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Trump's Vision for 2025: A Sweeping Crackdown on Immigration

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3 hours ago, impulse said:


Gosh, it's almost as if that's by design, to be selective.  To invite the best and brightest that can contribute to the economy and not suck the coffers dry staying in tax paid housing, eating tax paid food, and decimating hospital and tax paid healthcare budgets.

I miss mean tweets.  Well, not really.  But you know what I mean.


So, it is the best and the brightest that are not having Visas processed … OK, let’s take a step back. Where is the acknowledged labor shortage? It it in the fields demanding higher education? Or is the shortage in areas needing manual labor? I just raise the questions for consideration. The “they are getting free, taxpayer services” charges for another day as there are publicly available documents fro creditable academic studies that we would need to review to see if these accusations are indeed valid.

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3 hours ago, impulse said:


Jane, you ignorant slut....  (Old time fans of SNL back when it was still funny will get the reference)  Here it is, straight from NYC:


New York City has taken urgent action, opening more than 200 emergency shelters for the more than 110,000 migrants who have arrived in the five boroughs seeking shelter. Today, with approximately 10,000 asylum seekers still arriving each month, the city estimates this mounting crisis will cost taxpayers $12 billion over three fiscal years — an amount that will continue to grow without federal and state intervention and support.


That's one city, with 110K illegals.  Multiply that by dozens of cities in 50 states and 10 million illegals and it dwarfs the taxes in your story.


https://www.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/650-23/amid-deepening-asylum-seeker-crisis-mayor-adams-new-steps-stabilize-city-s-budget-as#:~:text=“Our city continues to receive approximately 10%2C000 asylum,Fiscal Year 2025 if circumstances do not change.

Whoa! You are stating that what is taking place in NYC (with Southern Governors having proudly dent bus and plane loads of immigrants to NYC purposely as the same as “dozens of other cities”?  Hoisted on your own petard there.

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2 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

The “they are getting free, taxpayer services” charges for another day as there are publicly available documents fro creditable academic studies that we would need to review to see if these accusations are indeed valid.


Hey, I was just going by Mayor Adams' claims that NYC needs $12 billion to fund the care and feeding of their 110K illegals.


https://www.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/650-23/amid-deepening-asylum-seeker-crisis-mayor-adams-new-steps-stabilize-city-s-budget-as#:~:text=“Our city continues to receive approximately 10%2C000 asylum,Fiscal Year 2025 if circumstances do not change.


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2 hours ago, thaipo7 said:

For what reason should the US be the ONLY country with open borders??  Why?  What do they bring to the  table other than a underclass that will become Democrat voters.  It seems the blacks and Hispanics are wising up to the Democrats BS of being there for them.  Why aren't the borders open for Cubans?  They have lived under a hard Tyranny and vote Republican, this is why.  This is the reason the border is closed to them.  You are what the Democrats want.  If you live in the US, you would or do vote Democrat.  Don't forget the terrorists that are in the US plus the thousands of Chinese.  They all new to be gotten rid of.  We help build border for other countries.  All of the Marxist Democrat elites have walls around their homes.

H, yes, the importing of votes. Except you cannot vote if you are not a citizen. Care to look at the process of becoming a citizen?

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2 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

Whoa! You are stating that what is taking place in NYC (with Southern Governors having proudly dent bus and plane loads of immigrants to NYC purposely as the same as “dozens of other cities”?  Hoisted on your own petard there.


There's dozens of sanctuary cities just in Cali, NY and Illinois.


And Denver's shipping theirs off to Salt Lake City.  In spite of being a sanctuary city.


You really need to read some non lefty news.



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1 hour ago, impulse said:


Asked and answered.


Damn those unskilled laboring peasants. Wait, what? You mean the working middle class thinks they are better off voting Democrat rather than Republican? What a thought! That said, as a Democrat voting, I have plenty to criticize the Democrat Party on but … first I need to cast my vote in opposition to a man abhorrent to what my forbears built in the USA from before its founding and drive a stake through the heart of the current Republican Party.

