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Survey: Pandemic fatigue and vaccine hesitancy continue to affect global public health

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COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy, October 2023

COVID-19 vaccine acceptance was defined as having received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy was defined as not having received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.



New 23-country study in Nature Medicine. Responses from 23,000 people point to need for more locally relevant communication strategies to increase vaccine confidence


While it found that global uptake of at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose was robust, a new survey published in Nature Medicine revealed mixed signals about the current acceptance of vaccines generally, especially COVID-19 boosters.  The new survey of 23,000 respondents from 23 countries representing more than 60% of the world’s population is the fourth in series of studies led annually since 2020 by a team from the City University of New York Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy (CUNY SPH).


Reported global uptake of at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose rose last year to 87.8%, as compared to 36.9% in 2021 and 70.4% in 2022. However, the intent to get a COVID-19 booster (71.6%) was lower compared to 2022 (87.9%).


“The SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to circulate and mutate,” says Ayman El-Mohandes, senior author and dean of CUNY SPH.  “Variant-adapted boosters are available, but public health statistics show that many older people and others who are at higher risk of severe disease and death have not accepted them.”


In addition, documented spillover effects on routine immunization raise the threat of the reemergence of other childhood and adult vaccine-preventable diseases. While just more than three respondents in five (60.8%) said that their experience with COVID-19 made them more willing to get vaccinated against other diseases other than COVID-19, almost a quarter (23.1%) reported greater reluctance to do so.






Influence of COVID-19 on trust in routine immunization, health information sources and pandemic preparedness in 23 countries in 2023


Vaccine hesitancy5, pandemic fatigue6 and vaccine fatigue, defined as the ‘inertia or inaction toward vaccine information or instruction due to perceived burden and burnout’7, continue to present challenges to vaccine uptake in 2023. Although COVID-19 has been deprioritized as a substantial public health threat since 2023, the virus strains continue to circulate and, in some settings, lead to new increases in hospitalization and intensive care unit admission1. The potential impact of vaccine hesitancy on confidence in booster doses remains substantial8. In addition, documented spillover effects on routine immunization pose a threat for the reemergence of some childhood and adult vaccine-preventable diseases9,10.


“I am more willing to get vaccinated against other disease (e g, flu, measles,viral hepatitis B)”



COVID-19 vaccine booster acceptance among those vaccinated decreased from 87.9% in 2022 to 71.6% in 2023 (P < 0.001) (Fig. 1b). This decrease was most profound in HICs [high income countries] (from 85.1% to 63.3%, P < 0.001), compared with MICs [middle income countries] (from 90.5% to 78.9%, P = 0.010).






2 hours ago, Red Phoenix said:

Pandemic fatigue and vaccine hesitancy continue to affect global public health

You forgot to add the word 'revenue' to the title...

Ditto. I love this.  The "vaccine" that doesn't stop transmission is affecting global public health.

:angry: "But it will keep you from getting hospitalized."

Bunk - I never got the shots and Covid was a 4 day mild flu.  If the "vaccine" was actually a "sterilizing vaccine" that stopped transmission there wouldn't be vaccine hesitancy.  Instead, people take the shots and get Covid once, then maybe get it again, and then are told - "See, it kept you out of the hospital."  What utterly flawed logic.

They started off in 2020 and 2021 by having world leaders tell the population that "If you get the shots you won't get Covid."  So people took the shot and -- got Covid.  So now there are a lot of people who feel they have been lied to.  And rightly so.

To the Op.  When they develop a sterilizing Covid vaccination (or sterilizing flu vaccination) that has long-term safety testing and is proven to stop transmission - I'll be first in line to take it.

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What the COVID vaccines could accomplish was mostly correctly reported by scientists and most public health agencies at various points during the pandemic (excluding some invariable politician overstatements and occasional mis-speaks by others).


But as the COVID variants evolved/changed thru the years, so did the performance of the vaccines against those variants (which eventually become more vaccine resistant/evasive), and thus so did the statements about the effectiveness of the vaccines. There's nothing new about that, as Yale Medicine recounts below:


"COVID-19 is now in its fifth year, and the subvariants of the Omicron strain, which first emerged in 2021, continue to drive infections in the United States. The good news is that vaccines are still expected to be effective at preventing severe disease, hospitalization, and death from COVID. "


In December 2020, Pfizer-BioNTech’s Phase 3 clinical data for its original vaccine showed 95% efficacy for preventing symptomatic COVID. Later data on real-world effectiveness for adults showed that the protection from the mRNA two-dose primary series waned over time, suggesting that updated vaccines would be needed to bring the immune system back to robust levels.


Moderna’s initial Phase 3 clinical data in December 2020 was similar to Pfizer-BioNTech’s—both vaccines showed about 95% efficacy for prevention of COVID. Later data on real-world effectiveness for adults showed that the protection from the mRNA two-dose primary series wanes over time, but booster doses brought the immune system back to robust levels.




