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Putin Urged to Deploy Nuclear Weapons to Expedite War and Sever NATO Supply Routes

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The reason of growth of gdp/people’s income is that central bank injecting alot of money to economy, and keeping very high interest rate to fight inflation. This scheme might work, but the longer it will be implemented the more difficult will be to keep this bubble stable. It’s popping will result of devaluation of rouble, hyperinflation, and decrease of people’s income. So CB just hopes that they can hold it until end of war, and after that they can slowly deflate this bubble in several years, by moderate inflation/economy growth.

Edited by VBer
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12 hours ago, Cameroni said:


Very true. Of course the West, ie America and it's vassal states, have a vested interest in weakening Russia and dragging out the war as long as possible, regardless of whether the Ukraine can win or not.


If Russia does use a nuclear device, it will again be because of actions by the West forcing Russia to go down this route.


LOL. Nothing against Russia per se. The fact is that in the West we don't like dictators, we don't like them because they poison dissenters with polonium or Novichok, and we don't like them because they treat their vassal states much worse than America does (see Belarus to get an idea, or think about East Germany, Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Lituania, Estonia in Soviet times, all countries where Russians are still strongly despised).


However, fortunately for us, Russia is and will remain for a very long time a poor developing country. It may cause some damages, but it has not even the capability to win a war against Ukraine, let alone against the West.


The embarrassingly poor performance of its armed forces against Ukraine, from day one, months before the first western aid reached Ukraine in significant quantities, clearly shows the limits of Russia's laughable military might.


Russia can blow away Ukraine from the face of planet Earth of course, using its nuclear might, but it will never be able to subjugate it. The best it can do is to destroy everything, turn Ukraine into an immense cemetery, and conquest a deserted land. But the Ukrainian nation will never be enslaved again.


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13 hours ago, Cameroni said:

But imagine if Russia had not been forced to fight in WWII in place of the US and the UK, had not lost 20 million people, had not been forced to invade Ukraine, how much better would Russia's economy be now?



If my auntie had......

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Can someone please explain to me how is this fair  ......



Russia can bomb schools, shopping malls, hospitals, apartments or anything it likes to in Ukraine ...

but Ukraine is not allowed to bomb anything in Russia without the US's permission. It can't bomb shops, government buildings, factories or anything without the US saying it can.    How is that fair   !!


seems a very one sided war to me .....   not a level playing field that's for damn sure   !! 

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31 minutes ago, steven100 said:

Can someone please explain to me how is this fair  ......



Russia can bomb schools, shopping malls, hospitals, apartments or anything it likes to in Ukraine ...

Civilians are not specially targeted. Just apply the common logic. You are serving at army and you have limited resources such as bombs, shells, missiles. From other side is  another militaries, and they have intention to kill you. It is you of them who will be dead. What will be your primary target with your limited resources, militaries or civilians?

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39 minutes ago, VBer said:

What will be your primary target with your limited resources, militaries or civilians?

Of cause the civilians. You must kill, wound and damage as many as possible. You are not human, you are the monster that consumes Viagra to rape elders and young boys, as well as cute cats and dogs.

You are the monster so you don't select targets, you are just "shooting at the world/bullets flying/watch tik-tock"

To approve Black Rock affairs you have to be "de-humanized" to the level of a monster. Kapish?


PS: Justin T. loves Gunko


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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

Can someone please explain to me how is this fair  ......



Russia can bomb schools, shopping malls, hospitals, apartments or anything it likes to in Ukraine ...

but Ukraine is not allowed to bomb anything in Russia without the US's permission. It can't bomb shops, government buildings, factories or anything without the US saying it can.    How is that fair   !!


seems a very one sided war to me .....   not a level playing field that's for damn sure   !! 


It's not about "fairness", it's about the West being happy to supply weapons but not willing to risk a real nuclear war with Russia becaus it knows that's suicide.


You should be very happy that the Western politicians are still not too fried in the brain that they would agree to an all out war with Russia, because we would all die in that case or live in a post apocalyptic Mad Max film, best case scenario.


it's bad enough Western politicians want to drag out the war in Ukraine as long as possible, knowing full well the Ukraine can never win, but it would be quite another to give the green light for missile strikes, put troops on the ground and engage Russia in a real war, when they would no doubt use nuclear weapons and billions of people would die.

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11 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


It's not about "fairness", it's about the West being happy to supply weapons but not willing to risk a real nuclear war with Russia becaus it knows that's suicide.


