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Is Thailand's subtle bias to Russia (vs. the collective west) risking secondary sanctions?

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The use of the term "genocide" in respect to the war between Russia and Ukraine demonstrates a bias. There is no genocide. It is an illegal invasion intended to annex land, not kill off the Ukraine population. It is a targeted campaign of violent discrimination. Unfortunately, the discrimination goes both ways as Ukraine did persecute its Russian ethnic minority prior to the war and Russia funded and armed ethnic Russian militias intent on separating from Ukraine. This is one of the reasons why Thailand and others  prefer to stay out of the dispute. Also, Thailand is able to cash in on Russian tourism.


On 6/18/2024 at 1:36 AM, Hummin said:

I think if the west started threatening with sanctions, they would only serve Putin and China, and push them over! I also believe Thailand have a second view on moral coming from the west historically seen in perspective. 

I'm not sure how Thailand feel about the past being central in the Usa war in Vietnam, Laos and cambodia. Also seen in retrospect the colonisation of the whole region.


The question is, do Asian believe in democrazy and the West as an future alliance? 


Thailand does not apply morality in these types of disputes. You need only look at the profiteering that occurred during Pol Pot's reign of terror in Cambodia. Thais purchased endangered animals, lumber, gems and people. The country provided a safe haven for many Khmer Rouge murderers.


On 6/19/2024 at 7:31 AM, LALes said:

The problem with your history is that it leaves off in 1994 and doesn't mention NATO's eastern expansion of the last 20 years that is the real cause of this Ukraine war.  NATO was never supposed to be brought up to the borders with Russia.  I don't blame Putin one bit for getting agitated and finally taking military action.  Imagine if the Chinese moved into Mexico and set up shop.  Do you think the US would stand by and do nothing.  Their hair would be on fire and they would bring their full might into the situation.  Putin started the Ukraine offensive with one hand tied behind his back because he wanted to go easy on his fellow Slavs.  Its too bad the US had other ideas and pushed him to escalate.  Make no mistake.  The US is the real cause of this war.  We use NATO as our battering ram.  The objective is the complete destruction of Russia and anything that gets in our way is collateral damage.  Its no wonder the rest of the world is running to BRICS to get away from this crazed, militant juggernaut.


NATO did not  force anyone to join. On the contrary, countries asked to join. Sweden and Finland were pushed by Russia's aggression and threats to join NATO.


Thailand is playing both sides and at some point, when Thailand is not offered preferred trade status in new trade agreements, it will  know why. There is a time and a place and Thailand's day of reckoning  will come.  It's just that the world has bigger issues to address than Thailand's dance of "neutrality".

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9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's real.

Bank of China gets it.

You're failing to get that Putin is the Hitler of our era.

More garbage. China and Russia are the main players in the BRICS block. This is western propaganda trying to split Russia and China. As for Putin being the new Hitler? More BS from the western Media. You really do fall for this rubbish. 

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https://www.isdp.eu/publication/two-tines-one-fork-chinas-de-dollarisation-and-bond-issuance-drive-economic-independence/#:~:text=China's de-dollarisation strategy involves,Renminbi as an international currency.



China’s de-dollarisation strategy involves increasing its gold reserves and reducing its holdings of U.S. Treasury securities. This move is designed to insulate the Chinese economy from potential U.S. financial sanctions and to promote the Renminbi as an international currency.

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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Just in today.


Bank of China cut ties with sanctioned Russian companies and individuals to avoid secondary sanctions 


Does anyone know if any Thai banks are trading with any such sanctioned Russian entities?

You are rather naive. The BOC has to do whatever it needs to, for now, as it’s a major player in world finance and like it or not, the SWIFT system is still where most international trade is happening, for now.


You are probably unaware that there are 50 other Chinese banks that are planning to transact on SPFS and CIPS, bypassing SWIFT altogether. Sanctions work, until they don’t.

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33 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

You are rather naive. The BOC has to do whatever it needs to, for now, as it’s a major player in world finance and like it or not, the SWIFT system is still where most international trade is happening, for now.


You are probably unaware that there are 50 other Chinese banks that are planning to transact on SPFS and CIPS, bypassing SWIFT altogether. Sanctions work, until they don’t.

You proved my point.

When they stop working then new sanctions which has already happened and will happen again as needed.