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26 minutes ago, mokwit said:

It's always links to biased sources.NYT and Guardian are biased [false] narrative platforms that you seem to think are unimpeachable (you thought the same of the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center). Do you really believe they are not?


Tell me what YOU think is a White Supremacist as you are bandying the term about. Also what is a White Nationalist?


As I thought, dismissal of reporting, atypical. However, IMO White Supremist and White Nationalist are two birds from the same song book e.g. Charlottesville  (unite the right) demonstrations. Stephen Miller's policy is the quintessence of the two parallel ideologies which trump plans to enact within Project 2025. I'm sure you are well aware and support this content.





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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, simple1 said:


As I thought, dismissal of reporting, atypical. However, IMO White Supremist and White Nationalist are two birds from the same song book e.g. Charlottesville  (unite the right) demonstrations. Stephen Miller's policy is the quintessence of the two parallel ideologies which trump plans to enact within Project 2025. I'm sure you are well aware and support this content.





Here is a paragraph from one of your linked articles:


'In a turbulent White House, the 34-year-old has been the driving force behind controversial policies such as family separation, the travel ban on Muslim-majority countries and a rule that would penalize legal immigrants for using public benefits.'


There was no travel ban on Muslim majority countries. this is a lie of the Left repeated constantly in the hope of inflaming the Muslim Ummah one assumes. There was a ban on countries regarded as having very high risk of terrorism, many of which were (who would have thought it) Muslim majority countries. Many Muslim majority countries were not included and countries regarded as a risk for terrorism were not included if their authorities were regarded as providing sufficient information on terrorists.


Its always an opinion - yours, the Guardian article writers who label anything that counters their views as "conspiracy theories "


Yes I agree, there were groups/individuals at Charlotsville who could be classed as White Supremacists. I saw a Swastika flag displayed and I have no suspicion of a false flag operation with that one. My issue is that the term "White Supremacist" is used literally against anyone who opposes the Left on certain issues, rather than when it is correctly applied.


I would say of Charlottesville that there were definitely people who were beyond the pale at Charlottesville, but they weren't all on just the one side.


Example. The car that ran into the pedestrians. Your beloved Guardian and NYT both showed the strangely edited version of the footage where it showed the car driving at high speed into the crowd but then showed the car after it had already reversed a considerable distance, the start of the reversal having been cut out. The reason it was cut out was because it showed five people in hot pursuit of the car with 3 of them carrying clubs which they must have brought with them to Charlottesville, but this didn't fit the narrative.


The fact that the defendant was convicted by "an all white jury" doesn't alter the fact that there were 5 people chasing the car, three of them armed. If I knew why they were chasing the car I might even find myself in approval, but the fact is they were armed with weapons brought with them. My point is with the distortion by NYT and The Guardian, I have no opinion on the correctness or otherwise of the conviction as I have never looked at the details and do not know what evidence was or was not submitted.


There, two examples by you and two examples of lying by omission/distortion by me by your treasured sources. I looked for the original video a while back and couldn't find it, but if you look at the NYT/Guardian version you will be able to see that it is weirdly cut.


Why do you assume you are getting the truth rather than somebody else's propaganda? If you tell somebody a small truth you can set them up for a huge lie. Just because the Left points out lies of the Right doesn't mean that they are telling the truth.


I have only recently heard of Project 2025, it was mentioned in my Twitter feed a few days ago but i don't know the details so I don't know if I support it. You are just projecting a stereotype in your head onto me. If I believe one thing I must believe all things and presumably support Trump, David Duke and presumably some historical figures. You clearly have me "boxed and Labeled". I thought stereotyping was an absolute No No with the Left, as evidenced by their disapproval of supposed racial stereotyping.


Edited by mokwit
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5 hours ago, mokwit said:

Are people from countries not part of contiguous North/Central/South America, e.g Africa, China, Sweden, Norway crossing the border seeking asylum?

Well obviously not people from Norway and Sweden; after all, they are white!

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5 hours ago, mokwit said:

Define White Supremacist and then show how he is one. Likewise Trump.

