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Latest developments and discussion of recent events in the Ukraine War

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4 minutes ago, zmisha said:

You should know the main basic thing of geopolitics - there are no friends among countries - all the countries are competitors (= enemies) and, consequently, don't like one another as groups or nations. Yes, this is that simple. But sometimes competitors work together to defeat other competitor. That is called "friends" but it does not mean actually "friends".
What are examples of friends in the modern world? US and UK? Maybe but if you think a bit - you will find that a lot of countries that were colonies of British Empire in the past are now pseudo-colonies of US. So what will happen if one day US become weaker than UK? The later will grab the former by the throat and the reason named will be something about democracy human rights etc... But the underlying reason will be that UK never forget who stole its colonies.
In the times of WW2 UK US and USSR were "friends". This is another example of this simple geopolitical rule.


thanks for making the Russian point of view clear.

in the civilized world, many countries are friends with other countries.

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38 minutes ago, tgw said:


thanks for making the Russian point of view clear.

in the civilized world, many countries are friends with other countries.

It is like you see a beautiful Thai girl and another guy see her on a beach. You can say many civilized things, something about human rights or so - but the fact is ... 1 girl and two guys wanting her. So there is an objective situation of competition. Regardless of what these two guys say.
Same thing with the countries. There is only one Earth and a lot of countries wanting land and resources.  So again there is an objective situation of competition. No matter what anyone can say or not say. And in fact we see that nothing changed on earth - the same number of conflicts around the world and the reason is the same - land and resources.

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3 minutes ago, zmisha said:

It is like you see a beautiful Thai girl and another guy see her on a beach. You can say many civilized things, something about human rights or so - but the fact is ... 1 girl and two guys wanting her. So there is an objective situation of competition. Regardless of what these two guys say.
Same thing with the countries. There is only one Earth and a lot of countries wanting land and resources.  So again there is an objective situation of competition. No matter what anyone can say or not say. And in fact we see that nothing changed on earth - the same number of conflicts around the world and the reason is the same - land and resources.


thanks for doubling down.

land and resources justify starting a war with Ukraine. got it.

Russia clearly doesn't have enough resources, the poor darling.


it's a bit like when I go to a Thai beach accompanied by a gaggle of stunning 18 year old giks of mine but I spot another guy on the beach with a nice girl, so I go there and beat him up to take his girl.
probably makes perfect sense from a Russian's point of view.

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12 minutes ago, tgw said:

Russia clearly doesn't have enough resources, the poor darling.

Of course yes. We desperately need resources. Our leader, Vladimir explained that. Enormously big land with extremely low population per square kilometer. We simply cannot control such a big territory any more. We need people. And Ukraine have 38 millions of native Russian speakers - Human Resources that we need desperately to survive as a nation.

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1 hour ago, zmisha said:

You should know the main basic thing of geopolitics - there are no friends among countries - all the countries are competitors (= enemies) and, consequently, don't like one another as groups or nations. Yes, this is that simple. But sometimes competitors work together to defeat other competitor. That is called "friends" but it does not mean actually "friends".
What are examples of friends in the modern world? US and UK? Maybe but if you think a bit - you will find that a lot of countries that were colonies of British Empire in the past are now pseudo-colonies of US. So what will happen if one day US become weaker than UK? The later will grab the former by the throat and the reason named will be something about democracy human rights etc... But the underlying reason will be that UK never forget who stole its colonies.
In the times of WW2 UK US and USSR were "friends". This is another example of this simple geopolitical rule.

It's interesting, but it was not the issue I addressed in my post.

It you hadn't truncated my post and cited only a sentence out if context, it would have been obvious.

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12 minutes ago, candide said:

It's interesting, but it was not the issue I addressed in my post.

It you hadn't truncated my post and cited only a sentence out if context, it would have been obvious.

The issue that you addressed is about sympathizing Russians as people and not sympathizing as Group or nation. And I explained the underlying reason for that - all the countries in the world are competitors. Simple and straightforward And I also explained why sympathizing people of other countries is rather a myth and reflection of temporary political games than a real sympathy.

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50 minutes ago, tgw said:

it's a bit like when I go to a Thai beach accompanied by a gaggle of stunning 18 year old giks of mine but I spot another guy on the beach with a nice girl, so I go there and beat him up to take his girl.
probably makes perfect sense from a Russian's point of view.

Let's analyze the situation with the Ukrainian girl with a western guy on a Thai beach. And there is a Russian guy wanting her also. The situation is radically changed if it turned out that the Ukrainian girl is still married to the Russian guy. And she even did not tried to divorce.
We discussed this in detail here - 


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22 minutes ago, zmisha said:

The issue that you addressed is about sympathizing Russians as people and not sympathizing as Group or nation. And I explained the underlying reason for that - all the countries in the world are competitors. Simple and straightforward And I also explained why sympathizing people of other countries is rather a myth and reflection of temporary political games than a real sympathy.

Again it's not the point I addressed. Maybe I was not so clear. It was not about international policies and relations at the state level, it was about people.

My point was about behaviour  and mindset (of  course, it's oversimplified). Individually, Russian people are usually quite nice. Collectively, they tend to adopt an attitude of domination and even an imperialist mindset.

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