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Health insurance and the small claims court

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I have problems with a thailand health insurance company. I want to start a case in the small claims court. In England the court requires the plaintiff to name a dept and/or a member of staff when lodging the case with the court. I have asked the health insurance company for details of lawyers/members of their staff who deal with legal matters, but they have ignored said requests. Therefore the only name i have is that of the sales rep who ignored my complaint letters sent to the health insurance offices in bangkok. 

  Is it OK to name a sales rep as the recipitant of the court papers

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I have a couple of questions:


Where were you when you purchased the insurance policy?

What address did you use on the proposal form?

Did you pay the premium with funds wired from the UK or with funds already in Thailand?

What does the policy say about governing law and jurisdiction?

Have you sought legal counsel in the UK? If so, what did they say about a court in the UK agreeing to have jurisdiction over this matter?


Depending upon your situation, you may have difficulty getting a court in the UK to accept your case due to jurisdictional issues. Your best remedy might be to lodge a complaint with the Office of the Insurance Commissioner here in Thailand.




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There is no small claims court in Thailand, you just go to the lowest (district) court which could be costly in money ant time 


your first port of call is the office of insurance commission, they have the power of the law in this matter and can force arbitration or judgement in this matter, o the sales rep's detail is not required but can be named in your complaint against the company

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Even if a court in the UK were to grant jurisdiction, you would have to re-litigate in Thailand, so there is no point in pursuing this in the UK if that was your intent.


As Digibeth has stated above, there is no small claims court in Thailand, so again, your best move is to contact the Office of the Insurance Commission and file a complaint.

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