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Why our GOP candidate will prevail.......


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“Here’s the sad truth,” the author correctly states in the piece. “The Democratic Party has lost its way entirely. They mostly speak to the college educated, the urban and affluent, in their language. Their tone is condescending and paternalistic. They peddle giveaways to the college-educated like student loan forgiveness plans that disproportionately help their base, snubbing the majority of the country without a four-year degree, and then offer no tangible plans for true reform.”



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1 hour ago, herfiehandbag said:

If the GOP candidate prevails it is because they have inserted their loyalists into the electoral system in a number of States, this will produce confusion, obfuscation and chaos when some or all of these stated fail or refuse to complete the election process. Then the selection of a President will pass to the existing House of Representatives, (not the one elected in November of course, which could be a very different animal) who will insert Trump. If the Supreme Court gets involved, then of course they will do as they are told.


It is blatantly obvious that this is the plan. It is not following the Constitution, but is manipulating the Constitution.


Once a GOP regime is installed, it will move swiftly to silence dissent, take control of the judicial system, media and ensure that it permanently retains power.


The endgame for democracy in the USA.

Awesome imagination.

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I had a phone call from US today asking questions I'm assuming is for a poll. Now the caller had a tagalog accent so I asked where she was calling from and she hung up. So, my question is, who actually takes the time to answer questions? I believe the average person never would have answered the call in the first place but I answer all US calls because I have business dealings going on all the time.


For me that means these polls we hear about can't be very accurate.

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2 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

If the GOP candidate prevails it is because they have inserted their loyalists into the electoral system in a number of States, this will produce confusion, obfuscation and chaos when some or all of these stated fail or refuse to complete the election process. Then the selection of a President will pass to the existing House of Representatives, (not the one elected in November of course, which could be a very different animal) who will insert Trump. If the Supreme Court gets involved, then of course they will do as they are told.


It is blatantly obvious that this is the plan. It is not following the Constitution, but is manipulating the Constitution.


Once a GOP regime is installed, it will move swiftly to silence dissent, take control of the judicial system, media and ensure that it permanently retains power.


The endgame for democracy in the USA.

Nice conspiracy theory.  How does that happen exactly?  Lots of missing steps in there. And most important, why didn't it happen when Trump won in 2016?

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Endorsements/newly registered followers of Taylor Swift + Billie Eilish + Oprah + Meryl Streep + George Clooney + Chris Rock >>>>>non-college educated, unskilled and obviated labor


The Electoral College was decided by ~ 78,000 votes across the States of WI, MI and PA in 2016, and by a mere 40,000 in 2020. The millions of newly registered voters, prompted by the likes of Swift and Eilish, represent a much more significant factor than a bunch of Incels in Mom’s basement watching tranny porn (like the NC (R) Gubernatorial candidate). Swifties alone can lock up WI, MI and PA, and with NC and even FL now in play, George McGovern is probably watching from above to see if his ’72 record is finally broken.


The good news for the felon is that he’ll soon have much more time to ponder his various legal defenses, though he might have trouble raising funds from his base to pay his legal fees. I really doubt anyone expects him to try to run again in 2028.

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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

I had a phone call from US today asking questions I'm assuming is for a poll. Now the caller had a tagalog accent so I asked where she was calling from and she hung up. So, my question is, who actually takes the time to answer questions? I believe the average person never would have answered the call in the first place but I answer all US calls because I have business dealings going on all the time.


For me that means these polls we hear about can't be very accurate.

They have other methods. The better polling organizations are well aware that most people screen calls and/or don't  even have landlines.


That said my Mom worked for a while for the Harris polling organization using a phone in our basement. But that was long ago. Most people including me have never been polled.

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, FriscoKid said:

Trump won't and can't win. He lost to Biden, who was an even older man than he in 2020. Now he's up against someone who is smarter, 20 years younger, more capable, and who isn't old and in advanced stages of cognitive decline.

Trump also lost as an incumbent president in 2020 to a former vice president. If he couldn't win then as the incumbent then he has no shot at winning now. The people already showed that they didn't want him again in 2020, and his base has shrunk even more since then, with many republicans having openly flipped over to Harris. Plus he's never even once won the popular vote. The majority has spoken twice already. Now he is even older and far more deranged, so he doesn't have a chance, and this will be the second time he loses to a former vice president. 


Well, you ARE right about one thing- he is up against somebody younger. The rest is unproven, and if Kamala has her way will remain so. 


Polling now is better than 2020 and even than 2016 for the Bad Orange Man at this stage.  As for the so-called "popular vote", that matters as much as a bucket of warm hamster vomit. Voting patterns are not based on it, so the results are not valid in any real way. Same thing in Canada, Trudeau came in 2nd in the popular vote but won more seats in Parliament and became the Prime Minister. 

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