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Thaksin Shinawatra Faces Legal Trouble for Political Interference

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5 hours ago, Bert got kinky said:


Very well thought out and written.

One of the best posts that I have seen on here and it hits the nail on the head.


You could also have mentioned that the returning criminal in question also ordered a Banana Republic style extra judicial killing (murdering) spree, in order to tighten his grasp on power but I suppose that if you included all, you would still be typing by the time that his great grandson takes his turn at the trough.








I just don't get that some members reach fever pitch in their support for a convicted thief and criminal, and also a mass murderer.


From land deals to bribing judges, the guy is one of the most corrupt, the country has ever had, and is definitely only in it for himself and his family dynasty.


He ran the country as his own personal piggy bank.


Then, of course, there was the Thai government loan to sell his own family business telecommunications systems to Myanmar.


He even wanted to buy Manchester City with government funds.


I remember the extra judicial killings, and also the Americans telling him very forcefully through channels to stop it and take a different approach.

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26 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


We have an Ostrich on the beach with its head buried in the sand.



1. So you think the lawyer did this by himself?


When Thaksin said at the time, that they had taken the wrong box out of the car, he was supposed to have handed over chocolates. His words. So, of course, it was under orders from Thaksin.


2. Why would Sretta employ Thaksin's family lawyer after meeting Thaksin unless he was prompted / bullied into doing so?


3. It seems very strange that all of a sudden, very quickly after engaging Thaksin's family lawyer, he is reported to the Ethics committee. Yes, a guess, but an educated one.


4. Naive of you to say the least, that after a meeting at Thaksin's residence, attended by Anuntin and other high-flyers in the coalition, that it was agreed to support Thaksin's daughter to become PM. And off they went to tell their party members how to vote.


5. Make no mistake, and he is already receiving warnings from military members, that part of the agreement was that he returned to Thailand to spend time with his grandchildren and stay out of politics. His daughter is now going to extreme lengths to state he has no government position, and merely wishes to give her the benefit of his experience and fatherly advice.


Nobody is swallowing this garbage. They know him and his sneaky, corrupt ways. The guy can't lie straight in bed. If he continues on this path, the military will react, as they have done against two previous Shinawatra led governments.


6. Thaksin isn't in jail, he never was, that is why he was in a private wing at the Police hospital and getting regular visits from government members, just like he did in Dubai and Singapore.


You must be one of the most naive posters on this board, or blind not to be seeing this, he hasn't really made a concerted effort to hide it.



"The Shinawatras' gambit here is risky," said Nattabhorn Buamahakul, Managing Partner at government affairs consultancy, Vero Advocacy.

"It puts Thaksin's daughter in the crosshairs and a vulnerable position."

Tiitipol Phaddeewanich, a political scientist at Ubon Ratchathani University, believes this development is "a big bet for Thaksin".

"There is a possibility for her (Paetongtarn) to fail and that is a big risk for the entire Shinawatra dynasty," he said.

"If she can't bring the economy back and bring the party back then it could be the end because the People's Party is gaining more momentum after their dissolution."


Just pointing out the non factual assumption you make, if you think it is naive all well and good, i post facts not assumptions,  the only thing i can agree upon is Thasking is a killer and a very corrupt gangster  FACT !!!!

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22 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

Then how come I have seen postmen and tourist touts in Bangkok wearing such outfits?

Thais Love uniforms.

Also worn by Teachers for 'special occasions'

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