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“I Can’t Erase All the Blood from My Mind’: HRW Report Hamas War Crimes Oct 7th

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On October 7, 2023, Hamas-led armed groups executed a series of severe crimes against humanity and war crimes during an assault on southern Israel. This coordinated attack included summary killings, hostage-taking, and other grave offenses, sparking urgent calls for the immediate release of all civilian hostages and the prosecution of those responsible.


A detailed 236-page report by Human Rights Watch, titled "'I Can't Erase All the Blood from My Mind': Palestinian Armed Groups' October 7 Assault on Israel," documents numerous violations of international humanitarian law. These crimes, committed at nearly all the civilian attack sites, include murder, hostage-taking, and other war crimes and crimes against humanity. The report reveals that the attacks were meticulously planned to kill civilians and take as many hostages as possible, prompting a global call to end all abuses against civilians in both Israel and Palestine.


Between October 2023 and June 2024, Human Rights Watch interviewed 144 people, including 94 Israeli and other nationals who witnessed the October 7 assault, victims’ family members, first responders, and medical experts. They also verified and analyzed over 280 photographs and videos taken during the assault. On the morning of October 7, Hamas-led groups carried out multiple coordinated attacks on civilian residential communities, social events, and Israeli military bases in southern Israel near the Gaza Strip. They attacked at least 19 kibbutzim and 5 moshavim (cooperative communities), the cities of Sderot and Ofakim, two music festivals, and a beach party. The fighting lasted for much of the day and, in some cases, extended longer.


Across these attack sites, Palestinian fighters fired directly at civilians at close range, hurled grenades, shot into shelters, and used rocket-propelled grenades to destroy homes. They set houses on fire, resulting in deaths by burning and suffocation, and forced people out, who were then shot or captured. They took dozens of hostages and summarily killed others.


Nirit Hunwald, a nurse from Kibbutz Be’eri where 97 civilians were killed, described dragging a rapid response team member who had been shot into the kibbutz’s dental clinic to treat his wounds, stating, “There was a blood trail. I cannot erase it from my mind, all the blood.” Agence France-Presse reported that 815 of the 1,195 people killed on October 7 were civilians. The armed groups took 251 civilians and Israeli security force personnel hostage and transported them to Gaza. As of July 1, 116 remained in Gaza, including the bodies of at least 42 who had been killed. The bodies of another 35 who were killed were returned to Israel.


The Qassam Brigades led the assault, and Human Rights Watch confirmed the participation of four other Palestinian armed groups. The fighters' affiliations were identified by headbands and claims of responsibility posted on their Telegram channels. These armed groups committed numerous violations of the laws of war, amounting to war crimes, including targeting civilians and civilian objects, willful killing of people in custody, cruel and inhumane treatment, crimes involving sexual and gender-based violence, hostage-taking, mutilation and despoiling bodies, using human shields, and looting.


The widespread attack was directed against a civilian population, with the killing of civilians and taking of hostages being central aims of the planned assault. Human Rights Watch concluded that these acts constituted crimes against humanity. Further investigation is needed into other potential crimes against humanity, including persecution based on racial, national, ethnic, or religious grounds, rape or other sexual violence, and extermination if there was a mass killing calculated to destroy part of a population.


Hamas authorities, in response to questions from Human Rights Watch, claimed their forces were instructed not to target civilians and to abide by international human rights and humanitarian law. However, Human Rights Watch investigations found evidence contradicting these claims. Survivors' accounts, along with verified photographs and videos, showed that Palestinian fighters intentionally sought out and killed civilians from the onset of the assault, indicating that these actions were planned and highly coordinated.


Credit: HRW 2024-07-18



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"Hamas and other groups committed numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity against civilians during their attack on southern Israel on Oct. 7, Human Rights Watch said in a 236-page report issued on Wednesday. It said that at least four armed groups took part in the assault, led by Hamas’s military wing, the Qassam Brigades. “The armed groups committed numerous violations of the laws of war that amount to war crimes, including attacks targeting civilians and civilian objects; willful killing of people in custody; cruel and other inhumane treatment; crimes involving sexual and gender-based violence; hostage-taking; mutilation and despoiling bodies; use of human shields; and pillage and looting,” the report said. It also called for the “urgent release of civilian hostages, an ongoing war crime.” 


