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Ukrainian Troops in Kharkiv Facing the Grim Reality of Russian Incursion

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15 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

And that's the gospel truth , the Chinese like to work,work , work and the Confucian philsophy baked into the culture is social harmony and respect for your family and ancestors. Mao was an aberation in that 3000 year old history and they are back on track. I wouldn't like to live like one but I'm sure glad they make most of the stuff I use and make it cheap enough for Joe Blow and his dog. You're right they don't like wars unless they are forced upon them - often by colonial powers like the Britsih shoving opiates down their throat and nicking their land or the Japanese genocided them. The West has punished Putin who has gone running to Xi who has embraced him with don't worry we can help - now we want this,this and this. Ukraine is your Tibet - don't mind we undersatnd but we have your back on tech and filling the holes the fleeing westerners have left behind. Let bygones be bygones and are border problems - well lets forgive and forget in Harbin of all places which is a very poignant symbol of how the 2 powers have cemented their friendship in a place they once fought over.


This is the new world order unveiling rapidly before our eyes - well done for choosing Thailand as your safe haven - you chose well, I may even have to join you before too long if it get's too hot in Europe for too long. Settled, corrupt army dictatorships with sham democracies and a compliant well trained poulation makes for social order and cheap prices.


And amongst other things the West's support for Israel's rage in Gaza took the wind out of the sails of western lecturing on the moral certainties of the world and gave Putin the perfect opportunity to say - see are we really that bad - we fellow destroyers of cities  ?


For me the real crime was when Boris was sent to persuade Zelenskiy to fight on and not settle for a peace deal which would have been Ukraine accepting  neutrality and a tacit acceptance of Russia as a peer neighbor with valid geopolitical interests brokered by Erdogan and the Israeli PM. But the violent uber nationalist Ukrainian patriots boxed him in and they were the ones with guns and paramilitaries and battle hardened by years of war with Russia on the borders emboldened by US support, all part of the Nuland plan to wrest the country away from the Russian sphere.


Then to compound that to only give them enough to fight on and not win with stuff we shook down from behind our sofas in essence. That US/NATO would cut and run should have been obvious to anyone with an understanding of history and increasingly Zelenskiy is cursing his partners whilst sacking some of his inner circle who contradict him - the sucession struggle when Z goes is going to be brutal and in reality has already begun. General Zalunhy being a glaring case in point hugely popelar with the army and didn't want to go. Up till now NATO had easy adversaries with little military manufacturing or capabilities and low grade allies in the world. Don't pick fights you can't win and certainly not with a world power with nukes, that's lesson one in elementray diplomacy.


Ukraine is out of men,money and ammo and the world just doesn't have enough to satisfy Ukarine's needs , besides which it needs to rearm themselves and at pace.
And to those willing on the brave defenders and crying the usual refrains then you are on a path to world war and one in which no-one wins we have a short window to pause and reflect before the real darkness descends.


Time to talk , wind egos in and let the healing begin. It has to start somewhere.




Much truth in there. Obviously you know more about it than I, but did Zelensky need boxing in? IMO he's as bad a warmonger as the worst of them.

  • Confused 3
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19 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

And that's the gospel truth , the Chinese like to work,work , work and the Confucian philsophy baked into the culture is social harmony and respect for your family and ancestors. Mao was an aberation in that 3000 year old history and they are back on track. I wouldn't like to live like one but I'm sure glad they make most of the stuff I use and make it cheap enough for Joe Blow and his dog. You're right they don't like wars unless they are forced upon them - often by colonial powers like the Britsih shoving opiates down their throat and nicking their land or the Japanese genocided them. The West has punished Putin who has gone running to Xi who has embraced him with don't worry we can help - now we want this,this and this. Ukraine is your Tibet - don't mind we undersatnd but we have your back on tech and filling the holes the fleeing westerners have left behind. Let bygones be bygones and are border problems - well lets forgive and forget in Harbin of all places which is a very poignant symbol of how the 2 powers have cemented their friendship in a place they once fought over.


This is the new world order unveiling rapidly before our eyes - well done for choosing Thailand as your safe haven - you chose well, I may even have to join you before too long if it get's too hot in Europe for too long. Settled, corrupt army dictatorships with sham democracies and a compliant well trained poulation makes for social order and cheap prices.


And amongst other things the West's support for Israel's rage in Gaza took the wind out of the sails of western lecturing on the moral certainties of the world and gave Putin the perfect opportunity to say - see are we really that bad - we fellow destroyers of cities  ?


For me the real crime was when Boris was sent to persuade Zelenskiy to fight on and not settle for a peace deal which would have been Ukraine accepting  neutrality and a tacit acceptance of Russia as a peer neighbor with valid geopolitical interests brokered by Erdogan and the Israeli PM. But the violent uber nationalist Ukrainian patriots boxed him in and they were the ones with guns and paramilitaries and battle hardened by years of war with Russia on the borders emboldened by US support, all part of the Nuland plan to wrest the country away from the Russian sphere.


Then to compound that to only give them enough to fight on and not win with stuff we shook down from behind our sofas in essence. That US/NATO would cut and run should have been obvious to anyone with an understanding of history and increasingly Zelenskiy is cursing his partners whilst sacking some of his inner circle who contradict him - the sucession struggle when Z goes is going to be brutal and in reality has already begun. General Zalunhy being a glaring case in point hugely popelar with the army and didn't want to go. Up till now NATO had easy adversaries with little military manufacturing or capabilities and low grade allies in the world. Don't pick fights you can't win and certainly not with a world power with nukes, that's lesson one in elementray diplomacy.


Ukraine is out of men,money and ammo and the world just doesn't have enough to satisfy Ukarine's needs , besides which it needs to rearm themselves and at pace.
And to those willing on the brave defenders and crying the usual refrains then you are on a path to world war and one in which no-one wins we have a short window to pause and reflect before the real darkness descends.


Time to talk , wind egos in and let the healing begin. It has to start somewhere.




Excellent post, well summarised. What you said is so blatantly and glaringly obvious and yet the CH-RU haters will just shout apologists! propagandists! 

Russia has been warning the west for years that Ukraine (and Georgia) in Nato is a redline. This has not fallen on deaf ears. In fact, this is the plan, to push and push until Russia retaliates so that they (the west, led by the US) can justify all the actions that they calculated will weaken Russia. 

This is the same tactic they are using on China, in this case using Taiwan. The parallels are there, supply the arms, train the army, encircle with military bases.


We should be very glad that the Chinese government is made up of wise and far sighted leaders who got to their positions, not through donations from corporations and weapons manufacturers but through years of hard work and successful results. They see the situation clearly, knows exactly what the other side is trying to do and are successfully threading the line between war and peace. The sayings of Confucius and the writings of Sun Tzu are the cornerstones of this philosophy. Time is on Russia’s and China’s side. The winds of change has blown down from the Moskva to the rest of the global south and will continue to do so for many years to come.

  • Confused 1
  • Haha 2

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