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Going short-time only, shallow or succulent?

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2 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:



Not judgemental at all then?



I find short time very rewarding and it suits me and my chosen partner. I do not have a damaged view of women at all.

How do you know it suits them? Unless it's a transaction. If there wasn't something called sex, what would a woman be to you?

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14 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

How do you know it suits them? Unless it's a transaction. If there wasn't something called sex, what would a woman be to you?



I know.



They keep coming back.........................

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51 minutes ago, NowNow said:


Do you feel good trying to have sex with someone who does not like you?


How about you actually answer the question, rather than than trying to deflect, wriggling around like a snake? 😊


Do you feel good or not?

There is a certain rapey feel about it for sure.

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3 hours ago, NowNow said:


You are trying to twist what I wrote. I wrote many simply have no choice, due to their woeful characters.

We have a choice.

But the choice is an overweight middle aged frump.

So a slim girl just out of her teens for a pittance is a better choice.


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1 hour ago, NowNow said:


Even if links to papers were published here, you wouldn't read them. You would just make up some other nonsense.

It's a discussion forum, no one else has come up with any facts. If you have any facts to disprove their assertions, you are welcome to post them here. 

You're quite sensitive today, aren't you?

Go and have a little lie down.... but not in a short-time hotel, of course!

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1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Not if it is an objective, accurate, reasonable observation!  

I really like the 'new' Liverpool Lou! 💪👌🍻

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Just now, scubascuba3 said:

PAYG especially STs are so more honest. You get these hypocritical guys who fund their wives and girlfriends but despise guys that pay for STs


What idiot funds their wife?


Not me.

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3 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Most do, but one day when older you'll want someone younger, then you'll pay


For what? To gloat how I have a young wife while every idiot knows the deal?



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11 hours ago, Patong2021 said:


You asked to "unpack" your observations, so let's  give it a go;

1. Whenever I see a post from somebody (here on AN) talking about going short-time, or taking part in the nightlife in Thailand there will inevitably be some other posters on here who will then comment something to the effect of "sad" or "shallow", but I never understood why.   

Why not just use the correct term of prostitute?  As soon as the euphemisms are used, it indicates that the user is reluctant to admit to the use of a prostitute and is in a defacto state of denial.  Shallow is used, because the people who must rely on the sex trade typically have unpleasant unattractive personalities    And yes, the use of a sex worker is "sad". Some older men, and even rotund guys, are capable of pulling in sexual partners, doing so regularly. They do it because of their innate qualities. Charm, personality, manners, style, good looks and self comportment all are factors. The assumption that someone "old"  can't attract partners is unfounded.  The retired brigadier in my condo had a large number of women companions. He was a dashing, fit and impeccably turned out. A man's man with a big heart and outgoing personality and big smile. He was 75 years old and still charming the ladies. In Thailand farangs who do not smile, alienate Thais. It's a red flag.


First off, why is it anyone's right or business to say something condescending about another person's lifestyle, especially someone else whom they personally know nothing about? 

 Well, let's start with some basic facts about Thai sex trade workers. In most cases they are  working the trade because of a financial need. Usually from dysfunctional families,  of limited education, poor and often with a gambling or drug addiction, they need the money. Many have emotion or mental health  problems. Others are trafficked in from other countries.  A large number have cognitive  limitations i.e. have low intelligence and are tricked into the trade with promises of easy money and the option of picking who they service.   In effect, a large amount are exploited.  How can one respect a person who exploits a person with a low IQ and in debt? University graduates  and skilled tradespeople do not typically work in the Thai sex trade. Poor and dumb do.  


Next, what is actually sad or shallow about it? Some men simply may not want to share their life with a partner full-time, but they also don't want to be forced to be celibate. So short-time works really well for them. Nothing wrong with that.

Already answered above.


Then are there any real moral issues? No. Are they helping to put some much needed money into the lower end of the local economy? Yes. 

You do not see a moral issue because you do not  want to see it. You are looking for validation for a personal choice.


So somebody explain to me how it's sad or shallow. And furthermore, explain to me how it isn't the perfect thing for someone who still has biological needs and/or carnal desires, but feels happier being alone. 

If you are unable to understand how much of a loser a person is who must rely on a Thai prostitute  no amount of explaining can help. You know the answer, but again what you are  seeking is validation for the use of sex workers.


