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Bickering posts removed, along with a personal attack.

Please stop it now, before your forum status becomes 'banned'.

Just now, Lacessit said:

I really don't know how much of any slave trade is operating in Thailand. IMO you don't either, unless you are partaking of the same pleasure you are preaching from your pulpit about, and handing out questionnaires afterwards..


No doubt, debt is a factor, incurred either by the woman herself, or her family.


I also think for many it is a choice. Between spending all day under a broiling sun in the rice fields for 200 baht a day, or getting much more for an hour or two in comfortable surroundings, with something like ten minutes of actual physical effort.

Easy to find one of many links, and I never have partaken here..............https://theexodusroad.com/human-trafficking-in-thailand/

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9 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

It doesn't matter if it's legal or not. Things get legalized for many reasons and money is a top one, outweighing rational thinking many times. You're still not getting the point. The damage prostitution does to those involved. If you don't care, don't comment. Booze is legal and kills thousands yearly. Prostitution is legal and hidden in a lot of places and it kills thousands yearly, and permanently damages many others. Read more, talk less, because your arguments aren't valid. You are one sided because you pursue women for cash, contributing to the problem. God himself could come down and tell you it's wrong, and you would argue just for the sake of, because that's what a person in denial with little knowledge of the  damage this trade causes those involved, besides the ones making a profit from it.

Sorry my man but you have got it completely backwards.

1. I read a lot

2. I don't visit hookers at all

3. Reading stuff does not make you an expert

4. Close mindedness is sleeping with the devil

5. It does matter if it is legal and the main reason is NOT money but rights; the right to have a union. the right to social security, the right to healthcare, the right for police protection and the list goes on.


I am not in denial of anything, I know what ILLIGAL prostitution can do. Sex trafficking and trade  all the more reason for it to be legal.


You think you are a good person, you say it so often you believe it yourself but to me you are just a religious zealot smothering the world with the fact that you and only you have the right of speech and the knowledge in hand. Come of your high horse dude.

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10 minutes ago, bubblegum said:

Sorry my man but you have got it completely backwards.

1. I read a lot

2. I don't visit hookers at all

3. Reading stuff does not make you an expert

4. Close mindedness is sleeping with the devil

5. It does matter if it is legal and the main reason is NOT money but rights; the right to have a union. the right to social security, the right to healthcare, the right for police protection and the list goes on.


I am not in denial of anything, I know what ILLIGAL prostitution can do. Sex trafficking and trade  all the more reason for it to be legal.


You think you are a good person, you say it so often you believe it yourself but to me you are just a religious zealot smothering the world with the fact that you and only you have the right of speech and the knowledge in hand. Come of your high horse dude.

Then read more on this subject, like the links I posted, because you're still denying that prostitution has damages to those involved. Reading things increases your knowledge, especially after high school, where many stop reading. Being into a particular interest makes it easier to increase your knowledge because it's like a hobby, things that give you enjoyment and aren't read because you have to. I'm never close minded, if that's what you're referring to. I look at all sides, look at the evidence, then make a decision. Not opinions. Being legal, again, doesn't make it right. It just means those involved are making money from it, just like the wishy washy thinking that goes on here about marijuana. Countries with more modern thinking are legalizing it all the time, because they know it doesn't cause the damage old school thinking makes it out to have. Money always wins. I'm not a religious person per se. I'm a Christian who believes in God, and Jesus as his son and our helper towards God.Pretty simple. I was Cathoilc but changed because some things in it aren't necessary to have a relationship with God. I am not against anyone who wants to talk about anything. What I am against is people hurting women and children, most of who are involved by force or from childhood damage, and think there isn't a better way.

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8 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Your choice. Don't presume to lecture me on mine.

You presumed there isn't much human trafficking here. It's huge, and involves officials, many of whom are caught and fired. I'm not lecturing anyone. I just point out things others seem to miss, or not care about.

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3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Really. Perhaps you can explain how Islam, perhaps the most restrictive of religions, permits Muslims to have up to four wives.

because religions are corrupt?

3 hours ago, Walker88 said:

'.....imagine the pain of all those breakups!

yep ... pain ... and ... soul growth.


wait ... not everyone on AN has a soul, by their own admission. haha.. if you don't have a soul, definitely stay away from relationships

2 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:



I am afraid you are going in too deep for some of the pious, sanctimonious, self-righteous prigs on here.


Thailand does have it's special uniqueness -especially where relationships with ladies are concerned. 



Just by way of example............Tomorrow I will be taking a young lady on a 4 day break to one of the islands. Low season is a quiet time for her with her income at minimal - subsistance - levels. I will pay her for her company and ensure that she has a pleasant break. She will look after me and is exceedingly nice to me. On Sunday she will return to her room and I will return to my local residence.   



Obviously, you are going to hell, where Satan will barbecue you for eternity.

  • Haha 1
59 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

really don't know how much of any slave trade is operating in Thailand.

Those Burmese out on the Thai fishing boats comes close.