You should be very happy that the Western politicians are still not too fried in the brain that they would agree to an all out war with Russia, because we would all die in that case or live in a post apocalyptic Mad Max film, best case scenario.


it's bad enough Western politicians want to drag out the war in Ukraine as long as possible, knowing full well the Ukraine can never win, but it would be quite another to give the green light for missile strikes, put troops on the ground and engage Russia in a real war, when they would no doubt use nuclear weapons and billions of people would die.


I hear ya ... and while I understand where your coming from,  Ukraine has been thrown under a bus that's for sure.  If it was me, because as it is now there's no end game in sight ... just drag on .. and on.. and on and thousands of innocent civilians suffer or die..  if it was me .. I would have taken Putin out long ago,  and his Palaces, and any military installations, and some of Moscow  .... that would have ended the war there and then .. and sent a message to the Kremlin,  don't f__*  with us or you will pay dearly. 

haha ....   but that's just me.    

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1 minute ago, steven100 said:


I hear ya ... and while I understand where your coming from,  Ukraine has been thrown under a bus that's for sure.  If it was me, because as it is now there's no end game in sight ... just drag on .. and on.. and on and thousands of innocent civilians suffer or die..  if it was me .. I would have taken Putin out long ago,  and his Palaces, and any military installations, and some of Moscow  .... that would have ended the war there and then .. and sent a message to the Kremlin,  don't f__*  with us or you will pay dearly. 

haha ....   but that's just me.    


Yes, indeed, the situation of the Ukraine is very unfortunate. The West is using them to fight a proxy war to weaken Russia, and Ukraine's leaders are happy to oblige, no doubt pocketing millions of the aid, like other Ukrainian leaders had done before, whilst the people of Ukraine pay the price for this madness.


Russia has repeatedly indicated a willingness to neogtioate an end to the war, but rabid nationalist Ukrainian paramilitary groups on whom Zelensky relies for support don't want that.

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16 hours ago, Cameroni said:


Or it could just be that the economy in Russia is just really doing well?

Producer prices up 12%. Food prices up 10%. Rouble down 20%. Bank interest rates 18%. Inflation 9%.


Sure, the economy is doing well on GDP. That's because it is a war economy, and war economies are unsustainable long term. Just ask the Americans, after Vietnam.

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4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Producer prices up 12%. Food prices up 10%. Rouble down 20%. Bank interest rates 18%. Inflation 9%.


Sure, the economy is doing well on GDP. That's because it is a war economy, and war economies are unsustainable long term. Just ask the Americans, after Vietnam.


Yes inflation, like in the West ,is an issue, that is the case.


However, Russia is not doing well because it's a "war economy". Russia's economy is doing well because Russia had undergone years of austerity and saved gigantic cash reserves which enabled it to spend on increasing everything, from social benefits to infrastructure spending. Putin knew, that to get the support for his war he had to buy off the people, which he did superbly well. This seems to indicate that Putin had planned this war for a very long time.


In fact Putin has scrupulously avoided creating a "war economy" on the home front. Things in Russia now are as they ever were, only better. Consumer spending is up. It's not "war economy" related for the most part.

Edited by Cameroni
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11 minutes ago, Cameroni said:

Russia has repeatedly indicated a willingness to neogtioate an end to the war, but rabid nationalist Ukrainian paramilitary groups on whom Zelensky relies for support don't want that.


Now I know your telling porkies ......



That's not what was said a day ago ...

Kremlin, dismissing Zelenskiy's talk of plan to end war, says Russia will keep fighting








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On 8/29/2024 at 10:42 AM, Cameroni said:


The Russian economy is doing fantastically well at the moment. Well, at least according to the BBC, the International Monetary Fund and the Economist. But I'm sure you have better information, just share it.


Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies says IMF

An influential global body has forecast Russia's economy will grow faster than all of the world's advanced economies, including the US, this year.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects Russia to grow 3.2% this year, significantly more than the UK, France and Germany.





Not exactly the full story



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4 minutes ago, RayC said:


Please don't embarass yourself more. The Centre for European Policy Analysis is a Washington based propaganda think tank, funded by among others Lockheed Martin.


From your own link: 


"The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public policy institution based in Washington DC, focused on strengthening the transatlantic alliance"


Another purveyour of lies. I strongly suggest you google "The Economist Vladimir Putin spends big Russian economy soaring"

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5 hours ago, Cameroni said:


Please don't embarass yourself more. The Centre for European Policy Analysis is a Washington based propaganda think tank, funded by among others Lockheed Martin.


From your own link: 


"The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public policy institution based in Washington DC, focused on strengthening the transatlantic alliance"


Another purveyour of lies. I strongly suggest you google "The Economist Vladimir Putin spends big Russian economy soaring"

I caught you out before .... don't make yourself out to be a bigger fool than already shown. 