I suspect many of the posters making these condescending comments are ones who are in longtime monogamous relationships, and who can't envision or understand how someone else could possibly live a happy life in any other way
Maybe you are correct. Or maybe, the people you condemn just have an inherent understanding of the concept of right and wrong and firmly believe in not intentionally harming those less fortunate than them. After all, who really wants to have sex with these johns. The poor hygiene, the overbearing ugliness, the lack of personality and the general unpleasantness of not being able to have an emotional connection with someone is not particularly alluring.


But truth be told, the guy living the short-time lifestyle might be a lot happier than the guy judging him and who feels stuck in a married position. And perhaps it's the guy who is not living the short-time lifestyle who is actually the one who's feeling sad. 

Maybe. It doesn't matter. All you are doing now is trying to justify  the use of a prostitute.


Whenever, someone who uses a Thai sex hooker is exposed publicly, it can become a journey of public humiliation. Most everyone  will laugh at the john because invariably they are the embodiment of a loser. Unlikeable and almost always unattractive. Good looking  men with positive personalities do not need prostitutes. 


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8 minutes ago, Celsius said:


For what? To gloat how I have a young wife while every idiot knows the deal?



you'll get tired of an old bird and want a younger one, kinda normal, exception is the  guys who have zero sex drive

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56 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

PAYG especially STs are so more honest. You get these hypocritical guys who fund their wives and girlfriends but despise guys that pay for STs

Good point / Well said.

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2 hours ago, NowNow said:


Even if links to papers were published here, you wouldn't read them. You would just make up some other nonsense.

It's a discussion forum, no one else has come up with any facts. If you have any facts to disprove their assertions, you are welcome to post them here. 

Is it another FACT that I wouldn't read them and would just make up some other nonsense, as you claim?

Do I need facts to disprove the existence of a god, or do I need to wait for someone to prove his existence?

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27 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Most do, but one day when older you'll want someone younger, then you'll pay

Taking care of a wife and also children, isn't funding but a responsibility. Funding is a transaction done between a prostitute and the man she wouldn't sleep with unless the cash was there. Everyone pays money for everything, but taking care of someone isn't a transaction.

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16 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

you'll get tired of an old bird and want a younger one, kinda normal, exception is the  guys who have zero sex drive

With that attitude, she'll get tired of you long before you get tired of her. Only lazy people with unrealistic expectations get tired of their partners. Also those who always look at women as objects to be used instead of appreciated.

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51 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

With that attitude, she'll get tired of you long before you get tired of her. Only lazy people with unrealistic expectations get tired of their partners. Also those who always look at women as objects to be used instead of appreciated.

Didn't your mrs get tired of you?

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8 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Didn't your mrs get tired of you?

No, try keeping up. She hit me because she was mad at others and kidnapped our daughter four times because she was raised in an abusive and neglected home, which makes one a covert narcissist. This is someone who hates themselves and others because they never knew real love as a child, so they take this anger out on others who happen to be empaths. People they can try to control because they have no control over their emotions and only know hate. Shes been, after me, with two Thai and one foreign man, who she's visiting now. The other Thai men beat her up because she tried this behavior with them. One threatened to kill everyone in her family because of how she is. She wants to come back to me, but I'm not the one who stays with these types long, so I leave. I got tired of her so now you should understand.

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11 minutes ago, RSD1 said:


48 posts on this topic. Every one of them drivel. You obviously know nothing about short-time, or pretty much anything for that matter. You must be very lonely and have nothing better to do with your time other than drink heavily and negatively pass judgment on topics you obviously know zero about. Get a life.

If you think every one of them  is drivel, you surely have seen where he mentioned he's married, and has had experience in these matters before. Again , Patong summed it up pretty well, but there are those that are into this kind of lifestyle, and can justify their actions, no matter how off they might be.

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17 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Yeah keep kidding yourself, your wife only stayed because you were paying

My ex wife stayed because I treated her better than she's ever been treated before or since, and this is why she still wants to come back. It's always better to refrain from commenting unless you know the whole truth of the matter. I've tried explaining this to you before, and again now, but I'm sure you still won't get it, as your thinking doesn't match my logic. All wives will stay if they are treated well, even if the money's not that much, unless they are gold diggers or mentally ill, or suffer from depression, which makes them over think and second guess themselves. And how can you comment when you always pay for your women, in a much different way than I and others who have a relationship do? Yours are transactions, while mine and others are a relationship. Most adults understand the difference.

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