Well, I suppose designing a plan to conduct sweeps, round up, detain without charge and without appeal or review in camps built and manned by the military, a segment of the population who are almost all coloured, defined by and made suspects because of their colour, is a fairly good starting point!

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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Yep, as proven by your post.

Really, perhaps you would care to elucidate?


Explain for everyone everyone on the web board what is proven by my post, and we can let other members decide for themselves, otherwise they might think it just exists in your head, and that surely can't be the case, can it?.


P.S. you forgot to rise to the defence of The Southern Poverty Law Center.

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8 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

Well, I suppose designing a plan to conduct sweeps, round up, detain without charge and without appeal or review in camps built and manned by the military, a segment of the population who are almost all coloured, defined by and made suspects because of their colour, is a fairly good starting point!

Because of their nationality. 


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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm sure many will vote for Trump based on that alone.



It has to be “ done exactly” the way Barry went about  

deporting 3 million, otherwise … the left will not accept it.

Tweek Tweek Tweek  the removal initiative to 

all crimes!
I like Trumps plan of possibly giving student visa holders a path to citizenship ! You come here on a student visa , you best behave during your time in school or you forfeit everything.


“Also, removal priorities were increasingly focused on removing noncitizens convicted of crimes. In 2009, 51 percent of interior removals were of individuals convicted of what DHS described as serious crimes. In 2016, DHS reported that more than 90 percent of interior removals were of noncitizens convicted of serious crimes ”.





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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Hawaiian said:

Why must you inject race into the issue?  People of all races need to follow U.S. immigration law.  Japan is slowly loosening up its immigration policy.  They definitely will not make the mistake the U.S. is making by allowing undocumented workers into their country.  Illegals are flooding American cities burdening local governments and sucking up resources meant for Americans.

Breaking up families?  Where I live many Asians enter legally and once established sponsor their families.  Why should illegals be given a free pass?

How many undocumented immigrants have you fed and housed?

There is absolutely no justification hiring illegals.  The U.S. has visa categories to address jobs difficult to fill.

Again, you need to stop your racist comments.


The open borders people don’t recognize boundaries !

They only care about the humanitarian aspects!

No hard consideration for the communities  they are invading, economically burdening social services , increase in taxes to support more family social programs and much more .


Edited by riclag
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6 minutes ago, riclag said:

The open borders people don’t recognize boundaries !

They only care about the humanitarian aspects!

No hard consideration for the communities  they are invading, economically burdening social services , increase in taxes to support more family social programs and much more .


Just who are these (open borders) people I’ve personally never met one nor ever heard one unless it’s in some maga fever dream could you provide some examples?they seem to be like unicorns 

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12 minutes ago, Tug said:

Just who are these (open borders) people I’ve personally never met one nor ever heard one unless it’s in some maga fever dream could you provide some examples?they seem to be like unicorns 

It's a red herring for sure.


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Posted (edited)
45 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

Because of their nationality. 


Of course that is how they will be picked out!


Silly, silly me for assuming, even for a minute, that the colour of their skins would have anything to do with it!

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Capitalists apparently didn't care about sacking large numbers of working class Americans.


neither do the politicians who take money from these people to do their bidding. ok i am off to donate to a super pac. 

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7 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

Of course that is how they will be picked out!

No, when they show up for their benefits and don't have a social security number, instead of being registered to vote, they'll be deported. 

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The left always says they are not for open borders, but they never want to stop anyone from coming in, and they never want to deport anyone. 


Personally, I think anyone on a student, tourist or work visa burning the flag and chanting death to America should be deported, but I guess as they support Hamas the left gives them a pass. 

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2 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

Biden let ten million illegal aliens flood across the border since he took office

& any rational person surly wouldn’t vote for such a kook, right? Yet as we know, there are those that will vote for a bucket of rocks to sink their own ship before owning a rational vote to save themselves.

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1 minute ago, Yellowtail said:

The left always says they are not for open borders, but they never want to stop anyone from coming in, and they never want to deport anyone. 


Personally, I think anyone on a student, tourist or work visa burning the flag and chanting death to America should be deported, but I guess as they support Hamas the left gives them a pass. 

None of that is true.

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