old person if they got the chance than lay down their life for you, we see plenty of the former but next to nothing of the latter. So you are claiming people are no better than dogs? Dog owners probably.

Not claiming at all that people are no better than dogs, more the other way about. Most THAI people only keep a dog as an alarm, they have no idea of a dogs true worth. As said, look after a dog and the dog will look after you. But obviously your narrow minded view cannot grasp this fact. So, I have to assume, like most Thai's you are scared of dogs because you don't understand them.

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5 hours ago, proton said:

If dogs are so great and mans best friend why do they need training at all? is it because without training they are even more nasty, violent and badly behaved?

That is complete nonsense. As I've previously mentioned, I live in a village with 40 or more dogs roaming free. Not one of those dogs has ever been trained to 'behave correctly' within the community and yet there hasn't been a single incident where anyone has been harmed by a dog. And I've lived here now for 8 years, almost the lifespan of many dogs. 


Dogs behave badly when they're treated badly and every incident that I have read about on this forum has involved dogs that been mistreated, usually by caging them or chaining them, thus preventing them from following their natural instinct to interact with humans.

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7 hours ago, Moonlover said:

Especially as excrement deposited in the right place, as dogs will do if they have the freedom to, actually benefits the environment.


Crap has been fertilizing the planet for millions of years.

So say the the dog owners, making "anti social dog owner" a pleonasm.

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