  • Haha 1
4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Obviously, you are going to hell, where Satan will barbecue you for eternity.



Ticket pre-purchased years ago......................😉

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3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

You have stated you are a Christian. Which means you believe in something which you can't see, hear or touch.


I have always treated women with respect and consideration, irrespective of whether I was paying them for sex, or not.


It always annoys me when religions claim they are the only ones who can have a moral high ground. Judging by the history of the Christian churches in respect of pedophilia, a spurious claim. Pedophilia was actually created by church policy.


I suspect your take on human trafficking comes from selective reading of reports which fit your cognitive bias.

No, I just research and not form opinions, letting those who actually do the investigating speak. My bias is only there because I don't like seeing this abuse of women or children, and prostitution is high in abuse of those. You treating hookers well is okay, as many don't or do a lot worse. I'm not a prude bu any means. I just dislike bullies, controllers and those that take advantage of the weak. Prostitution is a dangerous trade where many die and most are damaged, and most come from damaged childhoods, so it's a cause for concern when I see so many looking at it as no big deal.

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1 hour ago, Celsius said:

Case in point. Farang pays the prostitute. Prostitute gives your money to her Thai BF.

It is the prostitutes money. She received it for services provided.

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2 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

Those Burmese out on the Thai fishing boats comes close.

True. I am thinking more of the female sex slaves claimed by our resident halo-wearer.


I must be moving in the wrong circles, everyone I met when I was in the bars seemed to be there voluntarily.

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Just now, Lacessit said:

True. I am thinking more of the female sex slaves claimed by our resident halo-wearer.


I must be moving in the wrong circles, everyone I met when I was in the bars seemed to be there voluntarily.

I don't use a halo, I'm just another human being like you. How many hookers have you talked to that were honest about where they came from because this is just from 6 years ago, and I'm sure there are more by now This is from that link I provided, as i think many here don't watch the news or look things up they aren't interested in............According to the Global Slavery Index (2018), there are more than 600,000 victims of human trafficking in Thailand. ..................This of course is all over Thailand, including the fishing boats where those who object somehow disappear.

14 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

No, I just research and not form opinions, letting those who actually do the investigating speak. My bias is only there because I don't like seeing this abuse of women or children, and prostitution is high in abuse of those. You treating hookers well is okay, as many don't or do a lot worse. I'm not a prude bu any means. I just dislike bullies, controllers and those that take advantage of the weak. Prostitution is a dangerous trade where many die and most are damaged, and most come from damaged childhoods, so it's a cause for concern when I see so many looking at it as no big deal.



You say you are not a prude but your judgemental tone suggests otherwise.



In Thailand there are thousands of ladies receiving money, for services rendered, every night. Few are weak, bullied, controlled or trafficked (a few are and that is unacceptable). Not all work in bars; some are students, some are wives, some work massage, most are just trying to survive and support their families. The fact that, culturally, they are able to regard sex as just another bodily function means they can detatch themselves from the emotion and bigotry that is often associated with their perceived title as whores. They are nothing like 'prostitutes' in western countries. 


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1 minute ago, fredwiggy said:

I don't use a halo, I'm just another human being like you. How many hookers have you talked to that were honest about where they came from because this is just from 6 years ago, and I'm sure there are more by now This is from that link I provided, as i think many here don't watch the news or look things up they aren't interested in............According to the Global Slavery Index (2018), there are more than 600,000 victims of human trafficking in Thailand. ..................This of course is all over Thailand, including the fishing boats where those who object somehow disappear.

I can't really say how many hookers were honest with me. We didn't get into deep and meaningful conversation. I can remember one that said she was not happy with what she did, and wanted to return to her home town. OTOH, quite a few really enjoyed getting it on, or were very good actresses. Some fond memories.


It's coming up to ten years since I was in a bar. I don't think much will have changed.



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6 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:



You say you are not a prude but your judgemental tone suggests otherwise.



In Thailand there are thousands of ladies receiving money, for services rendered, every night. Few are weak, bullied, controlled or trafficked (a few are and that is unacceptable). Not all work in bars; some are students, some are wives, some work massage, most are just trying to survive and support their families. The fact that, culturally, they are able to regard sex as just another bodily function means they can detatch themselves from the emotion and bigotry that is often associated with their perceived title as whores. They are nothing like 'prostitutes' in western countries. 


True. I can remember one woman, mid-thirties, whose enthusiasm for sex exceeded even mine. She loved getting laid.


My only problem was she got so loud the whole condo could hear her.

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Just now, hotandsticky said:



You say you are not a prude but your judgemental tone suggests otherwise.



In Thailand there are thousands of ladies receiving money, for services rendered, every night. Few are weak, bullied, controlled or trafficked (a few are and that is unacceptable). Not all work in bars; some are students, some are wives, some work massage, most are just trying to survive and support their families. The fact that, culturally, they are able to regard sex as just another bodily function means they can detatch themselves from the emotion and bigotry that is often associated with their perceived title as whores. They are nothing like 'prostitutes' in western countries. 


