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I grew up in a 99% Jewish neighborhood! Did you?

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1 hour ago, AustinRacing said:

This guy must spend all day thinking about what he can write about on this forum. Often nonsense 😂😂😂😂

You aren't required to read it.

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2 hours ago, bradiston said:

If you knew what you were talking about, you'd know there are, or were, many many Jewish cabbies in London. They virtually created the trade. I was a beneficiary, and I've always felt grateful to them.


I also worked for a Jewish high end antiquarian book dealer in Mayfair for 7 years. A great guy, full of humour. Dealt with millionaires and billionaires. What's best about Jewish humour is the ability to laugh at themselves IMHO. But Israel's another matter altogether. I was also a postie in Golders Green, and saw both ends of the spectrum. The rich and famous and the orthodox poor. Was asked on more than one occasion to turn a light off on the Sabbath. Respect, you have to have it. Good for the soul.



Diaspora and Israeli Jewish humor are very very different! Diaspora Jewish humor is much better.

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I think there really is something real about humor being a very significant part of at least diaspora Jewish culture.


A personal anecdote. In my pre bar mitzvah age years I did attend a part time Jewish school in addition to regular school. We had assigned an end of term project. My friend group there produced a wild satirical romp with no religious content (but there was lots of Jewish cultural stuff). There was no scandal. It was well received  Would such a project have been encouraged in a Catholic school?

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3 hours ago, BangkokHank said:

So you're saying that it's not a good time to post anything about Jews while they are committing genocide? To me, this is exactly the right time to call attention to Jews and their crimes. Hint: Your people have not been despised everywhere they have settled since the beginning of time for winning too many Nobel Prizes or for making too many contributions to society.

Haters gonna hate.

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5 hours ago, Sigmund said:

Tried to be friends and all nice for a start but does not last because at the end of the day they prefer only to mingle amongst themselves. Fine for me. No problem.

Bigotted garbage.

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4 hours ago, wombat said:

My dad always complained how tight the neighbor's were...maybe he wasn't talking about the wives?

Growing up it was hurtful to hear such racist Jews are cheap jokes from non Jews that didn't know my identity.

It gave me a complex to the point that I wouldn't pick up a dropped coin even a quarter which actually had some value back then. This understandably made my Dad angry as it looked like I was spoiled and didn't appreciate the value of money. He was right as he grew up in the depression with a Dad that couldn't support him so he had to move from a city to a farm just to eat.


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5 hours ago, scorecard said:

I'm confused Jingthing:

- Are you expanding my comment?


- Are you suggesting something else?


I would certainly agree there's arrogant people everywhere / every society / every sub group and just individuals.



You're not confused.

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Regarding the similarity between Asian cultures and the Jewish culture,  there actually is a book entitled something like “The Japanese and the Jews.”  You can search for it on Amazon.  

There are many cultures that claim exclusivity.  If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be distinct cultures.  

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I guess I had yellow fever from the get go.

In my junior high school there were only three Asians, believe it or not, different times.

A Japanese girl, a Taiwanese boy, and a half white Japanese boy.

That's right no Filipinos and no Indians though Americans back then didn't register Indians as Asian. Certainly no Thais or Vietnamese, etc.

They were all among my best friends.

Coincidence I think not.

Happily nobody accused me of having an Asian  fetish though there was a funny story with the Japanese girl. She figured out that I was gay before I did! 

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On 3/25/2024 at 6:17 AM, Jingthing said:

Therefore all Jews are arrogant and no non-Jews are arrogant.

Got it.


All (most) humor is culturally based.

Much of Jewish Humor (NOT Jewish jokes) is not so easy to understand if one is not part of the culture.

This has NOTHING to do with any form of arrogance, as I am sure you realize.


I did not post some of the better examples of Jewish Humor, although I might....



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This topic is just about dead but one thing wasnt mentioned  much, except Jak reminded JingThing:-

"I can only guess it's because you believe you are from Jewish race of people. But I don't think genetically there is a Jewish race...like there is African, Asian, etc."


On my pilgrimage to Israel, the splendidly dressed, tall, back, lovely, Ethiopian Jews stood out, graciously walking the paths where other nationalities of the Jewish faith also walked.


"The Earth is but one country"   from the Bahai faith. Just threw that in to think about.


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37 minutes ago, Jing Joe said:

This topic is just about dead but one thing wasnt mentioned  much, except Jak reminded JingThing:-

"I can only guess it's because you believe you are from Jewish race of people. But I don't think genetically there is a Jewish race...like there is African, Asian, etc."


On my pilgrimage to Israel, the splendidly dressed, tall, back, lovely, Ethiopian Jews stood out, graciously walking the paths where other nationalities of the Jewish faith also walked.


"The Earth is but one country"   from the Bahai faith. Just threw that in to think about.



Ethiopian Jews like Chinese Jews which I did mention are minority ethnicities that vary from the vast majority of Jews such as Ashkenazim and Mizrahim/Sephardic.

Obviously non Jewish converts don't have Jewish ethnicity either.

As said there is only one race the human race.

