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Foreigner Steals Taxi While High on Cannabis, Crashes into Lamp Post


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2 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

Visibly intoxicated is usually a term used for one being drunk. Noticing a person high on weed isn't that easy until they talk. Might have been stoned but also drunk. Those that never used weed have little idea what it does or how a person acts unless they are around them often. Weed doesn't make a person crash into lampposts.

People that are drunk or high never have any idea about how they act unless someone tells them after the fact.

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7 minutes ago, T10000 said:

As someone who has a long history of personal experience with the herb, this is definitely not something someone who is only high on weed would do. I can guarantee he was also drunk or on some other drugs. If you've smoked the herb enough you'll understand. 

Not every one reacts the same though. I wish it made me feel as good as other people claim it does for them but that never happened. Maybe he got paranoid and thought someone was following him or something? Seems possible to me.

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2 hours ago, radiochaser said:

It can make you sit there at the intersection watching the light turn red, green, red, green, until someone else finally drives up behind you and honks their horn.   
Then you drive off slowly.  

While the lights are on 'red'.    😱

Edited by Liquorice
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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Foreign man, reportedly high on cannabis, stole a taxi that was left running outside a convenience store. He drove only a short distance before crashing into a lamp post, causing severe damage to the vehicle and sustaining minor injuries himself.

Anutin and Sretthas gift to the nation... low class tourists and freely available [not medicinal] cannabis

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9 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Actually there are different stages of being high, from lightly buzzed to totally wasted. The former, you know what you're doing. The latter, you might know what you're doing but you really don't care, and all different levels in between. Only someone who has been through this will understand. Others are just guessing from propaganda thrown at them by clueless antagonists that probably get drunk themselves. I've never been to where I didn't know what I as doing. I did get drunk where I didn't care and didn't want to move, but still knew what was going on. This was with alcohol. With weed, never so high I didn't know what I was doing, and remembered it all later.

Reminds me of a friend when he's stoned.

He always repeats, "I know exactly what I'm doing, I just don't know what I'm f****** talking about".

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2 hours ago, CallumWK said:

They found that prior to the legalization of marijuana in the state, about 8.8% of drivers involved in fatal traffic crashes tested positive for THC. Over the 12-24 months following legalization, that percentage more than doubled, to 18%. By 2017, the fifth year after legalization, 21.7% of drivers involved in fatal accidents were THC-positive.

So, about 80% of killer hadn’t smoked any.

Much safer to drive high than not according to your statistics.

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2 hours ago, CallumWK said:


More denial




They found that prior to the legalization of marijuana in the state, about 8.8% of drivers involved in fatal traffic crashes tested positive for THC. Over the 12-24 months following legalization, that percentage more than doubled, to 18%. By 2017, the fifth year after legalization, 21.7% of drivers involved in fatal accidents were THC-positive.




There is clear evidence that canna­bis, like alcohol, impairs the psycho­motor skills required for safe driving.[2] Cannabis intoxication slows reaction time and impairs automated tasks such as tracking ability (staying within a lane) or monitoring the speedometer. 

In simulator studies, high doses of cannabis caused drivers to “crash” into a sudden obstacle more often.




Car crashes involving weed were serious. In marijuana-involved accidents, nearly 90% of the victims arrived by ambulance, the study found. When no alcohol or cannabis was involved, the number of people that required an ambulance dropped to 40%. In addition, nearly 50% of marijuana users in a car accident required hospital admission, compared to just over 6% of those who did not use.


Al propaganda of course.........according to the potheads

Have another drink lol

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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


So, both of you think it impossible that someone consumes Marijuana and gets sufficiently high to do something as stupid as seeing a running car and thinking they'll go for a spin ????





Go back to school, when you get your PHD get back to us ffs 

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2 hours ago, MarkBR said:

That is a definite symptom of alcohol, thinking they are still capable for driving.  If you know of valid evidence on the impairment of driving by cannabis consumption (low-strength to high-strength - there may be a difference) I would be grateful & interested to read these articles.

Alcohol is known to be highly deleterious, hence all the laws against drinking & driving.   I would suspect strongly that alcohol was involved.

PS I do not use cannnabis in any form.


The laws are against driving 'under the influence' which means under the influence of Alcohol, amphetamine, Marijuana etc etc... 


The difference is that while tools in the UK are used such as 'Drugwipe' made by Securetec and is used to  screen for Cannabis, Cocaine, Ecstasy, Ketamine, Benzodiazepines, Methadone, Morphine or opiates....  those same tests are not utilised in Thailand at the roadside where the only road side test that exit is for alcohol (breathalysers) - unless the police also want to test for Amphetamine (peeing in a cup type test).


