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Project 25 will turn back the clock on US gay Civil rights

Message added by Juana Tenderloin,

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Danger Will Robinson!


Project 25. Blueprint for oppression.


Well I guess another reason for gay Americans to move to Thailand and other gay friendly destinations abroad.





If you’re looking for yet another reason that Donald Trump shouldn’t be elected president again, we have two words for you: Project 2025.

You’ve probably been hearing these words, but you may be sketchy on what they mean. We’re here to fill you in on the details thanks to a report by Accountable.US.


Edited by Jingthing
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More detail about the very real dangers of Project 25 if Trump comes back to power.

I do understand that many gays and lesbians do not care so much about gender identity issues and may not be thrilled about being put into a big bucket of LGBTQ.

Well that's an entirely different topic, but if you take the time to read this carefully you will see that "regular" gays and lesbians are very much under threat of the Maga revolution as well.


On LGBTQ civil rights, Russia went way backwards, China went backwards, and Trump will mean that the U.S. will be going way backwards as well. 


How a second Trump presidency could impact the LGBTQ+ community | PBS News



On the campaign trail, Donald Trump has been outlining what he plans to do if elected in November. That includes rolling back the rights of millions of LGBTQ+ people. It’s part of a wider playbook to undo many modern civil rights advances for minority groups. White House Correspondent Laura Barrón-López reports.


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10 minutes ago, petermik said:

Who cares...

I would say the majority of gay people all over the world and also decent non gay people that support civil rights for minority groups in general. 

The struggle for civil rights for gay people is global. 

The USA being a major country with a lot of soft power cultural influence in things like movies not to mention economic and military power definitely demands attention when it moves forwards OR BACKWARDS in civil rights, gay and otherwise (such as abortion, voting rights, etc.). 

Edited by Jingthing
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