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5 hours ago, Cameroni said:


Please don't embarass yourself more. The Centre for European Policy Analysis is a Washington based propaganda think tank, funded by among others Lockheed Martin.


From your own link: 


"The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public policy institution based in Washington DC, focused on strengthening the transatlantic alliance"


Another purveyour of lies. I strongly suggest you google "The Economist Vladimir Putin spends big Russian economy soaring"



Our economy is definitely and significantly overheating," warned Herman Gref, CEO of Sberbank, according to Business Insider.

Russia has now reached a production capacity that, according to Gref, cannot be exceeded and is on the brink of collapse.


In December, Elvira Nabiullina, the head of the Russian Central Bank, also warned of the economic repercussions of Russia’s rapid growth.

"Imagine the economy as a car. If you try to drive faster than the engine allows, it will sooner or later break down, and then we won't get far," she said. "We may be driving fast, but only for a short period."



The sanctions are like poison. Death by a thousand cuts. Russia had reserves, but those are dwindling. Ukraine is providing the hardest push with Western arms and Ukrainian strength of will and arms. The fight is going on on multiple levels: Cyberwarfare, economic warfare, diplomatic warfare, info war, sabotage inside Russia, and sabotaging the regime wherever it surfaces.


What happens now can only be described as large-scale reverse industrialisation.


All of that was forecasted, and now it comes to fruition, Russia goes bankrupt gradually and then all of a sudden. The fiscal year of 2025 will be very interesting, Russia can find more tricks to prolong the suffering but with every year that passes the facade will erode further and the war as such is a main driver of their economic demise as the growth triggered by a war economy is not adding any value, quite the opposite, it incurs further costs in maintenance and training of those that should use these war machines.

It is a one way economy which also swallows 25k to 30k Russian men each month which would be the equivalent of the amount of military aged men living in a town of 100k people, and that happens every month. These people are then transformed from tax payers and cheap labor into future lost GDP, each Russian serf roughly could bring 500k dollars in GDP in their lifetimes for the Russian state.


The costs and positive feedback loops are stacking up and the sanctions will only have their full effect in the medium to long term, and that is where we are headed in the next 24 months or so, the sanctions need policing and better enforcement to ensure that Russia loses even more money and to force them to go through even more trouble to source materials.


Also, the targeting of refineries and increased attacks on Russian targets inside Russia will help to drive up the costs of this invasion and the amount of resources Russia needs to expend to repair these facilities.


I'm observing a stunning picture of the suicide of the Russian economy.” Igor Lipsits, an expert on the Russian economy.



Russia will collapse, faster, and most unexpected when people think it will go on forever. Russia will collapse. Every single decision Putin made was wrong and stupid. We must adapt and change. Russia is not going for self-actualization. Structural inefficiency and toxic are written all over them.

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1 hour ago, kwonitoy said:

Russia will collapse, faster, and most unexpected when people think it will go on forever. Russia will collapse. Every single decision Putin made was wrong and stupid. We must adapt and change. Russia is not going for self-actualization. Structural inefficiency and toxic are written all over them.


A perfectly ludicrous set of sentences, none of which reflect reality. Putin made exactly the right and very shrewd decision to save for years before he embarked on a war. This has clearly paid major dividends as the Russian economy is currently booming and it enabled Putin to spend now, when he needs it most. The Russian economy is remarkably robust and resilient, despite vicious sanctions, and it shows no signs of "collapse" neither now or in the near future.


Igor Lipsits is a fugitive from Russia, considered a foreign agent, and he lives in Lithuania. His almost ludicrous anti-Russian diatribes, which include for instance talking about the "poor economic peformance" of Russia in 2023, against all the public data from the IMF itself, have completely destroyed any reputation he may have had. His economic prognosis is a bit like asking Thomas Mann for a fair estimate of the German cultural landscape in the 1940s, only that Lipsits has nowhere near the standing of Mann in economics of course.





Edited by Cameroni
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 Anatoly Volyntsev is a .......... fill in the blanks


It's been suggested any use of nukes by Russia, even battlefield ones, would cause a massive retaliation from the US and NATO


He told ABC News: “Just to give you a hypothetical, we would respond by leading a Nato – a collective – effort that would take out every Russian conventional force that we can see and identify on the battlefield in Ukraine and also in Crimea and every ship in the Black Sea.”




(too late for the back sea fleet)


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7 hours ago, Cameroni said:


Please don't embarass yourself more. The Centre for European Policy Analysis is a Washington based propaganda think tank, funded by among others Lockheed Martin.