If you stuck to the facts like I do you wouldn't make assuming statement thinking you know what goes on after you let your ST go for the night. A prostitute here is the same as elsewhere. Money is made, mostly by those employing them, with the exceptions of freelancers, who come from damaged homes and do it because it's what they know, most of them leaving kids behind with grandma while they're out doing their thing in big cities. I wonder where those like you get their information about most of these workers, only knowing the few you've been with who might be exaggerating their history. Few are bullied or controlled? How would you know this? You do realize there are many social workers that get into their lives to try and help them, risking their own lives doing so. Of course there are a few who have other jobs, are students etc that ply the trade as freelancers for extra money but they are the minority. I think many here just don't realize the mentality behind becoming a person who feels the need to sell their bodies for sex, in other words, where did this thinking originate? Like I said before, besides the trafficking and parent coercion, the rest come from homes where they were molested as children, and it went from there. Doesn't take much research to find the whys.

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5 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I can't really say how many hookers were honest with me. We didn't get into deep and meaningful conversation. I can remember one that said she was not happy with what she did, and wanted to return to her home town. OTOH, quite a few really enjoyed getting it on, or were very good actresses. Some fond memories.


It's coming up to ten years since I was in a bar. I don't think much will have changed.



Just the amount of trafficking that has increased, along with the dead, raped and abused.

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3 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

If you stuck to the facts like I do you wouldn't make assuming statement thinking you know what goes on after you let your ST go for the night. A prostitute here is the same as elsewhere. Money is made, mostly by those employing them, with the exceptions of freelancers, who come from damaged homes and do it because it's what they know, most of them leaving kids behind with grandma while they're out doing their thing in big cities. I wonder where those like you get their information about most of these workers, only knowing the few you've been with who might be exaggerating their history. Few are bullied or controlled? How would you know this? You do realize there are many social workers that get into their lives to try and help them, risking their own lives doing so. Of course there are a few who have other jobs, are students etc that ply the trade as freelancers for extra money but they are the minority. I think many here just don't realize the mentality behind becoming a person who feels the need to sell their bodies for sex, in other words, where did this thinking originate? Like I said before, besides the trafficking and parent coercion, the rest come from homes where they were molested as children, and it went from there. Doesn't take much research to find the whys.



So that is not evidence of your judgementalism and ignorance ?


I clearly know a lot more about working girls in Thailand than you do. First, my companion tomorrow is not ST... secondly, you never lose your girl you only lose your turn. My current friend will be busy during high season and I am unlikely to see her for almost 3 months - perhaps a short time foray just to keep my hand in.

17 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

They might smile because that's their "job" to please a man but do you really think they are happy what they're doing?


Maybe, maybe not.


You think the guy cleaning the toilets loves his job? The Bangkok bus driver fighting through traffic with no air con breathing in fumes? Of course not, they do it for money same as 99% of working people. Welcome to the real world.


It's actually not bad work. Sit around talking with colleagues, work a couple of hours a day and earn 2-3 times the national average wage. Often free accomodation thrown in. 


The Mary Whitehouse's of the world can complain all they want, it's a job like any other. 

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2 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Maybe, maybe not.


You think the guy cleaning the toilets loves his job? The Bangkok bus driver fighting through traffic with no air con breathing in fumes? Of course not, they do it for money same as 99% of working people. Welcome to the real world.


It's actually not bad work. Sit around talking with colleagues, work a couple of hours a day and earn 2-3 times the national average wage. Often free accomodation thrown in. 


The Mary Whitehouse's of the world can complain all they want, it's a job like any other. 

Another one. Try reading a link about the effects first.It may be a job but it's hardly like any other.

  • Sad 1
4 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Maybe, maybe not.


You think the guy cleaning the toilets loves his job? The Bangkok bus driver fighting through traffic with no air con breathing in fumes? Of course not, they do it for money same as 99% of working people. Welcome to the real world.


It's actually not bad work. Sit around talking with colleagues, work a couple of hours a day and earn 2-3 times the national average wage. Often free accomodation thrown in. 


The Mary Whitehouse's of the world can complain all they want, it's a job like any other. 



The alternatives of watching rice grow, or tapping rubber trees, or sitting in salas in the village with toothless old crones spitting out beetlenut juice is somehow less appealing than the job you describe. Many thoroughly enjoy the lifestyle.

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Just now, fredwiggy said:

Another one. Try reading a link about the effects first.


Lots of jobs have negative long term effects. RSI. Lung problems. CTE, Arthritis. PTSD. 


Some jobs are dangerous, deep sea diving, steel workers, scaffolders, soldiers etc. 


Your life would be totally different if people were not allowed to do dangerous jobs.


Giving a 'special' massage in an air con room on soi 6 is hardly top of the list. 

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Personal attack and reply removed.

Also an off topic post about Dublin removed.

Please be polite and civil at all times.

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