What anti-vaxers (probably deliberately) refuse to recognize is that COVID and its variants didn't stay static over the past 4+ years, thus nor did the corresponding advice and statements made by public health officials at varying points in time.


Things were constantly evolving, just as the vaccines were produced in updated versions to try to keep up with the newer COVID variants. And throughout that entire time, the facts and realities of 2020 weren't at all the same as those from 2021, 2022, 2023, etc.




Pandemic fatigue? Pandemic fatigue or fatigue of governments responses? Anyway, which pandemic?


Visiting this thread is like time traveling to some long forgotten history.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Red Phoenix said:

Pandemic fatigue and vaccine hesitancy continue to affect global public health

You forgot to add the word 'revenue' to the title...

Always follow the money 🙄

  • Agree 1

Stop this campaign. They pooped under the snow, now the snow has completely melted and the poop has emerged into the sunlight. The Empire is already collapsed.

  • Like 2
  • Sad 1

Yes, let's follow the money:


Report: COVID-19 vaccines saved US $1.15 trillion, 3 million lives


A Commonwealth Fund study estimates that, through November 2022, COVID-19 vaccines prevented more than 18.5 million US hospitalizations and 3.2 million deaths and saved the country $1.15 trillion. [emphasis added]


The modeling study estimated hospitalizations and deaths averted through the end of November 2022, at a time when 80% of the US population had received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine.


"Without vaccination the U.S. would have experienced 1.5 times more infections, 3.8 times more hospitalizations, and 4.1 times more deaths," the authors wrote. "These losses would have been accompanied by more than $1 trillion in additional medical costs that were averted because of fewer infections, hospitalizations, and deaths."





  • Haha 1
6 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

"In addition, documented spillover effects on routine immunization raise the threat of the reemergence of other childhood and adult vaccine-preventable diseases. While just more than three respondents in five (60.8%) said that their experience with COVID-19 made them more willing to get vaccinated against other diseases other than COVID-19, almost a quarter (23.1%) reported greater reluctance to do so."


“I am more willing to get vaccinated against other disease (e g, flu, measles,viral hepatitis B)”






As addressed in the above chart, here's what happens when people skip important vaccinations, whether due to increased anti-vaxerism or other causes:

Global measles cases nearly doubled in a year

There were more than 320,000 cases of measles worldwide in 2023, an 88% increase over 2022


May 02, 2024


The number of global measles cases nearly doubled in 1 year after a decline in vaccine coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to experts.


Experts presented data at the ESCMID Global Congress showing an 88% increase in global measles cases from 2022 to 2023 and a tripling of the number of countries experiencing a large or disruptive measles outbreak.


In the United States, nearly one-third of all measles cases since 2020 have been reported in 2024, CDC researchers reported last month. Measles vaccine coverage in the U.S. has remained below 95% — the rate widely considered necessary to prevent outbreaks — for the last 3 years at roughly 93%.






The U.S. previously declared that it had eradicated endemic transmission of measles, but now risks losing that status, as the above article recounts.


The UK appears in a similar situation. The U.K. lost its measles elimination status in 2019, then regained it in 2021. However, since October 2023, there have been 1,294 measles cases in England, according to the above article.




  • Confused 1
6 hours ago, connda said:

Ditto. I love this.  The "vaccine" that doesn't stop transmission is affecting global public health.

:angry: "But it will keep you from getting hospitalized."

Bunk - I never got the shots and Covid was a 4 day mild flu.  If the "vaccine" was actually a "sterilizing vaccine" that stopped transmission there wouldn't be vaccine hesitancy.  Instead, people take the shots and get Covid once, then maybe get it again, and then are told - "See, it kept you out of the hospital."  What utterly flawed logic.

They started off in 2020 and 2021 by having world leaders tell the population that "If you get the shots you won't get Covid."  So people took the shot and -- got Covid.  So now there are a lot of people who feel they have been lied to.  And rightly so.

To the Op.  When they develop a sterilizing Covid vaccination (or sterilizing flu vaccination) that has long-term safety testing and is proven to stop transmission - I'll be first in line to take it.

If these vaccines worked everyone would run to get them. Instead you have a bunch  of people who regret being forced into taking them. Hmm, I wonder what could have happened

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, zhounan said:

Stop this campaign. They pooped under the snow, now the snow has completely melted and the poop has emerged into the sunlight. The Empire is already collapsed.

Yes. That’s almost exactly how it went down. The poop was more like the injection though and now it’s exposed 

  • Agree 1

Yep, clearly exposed:


Report: COVID-19 vaccines saved US $1.15 trillion, 3 million lives


A Commonwealth Fund study estimates that, through November 2022, COVID-19 vaccines prevented more than 18.5 million US hospitalizations and 3.2 million deaths and saved the country $1.15 trillion. [emphasis added]




Right here for everyone to see.



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