From your own link: 


"The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public policy institution based in Washington DC, focused on strengthening the transatlantic alliance"


Another purveyour of lies. I strongly suggest you google "The Economist Vladimir Putin spends big Russian economy soaring"


If you could have parked your bias and actually read the CEPA article, you would have seen that it is very similar to the piece in The Economist. Moreover, both articles support my contention that the current growth rate does not tell the full story about the Russian economy.


As you were kind enough to give me your counsel, I will reciprocate and suggest that you follow this piece of advice: It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

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On 8/16/2024 at 2:24 PM, NowNow said:

Then they will cry when Ukraine does the same to them.... 

James Cameron has already arrived to Kiev to make a documentary video how Zelensky accidentally found a dozen of old soviet nukes in the basement.

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Let`s investigate 3 alternative solutions for Russia

1. Russia launch a nuke towards Washington. Can it be useful? Maybe. Because the decision making center of the entire conflict is there and this decision making center can change its opinion whether to continue the war in Ukraine or not.

2. Russia launch a nuke towards London. Absolutely useless. Because the USA and other countries will continue to help Ukraine.

3. Russia launch a nuke towards Kiev. Absolutely useless. Because the USA and other countries will continue to help Ukraine.

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9 hours ago, RayC said:


If you could have parked your bias and actually read the CEPA article, you would have seen that it is very similar to the piece in The Economist. Moreover, both articles support my contention that the current growth rate does not tell the full story about the Russian economy.


As you were kind enough to give me your counsel, I will reciprocate and suggest that you follow this piece of advice: It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.


I read it, even after I investigated CEPA and saw it is a Washington propaganda vehicle.


The article decries that Russian society is divided into winners and losers. Alexander Kolyandr, the author, was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine but now lives in London. I am sure this Ukrainian propagandist for hire will enjoy the egalitarian society in London, where everyone is equal and society is only divided into winners, lol.

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How to correctly interpret this news?

The key phrase of the entire text is "independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta"
This "independent newspaper" told to Russian people that Putin kills Russians by blowing up their houses in the beginning of the 2000s. America loves this newspaper so much that its director (Muratov) was given a Nobel Prize. And in Russia the newspaper has a foreign agent status.
Therefore, Russians consider the newspaper to be an obvious defender of US interests.
Why does the obvious defender of the US interests so desperately want a nuclear war in Europe? I suggest because the USA will the only winner of such a war. 
I know that the defender of the US interests will tell you that such a war is simply impossible because of nuclear winter etc. or so. But I would recommend to think twice for those westerners who live in Europe. They've already lived through one devastating world war that made America great - WW2. Do the Europeans want to make America great again the same way?

Edited by zmisha
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  • 1 month later...

As the head of NATO said Russia will have no chance against a full nato attack .they can’t even subdue ukr ,Russian arms are so pitiful they have to import from Iran and NK,he may be crazy enough to go full nuclear ,and be reduced to rubble ,he is said to be resorting to using saboteurs around Europe as a last resort

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5 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

As the head of NATO said Russia will have no chance against a full nato attack .they can’t even subdue ukr ,Russian arms are so pitiful they have to import from Iran and NK,he may be crazy enough to go full nuclear ,and be reduced to rubble ,he is said to be resorting to using saboteurs around Europe as a last resort


You do not understand how it works. 


If Russia uses a nuclear weapon in Ukraine the US and NATO cannot retaliate by using a nuclear weapon on Russia. Since Russia has over 5000 serviced nuclear weapons it can not just wipe out all NATO countries but the entire planet in a short time. 


Since Americans like to live they are avoiding a hot war with Russia like a cat a hot tin roof. You can learn from them.

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2 hours ago, Cameroni said:


You do not understand how it works. 


If Russia uses a nuclear weapon in Ukraine the US and NATO cannot retaliate by using a nuclear weapon on Russia. Since Russia has over 5000 serviced nuclear weapons it can not just wipe out all NATO countries but the entire planet in a short time. 


Since Americans like to live they are avoiding a hot war with Russia like a cat a hot tin roof. You can learn from them.


MAD, that's the theory isn't it? Therefore, neither side will be willing to use nuclear weapons.


You're not suggesting that the Blessed Vlad would be mad enough to initiate a first strike nuclear attack are you?

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40 minutes ago, RayC said:


MAD, that's the theory isn't it? Therefore, neither side will be willing to use nuclear weapons.


You're not suggesting that the Blessed Vlad would be mad enough to initiate a first strike nuclear attack are you?


He is of course highly reluctant to use nuclear weapons. He would use them if Russia's souvereignty is seriously in danger, but no sign of that.


It must be very tempting to use them in UJkraine though, because Putin, sharp brain that he is, knows the Americans could not retaliate against Russia with a nuclear weapon. But why create more problems for Russia, when they can win without nukes anyway?  Time is on their side.

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