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Was Farage Reform Party stitched up ?


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I don't know if it was a real case or not .... but all these so-called 'under-cover investigations' and secret recordings have an element of fakery about them.  They all need some preparation and setting up, and the media is only interested in coverage and entertainment, so I never take political stories at face value.


The online arguments are just people coming from their opposing preconceptions, but we'll know the truth in a few weeks .... which will be post the election anyway.

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Both Labour and the Tories are losing voters to Reform so smear campaigns in the media are only to be expected.  There will be no let up till voting day.

Hopefully, from 5th of July, Reform will be a mere footnote in UK political history.

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1 hour ago, champers said:

Both Labour and the Tories are losing voters to Reform so smear campaigns in the media are only to be expected.  There will be no let up till voting day.

Hopefully, from 5th of July, Reform will be a mere footnote in UK political history.

Labour  the party of the "working class"  with the multimillionaire "Sir" in charge, or a guy from a family of emigrants?? Nobody could be any worse than them, so for a change vote for Reform.

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The Reform party have got all other parties running scared . WHY ? because Farage is not only speaking the truth he is presenting the views of many UK citizens . Because he puts " true Brits first " he is accused of being a racist .He has got it right with charity starts at home . Leaving the ECHRs has to be done in order to control immigration . 

I watched the latest BBC Question Time which was televised from Birmingham . Why Birmingham ? that is a typical city that has many immigrants and thus , a toxic audience for Farage to face . Talk about being thrown into the lions den . However Farage is a strong  and brave character and gave a good performance . I choose my words carefully but was that audience a biased selection ? Even the deputy leader of the Green party who opened the debate was having a pop at Farage & the Reform party . The British public will see through all of this stitch up , especially the Channel 4 secret filming . 

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Absolute stitch-up! Here is an actor who is naturally well-spoken, but turns up as a volunteer canvasser for Reform and speaking from the start with his 'rough' acting voice.  How coincidental that this actor turns up being filmed by Channel 4.


If anything, it demonstrates how all parties should do background checks on volunteers (just as is done for teachers for a different reason).


Too many wolves in sheep's clothing around, but I doubt that this stitch-up will diminish the growing support for Farage and Reform!

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There is a thread running here about this


I just posted this on there


Channel4 NOT lying when they said they never paid him


Because these guys probably did, as they are the production company that Channel 4 bought the video from




"Lee Sorrell Media, in partnership with Coco Mocha Films, specialises in daring, innovative investigations and hard-hitting documentaries that create headlines and reach out to people across the globe."



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