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Why not tell it how it is ?

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Why not tell it how it is? All the counter measures to combat "earth warming" come 30 years too late and are not radical enough. Even if we could contain the warming at the current 1,5°, at those temperatures, the ice will keep melting, with all the foreseeable consequences. To stop this process, we would have to cool down the earth by 1.5°. IMPOSSIBLE.

We are on a highway to hell, but still enjoying the ride. It's strictly "after us the deluge". Why not (finally) tell it how it is.

Fortunately, todays youth is busy on social media. Mostly content, as long as there is "panem et circenses".

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3 minutes ago, CallumWK said:


OK because you asked for it.


Global warming is a natural cycle, and nothing can stop it, regardless of how much money the politicians and their friends can pull out of your pocket with their taxes.


Take note, I'm not denying it is happening, but is earth warming and earth cooling has been happening as long as earth exist, and last time I checked thousands of years ago there was no damaging industry or whatever else they claim the reason is

call it cause of co existing happenings, and as now and then, something drive the warming, and now we are part of it. Simple as that

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54 minutes ago, CallumWK said:


OK because you asked for it.


Global warming is a natural cycle, and nothing can stop it, regardless of how much money the politicians and their friends can pull out of your pocket with their taxes.


Take note, I'm not denying it is happening, but is earth warming and earth cooling has been happening as long as earth exist, and last time I checked thousands of years ago there was no damaging industry or whatever else they claim the reason is

Yes, natural climate changes always occured. (At some time the earth was a "snowball", only "ice-free" around the Equator). Those changes took place over thousands or hunderthousands of years. This time around, WE heated up the planet, in less the 200 years.

Studying physics helps, instead of listening to a certain US polititian that has declared climate change as a "hoax".

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15 minutes ago, swissie said:

Yes, natural climate changes always occured. (At some time the earth was a "snowball", only "ice-free" around the Equator). Those changes took place over thousands or hunderthousands of years. This time around, WE heated up the planet, in less the 200 years.

Studying physics helps, instead of listening to a certain US polititian that has declared climate change as a "hoax".


What happened over those thousands of years you mention, was a bit different from a 1.5°C increase or decrease.


Studying maths helps, instead of listening to Greta

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The young won't bail us out. They are constrained by high housing prices and debt.


They won't be motivated to vote for current high cost/no short-term benefit policies.


They will kick the can down the road, like we did. If we hadn't, they wouldn't have to.

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It seems humans are a factor but not 100%.  You can look at scary graphs that include urban areas or look at non-populated regions to get a better picture.  Why do that when you can scream  the world is doomed like Greta.  Below is a data from the arctic.  Worrisome - yes but not even close to what "many" environmentalists are selling.  I just picked a part of the globe that isn't impacted by urbanization.  If my logic is wrong, then tell me why without making this into a competition.





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If we look at a graph of the various glacial periods over hundreds of millions of years, we can see that the Earth is currently at an interglacial period. 


Interestingly, the high temperature of this 'hot' period is less than was experienced in the previous interglacial periods.


Industrialisation certainly has contributed to an increase in global temperatures.  However as a scientist, I'm not swayed by the various efforts to achieve net-zero carbon emissions etc. It's rather like King Canute trying to turn back the sea.  The Earth is somewhat 'stronger' than our puny species and you can't change a climatic effect that has existed for millions of years.


If the human species is eliminated by the natural cycle of the Earth's temperature, then so be it 🙂



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