Apart from the Gazan civilians who also took part this is the armed terrorist groups that committed all the atrocities



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13 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Interesting that there are no reports of rapes and beheading babies. Biden said he saw photos or videos of babies being beheaded. 

There are reports of rape stop the vile trolling

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17 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Interesting that there are no reports of rapes and beheading babies. Biden said he saw photos or videos of babies being beheaded. 


   You must have missed this bit of the report 



The team interviewed people who reported witnessing rape and other sexual violence, concluded that there were “reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence occurred during the October 7 attacks in multiple locations across Gaza periphery, including rape and gang rape, in at least three locations.”

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23 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Interesting that there are no reports of rapes and beheading babies. Biden said he saw photos or videos of babies being beheaded. 


   The report states that at least 36 Israeli Children died in the attack , how they died is irrelevant .

   How the babies /Children died isn't really isn't that important 

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18 hours ago, Social Media said:

On October 7, 2023, Hamas-led armed groups executed a series of severe crimes against humanity and war crimes during an assault on southern Israel.


   Why has it taken them so long to release a report ?

They have spent the last nine months going on about genocide, starvation and famine .

  Why have they taken so long it give the war a true perspective ? 

Nine months of "Genocide and famine" and now its "Oh, the Palestinians may have broken the law as well "

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The final few paragraphs from part of the HRW: https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/07/17/october-7-crimes-against-humanity-war-crimes-hamas-led-groups


Within days of the attacks, Israeli authorities cut off essential services to Gaza’s population and blocked the entry of all but a trickle of fuel and humanitarian aid, amounting to collective punishment – which is a war crime – exacerbating the impact of Israel’s more than 17-year illegal closure of Gaza and its crimes of apartheid and persecution against Palestinians.

Immediately after the attacks in southern Israel, Israeli forces began an intense aerial bombardment and later a ground incursion, which are ongoing. More than 37,900 Palestinians, most of them civilians, were killed between October 7 and July 1, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza. Israeli forces have reduced large parts of Gaza to rubble and left the vast majority of Gaza’s population displaced and in harm’s way.

All parties to the armed conflict in Gaza and Israel should fully abide by international humanitarian law. The Palestinian armed groups in Gaza should immediately and unconditionally release civilians held hostage. They should take appropriate disciplinary measures against members responsible for war crimes and should surrender for prosecution anyone facing an International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant.

“Atrocities do not justify atrocities,” Sawyer said. “To stop the endless cycle of abuses in Israel and Palestine, it’s critical to address root causes and hold violators of grave crimes to account. That’s in the interests of both Palestinians and Israelis.”

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18 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:

The final few paragraphs from part of the HRW: https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/07/17/october-7-crimes-against-humanity-war-crimes-hamas-led-groups


Within days of the attacks, Israeli authorities cut off essential services to Gaza’s population and blocked the entry of all but a trickle of fuel and humanitarian aid, amounting to collective punishment – which is a war crime –


   That isn't a war crime  .

Hamas controlled what entered Gaza and its a legitimate act of war to withhold supplies from your enemy .

   Not forgetting that Hamas bombed Israel's electricity power station  and thus Isreal wasn't able to supply electricity to Gaza 

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1 hour ago, Jeff the Chef said:

Within days of the attacks, Israeli authorities cut off essential services to Gaza’s population and blocked the entry of all but a trickle of fuel and humanitarian aid, amounting to collective punishment – which is a war crime – exacerbating the impact of Israel’s more than 17-year illegal closure of Gaza and its crimes of apartheid and persecution against Palestinians.

It was time to 'mow the lawn'. 



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2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

There's nothing about the babies in microwaves. Was that made up? 

