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Allegations of Plagiarism Surface in Rep. Jamaal Bowman's Dissertation

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Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) faces allegations of plagiarism following a detailed analysis of his 2019 Ed.D. dissertation. The Daily Wire's investigation uncovered multiple instances where Bowman’s work closely mirrored the writings of other academics without proper attribution. This revelation comes at a critical time as Bowman prepares for the Democratic primary for New York’s 16th Congressional District.


Bowman’s dissertation, titled “Community Schools: The Perceptions and Practices that Foster Broad-Based Collaboration among Leaders within the Community School Ecosystem,” includes numerous passages that are nearly identical to previously published academic papers.


For example, in one section, Bowman appears to replicate a summary by University of Delaware Professor Rosalie Rolón-Dow almost verbatim. Bowman writes, “The CRT movement drew heavily on the critical legal studies movement, radical feminism, and civil rights ideas to develop a framework that squarely challenged the racialized ways in which law affects people of color (Delgado & Stefancic, 2001; Parker, 2003; Rolon-Dow, 2005).” Comparatively, Rolón-Dow’s text states, “The movement drew heavily on the critical legal studies movement, radical feminism, and conventional civil rights ideas to develop a framework that more squarely challenged the racialized ways in which laws affect people of color (Delgado & Stefancic, 2001; Parker, 2003).” Despite including Rolón-Dow in his citation, Bowman did not use quotation marks where his text directly matches hers.




In another instance, Bowman’s changes to Rolón-Dow’s work include minimal alterations, such as a typo and the substitution of "Latino" with "Latinx," while maintaining the rest of the original text. Bowman’s version reads, “Further, from the perspective of Puerto Rican girls in middle school, Rolon-Dow (2005) explored the intersection between race/ethnicity caring [sic] in the educational experiences of middle school Puerto Rican girls. Critical Race Theory and Latinx/Latina critical theory are used as data analysis frameworks because of their emphasis on the roles of race/ethnicity and racism in shaping the circumstances of individuals and institutions.” Rolón-Dow originally wrote, “In this article, the author explores the intersection between race/ethnicity and caring in the educational experiences of middle school Puerto Rican girls. Critical race theory and Latino/Latina critical theory are used as data analysis frameworks because of their emphasis on the roles of race/ethnicity and racism in shaping the circumstances of individuals and institutions.”




Further instances of apparent plagiarism include passages lifted from works by Rene Antrop-Gonzalez and Anthony De Jesus, and a 2017 article by Tenah K.A. Hunt, Kristen S. Slack, and Lawrence M. Berger. Bowman’s dissertation closely mirrors their language without sufficient rephrasing or quotation marks, indicating a failure to properly distinguish his own writing from that of others.


These allegations come after Bowman previously defended former Harvard University President Claudine Gay, who resigned amid her own plagiarism scandal. Bowman tweeted, “This isn’t about plagiarism or antisemitism. This is about racism and intimidation,” referring to Gay’s resignation.


As Bowman faces off against Westchester County Executive George Latimer in the June 25 Democratic primary, a recent Emerson College/WPIX poll shows Bowman trailing Latimer by 17 points among likely primary voters. Bowman has not responded to requests for comment regarding the plagiarism allegations.


The unfolding plagiarism scandal adds to the challenges Bowman faces in his bid for re-election, raising questions about academic integrity and the potential impact on his political career.


Credit: New York Post 2024-06-24



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Lovely chap................NOT


The level of profanity here is so shocking as to be unbecoming of a Member of Congress. 

There is nothing in Jamaal Bowman’s unhinged tirade that remotely resembles the decency of the people I know and represent in the South Bronx.



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The sad thing is that they'll keep voting for him.  Because.... reasons.  And oodles free stuff. 


I suspect the only reason he's behind is that the free stuff is going to newcomers now.


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