But there are distinctive ethnicities.


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2 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:


All (most) humor is culturally based.

Much of Jewish Humor (NOT Jewish jokes) is not so easy to understand if one is not part of the culture.

This has NOTHING to do with any form of arrogance, as I am sure you realize.


I did not post some of the better examples of Jewish Humor, although I might....



I don't really get your classification boxes.

Are Mel Brooks movies which are widely popular Jewish humor?






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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I don't really get your classification boxes.

Are Mel Brooks movies which are widely popular Jewish humor?







Let me get back to you on this, ....


Mel Brooks is not what I had had in mind, originally.

Not even Zero Mostel, in fact.



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45 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


Let me get back to you on this, ....


Mel Brooks is not what I had had in mind, originally.

Not even Zero Mostel, in fact.



Obviously not!




Jewish jokes. They’re hilarious, heartfelt and sometimes just what the doctor ordered when we need a break from the sobering reality all around us. Luckily for us, there’s no shortage of Jewish comedians and quintessentially Jewish humor. Some of the most famous comedians of all time are Jewish, making fun of themselves in a relatable and self-deprecating way. Here is a roundup of some of the best Jewish jokes from some of your all-time favorite Jewish comedians.

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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Obviously not!




Jewish jokes. They’re hilarious, heartfelt and sometimes just what the doctor ordered when we need a break from the sobering reality all around us. Luckily for us, there’s no shortage of Jewish comedians and quintessentially Jewish humor. Some of the most famous comedians of all time are Jewish, making fun of themselves in a relatable and self-deprecating way. Here is a roundup of some of the best Jewish jokes from some of your all-time favorite Jewish comedians.









Who could ask for more?


(And, that guy, Mr. TNT, Timmy, thinks he knows what IRONY might be?  And, he thinks that Americans might not know?  This guy deserves a lesson in attitude!  He has not a clue about irony, obviously.)


Such a wingnut.



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On 3/24/2024 at 2:42 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

My Dear Gentile Friends:


Maybe you wonder why I seem so ....

Out of Touch, at times, on this forum.


I think it must be that your sense of humor and mine...might....

Not be the same.


Jewish humor is something to be savored, and also something that most gentiles cannot appreciate.


This is not my fault.

I am a product of my upbringing.


Also, I have spent most of my adult years in Asia.

Therefore, unlike most of you, I see the world from a different perspective, and ... NOT....from the perspective of....a....

Cabby in London.


Would I trade my early years for anything?


I would not.


I love the fact that I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood, and I would not have it any other way.


So, then....


Does anyone here know any good Jewish Jokes?


And, do you even know what Jewish humor might be?


Jewish humor is like fine wine......

And most cannot truly appreciate it, if one is a gentile....


Here is just one example:




But, NO, the above is NOT, anywhere NEAR, the best example of Jewish humor.


Maybe I will add a few Jewish Jokes...below,....

When I am ready.


Growing up in a Jewish neighborhood, being one of the sole surviving gentiles is my principle claim to fame.


I would not have had it any other way.


I am grateful for this.


Now, I guess, you know a bit more about me.


And, also, you might know, now, why I stick out like a sore thumb, too....because...

I know you care about this.





Note:  I bet that you might not know just how much an Asian neighborhood and a Jewish neighborhood might share in common.  


Please remind me to tell you, sometime....





Aberdonians have a reputation for being tight-fisted, but can't remember any Jewish people.  

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Please do not post large amounts of content from other sources. A few lines and a link to its source is the correct format.

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On 3/25/2024 at 3:30 AM, Jingthing said:

You can't make yourself another ethnicity. Your ethnicity is determined at birth. You could immerse yourself in Jewish culture I suppose. You could also convert but Jews do not proselytize and it's a lot of work. Again very different than Christianity and Islam.


As far as your snide make yourself feel special remark I'm not interested in arguing with you but with the highest level of Jew hatred I've seen in my lifetime I'm sure that choosing to identify as a Jew when you're not a Jew is not going to be at all popular.

What a bigoted and raciest comment. 


I, as a transracial person, now identify as Jewish, and I ask you to please respect and accept me as a Jew. 


Ethnicity and race has no genetic basis.  It's a social concept.  







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54 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

What a bigoted and raciest comment. 


I, as a transracial person, now identify as Jewish, and I ask you to please respect and accept me as a Jew. 


Ethnicity and race has no genetic basis.  It's a social concept.  







You completely misinterpreted that.

If you consider yourself a Jew of course you're a Jew regardless.

I assume that you mean that you practice the Jewish religion at some level.

Jewish is both a religion and an ethnicity.

You don’t need both to be a Jew. One or the other or both. Or mixed ethnicity of course.


I also never said you need to be one of the typical Jewish ethnicities to be a Jew.

Bur if you are not Ashkenazi ethnicity for example you're just not and you can never be just the same I can't be an ethnic Pacific Islander.

I said multiple times that race doesn't exist but its a social construct and as we are social animals that's not trivial.

Ethnicity on the other hand is real.


Again as an example Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity genetics.




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