Thus, in Thailand the Police don't test drivers for Marijuana - that requires either a urine and / or blood test back at the station. 



I do use Marijuana, perhaps a couple of times per week and enjoy doing so... 

I'd never drive having consumed Marijuana - but if I did drive while very high, its very probable I'd crash as impairment is extremely obvious IMO. 



I think it is perfectly feasible that this guy did not have a drink and was high on Marijuana...     I also believe its perfectly feasible that he was drunk and was also high on Marijuana...  none of us can know for sure... 


... There seem to be some on here who are overly defensive of Marijuana and stating that this 'could not happen' while some one is under the influence of 'only' marijuana - which IMO is a ridiculous thing to suggest... people do stupid stuff while perfectly sober, its not as if marijuana suddenly makes people law abiding citizens !!! 








Edited by richard_smith237
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3 hours ago, YaiJung said:

More anti-cannabis fear-mongering.  No way this was just weed.  People suck so much. 

I saw a weed shop in Hua Hin soi51 next to a Dr's clinic , the shop was named Overdose, and was advertising premium and lower grades of dope, notice said cant smoke in the shop and no selling to under 20.

I don't think there was THC control on what he was selling by the contents of his dope menu.

So it may be quite easy to get very strong thc dope that can do strange things to people.

Stealing a Taxi was an idiot act, dope wouldn't cause someone to steal a taxi but it still can screw a person up if it's really strong.

What some tourists do here is very crazy they can be crazy and smoke gungha and drink and drive.

Probably why the roads seem much madder now, with locals smoking and driving.

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3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


The laws are against driving 'under the influence' which means under the influence of Alcohol, amphetamine, Marijuana etc etc... 


The difference is that while tools in the UK are used such as 'Drugwipe' made by Securetec and is used to  screen for Cannabis, Cocaine, Ecstasy, Ketamine, Benzodiazepines, Methadone, Morphine or opiates....  those same tests are not utilised in Thailand at the roadside (breathalysers).


In Thailand they don't test drivers for Marijuana - that requires either a urine and / or blood test back at the station. 



I do use Marijuana, perhaps a couple of times per week and enjoy doing so... 

I'd never driver have consuming Marijuana - but if I did drive while very high, its very probable I'd crash as impairment is extremely obvious IMO. 



I think it is perfectly feasible that this guy did not have a drink and was high on Marijuana...     I also believe its perfectly feasible that he was drunk and was also high on Marijuana...


... There seem to be some on here who are overly defensive of Marijuana and stating that this 'could not happen' while some one is under the influence of 'only' marijuana - which IMO is a ridiculous thing to suggest... people do stupid stuff while perfectly sober, its not as if marijuana suddenly makes people law abiding citizens !!! 




Still Blabbing Nonsense take another hit or is it your day off 

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

The foreign man was taken to the Pattaya Police Station to sober up

This sounds like they believed him and didn't find the need to test for anything. He could have been high on cocaine but they took his word for the cannabis?

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5 minutes ago, Irish star said:

Go back to school, when you get your PHD get back to us ffs 

1 minute ago, Irish star said:

Please stop annoying us with your long comments of No Substance 


OK - so you can't handle the discussion....   

... the result of marijuana abuse perhaps... :whistling:


IF you think that someone driving while high (on Marijuana) is safe - then you are a fool....  and a dangerous fool if you also drive while high...    As much of a dangerous fool as someone who drives while drunk. 


IF you believe that the 'calming' influence of marijuana is so effective it stops people from doing 'dumb shyit' then that also highlights your intellectual dwarfism.



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4 minutes ago, Irish star said:

Still Blabbing Nonsense take another hit or is it your day off 


OK... so you're unable to tackle the debate... 


Just own up to lacking the smarts to hold a discussion...    actually, there's no need for such a confession - your comments have already betrayed your lack of mental capacity to debate such topics. 

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3 minutes ago, shackleton said:

The Thai government promoted the use of these  products 

So probably think the money 💰 made from the sales to people especially Foreigners tourists ect  is worth the cost 🤔 


What cost ?


Just curious - what is the 'cost' of people using Marijuana ?


More on the roads having accidents etc ?...  I'd suggest that is minimal, although surely exists - but nowhere to the extent of drink driving or driving while coked up or on Amphetamine etc.





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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


So, both of you think it impossible that someone consumes Marijuana and gets sufficiently high to do something as stupid as seeing a running car and thinking they'll go for a spin ????





How could they ever know being that the first initial act of stupidity is consuming the mind altering substance. 

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