I can't recall any reports of babies in microwaves.  One Israeli first responder said he found the burned body of a baby in an oven, but it is not certain if the baby was killed by the heat of the oven or because the house burned down.   


The now notorious claims of 40 beheaded babies stem from confused initial reports.  A news clip from a private Israeli news service said an IDF soldier had seen babies without heads, while another said 40 babies and children had been killed. No method of death was specified.  On social media, that morphed into posts about Hamas killing 40 babies through beheading.


Some of the problem may also stem from the use of English by people who don't  have it as their native language.  In any catastrophic situation, whether due to war or nature,  false atrocity stories are often generated.  This is sometimes deliberate, but usually depends on inaccurate accounts by people who were traumatized.  


In any case, the Human Rights Watch report has enough verified accounts to convince all but the most hardcore hater of Jews that Hamas committed horrifying crimes against humanity on innocent civilians that day.


Edited by Evil Penevil
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The most important part of the report for me. Get those hostages released!!!


"Turkey, Iran, Qatar and other countries that have relations with Hamas, its armed wing, and the other armed groups involved in the assault should seek the immediate release of the remaining civilian hostages. Countries providing arms to the Palestinian armed groups who participated in the assault, including Iran, should suspend arms transfers so long as these groups continue to commit violations of the laws of war that go unpunished."


To Palestinian Authorities
Publicly call on all groups holding civilian hostages in Gaza to release them;


Hamas, the Qassam Brigades and Other Palestinian Armed Groups Participating in the October 7 Assault
Publish a complete list of all the people being held hostage and bodies they are withholding;

Immediately release all civilians held hostage;

So long as they hold hostages, ensure that all hostages are treated humanely; held in humane conditions, with access to adequate medical care, food, and shelter; and are allowed to communicate privately with their families and receive visits from an impartial humanitarian agency;

Ensure that any hostages who are particularly at risk, including older people, any survivors of sexual violence, and those injured or otherwise requiring medical treatment, are immediately given access to adequate and appropriate treatment and services, and are prioritized for release to facilitate their access to medical and psychosocial support services and mental health care;

Immediately cease unlawful attacks, including indiscriminate attacks and targeted attacks against civilians, including the launching of unguided rockets and projectiles toward Israeli population centers;

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On 7/18/2024 at 10:59 AM, Bkk Brian said:

There are reports of rape stop the vile trolling

What do you expect? Its not like his hatred for Jews and American arent blatant

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23 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   That isn't a war crime  .

Hamas controlled what entered Gaza and its a legitimate act of war to withhold supplies from your enemy .

   Not forgetting that Hamas bombed Israel's electricity power station  and thus Isreal wasn't able to supply electricity to Gaza 

Bottom line: Dont start wars and then whine when you get your arse kicked. Release the hostages, surrender or die.

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1 hour ago, JeffersLos said:

Israel is as pure as snow. 


Never committed any atrocities. 


   Why cant you face up to and accept  the atrocities and war crimes that Hamas committed ?

   That is what this thread is about 

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To the title ... don't care about all the world atrocities.  Don't know or care about anyone involved.  If I started thinking about all the bad  crap in the world, it would be a depressing place and one would never be able to enjoy one's self or fall asleep.


I just accept humans are evil, and it's normal, and nobody seems to care.   Just love to talk about how it affect them.  Wave a flag, send your prayers and offer your imaginary helpful solution or express your sorrow and how you stand by them ... :cheesy:


If your not sending money or physically joining the fight ... your not helping at all :coffee1:

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13 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

To the title ... don't care about all the world atrocities.  Don't know or care about anyone involved.  If I started thinking about all the bad  crap in the world, it would be a depressing place and one would never be able to enjoy one's self or fall asleep.


I just accept humans are evil, and it's normal, and nobody seems to care.   Just love to talk about how it affect them.  Wave a flag, send your prayers and offer your imaginary helpful solution or express your sorrow and how you stand by them ... :cheesy:


If your not sending money or physically joining the fight ... your not helping at all :coffee1:

Yet you care enough to fall over laughing and post about it...........:saai:

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