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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You proved my point.

When they stop working then new sanctions which has already happened and will happen again as needed.

There will come a point when there’s nothing left to sanction and the west will be left holding the bag, finally realising the damage they have done to themselves. 

The latest sanctions on transshipment of LNG to the rest of the world will only result in job losses in the European community, angering countries that are buying this LNG such as India, turning more countries against the west. China will continue to benefit with cheap LNG from Russia. It is estimated that by 2027, China will be enjoying up to 40% discounts compared to Europe. Lower energy prices coupled with lower labour costs and high efficiency will be another nail in the coffin for European industries.


All of this just to prop up the US MIC. Happy days.

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42 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

There will come a point when there’s nothing left to sanction and the west will be left holding the bag, finally realising the damage they have done to themselves. 

The latest sanctions on transshipment of LNG to the rest of the world will only result in job losses in the European community, angering countries that are buying this LNG such as India, turning more countries against the west. China will continue to benefit with cheap LNG from Russia. It is estimated that by 2027, China will be enjoying up to 40% discounts compared to Europe. Lower energy prices coupled with lower labour costs and high efficiency will be another nail in the coffin for European industries.


All of this just to prop up the US MIC. Happy days.

Yes China is exploiting a desperate Russia. With friends like that ha ha. Also China wants Manchuria back. With the Russian way of rules don't matter anymore Russia could hardly complain if that happens. 

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6 hours ago, Patong2021 said:

The use of the term "genocide" in respect to the war between Russia and Ukraine demonstrates a bias. There is no genocide. It is an illegal invasion intended to annex land, not kill off the Ukraine population. It is a targeted campaign of violent discrimination. Unfortunately, the discrimination goes both ways as Ukraine did persecute its Russian ethnic minority prior to the war and Russia funded and armed ethnic Russian militias intent on separating from Ukraine. This is one of the reasons why Thailand and others  prefer to stay out of the dispute. Also, Thailand is able to cash in on Russian tourism.



Thailand does not apply morality in these types of disputes. You need only look at the profiteering that occurred during Pol Pot's reign of terror in Cambodia. Thais purchased endangered animals, lumber, gems and people. The country provided a safe haven for many Khmer Rouge murderers.



NATO did not  force anyone to join. On the contrary, countries asked to join. Sweden and Finland were pushed by Russia's aggression and threats to join NATO.


Thailand is playing both sides and at some point, when Thailand is not offered preferred trade status in new trade agreements, it will  know why. There is a time and a place and Thailand's day of reckoning  will come.  It's just that the world has bigger issues to address than Thailand's dance of "neutrality".

I disagree.

Putin clearly has genocidal intentions towards Ukraine. He's made that very  clear.

To him Ukraine doesn't exist as a nation separate from Russia.

His goal is to erase the Ukrainian language, culture, church, towns and cities that don't surrender leveled to the ground, and all Ukrainian people unwilling to be Slavic slaves of Rus.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Gweiloman said:

You are rather naive. The BOC has to do whatever it needs to, for now, as it’s a major player in world finance and like it or not, the SWIFT system is still where most international trade is happening, for now.


You are probably unaware that there are 50 other Chinese banks that are planning to transact on SPFS and CIPS, bypassing SWIFT altogether. Sanctions work, until they don’t.

Come again?




China's biggest banks are finally getting scared by the West's sanctions against Russia

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

His goal is to erase the Ukrainian language, culture, church, towns and cities that don't surrender leveled to the ground,

In Crimea (controlled by Russia for over 10 years) Ukrainian remains one of the 3 official languages.  Moreover, according to the last census there is high percent Ukranians living there. People not afraid to call themselves Ukrainian then being asked.

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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, VBer said:

In Crimea (controlled by Russia for over 10 years) Ukrainian remains one of the 3 official languages.  Moreover, according to the last census there is high percent Ukranians living there. People not afraid to call themselves Ukrainian then being asked.

Another Kremlin propaganda repeater.


While you're at such vile Z games why not tell us how the Kremlin paints their Nazi style stealing and brainwashing of non orphaned Ukrainian children and gifts them like chattel to Russian families. Also trains them to grow up to kill Ukrainians.




If Russia wins God forbid they won't kill Ukrainians willing to be slaves of Rus.

Edited by Jingthing
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