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We can't say we weren't warned


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The point of the whole post is that those chosen by Trump to head up important roles in government, to almost a man have come out to say he is unfit for the job. That is a damning indictment and if it was in the business world the immortal words 'you're fired' would ring out loud and clear.

All you Trump apologists can wax lyrical about  'embittered ex-employees' but no POTUS in the history of the US has had quite so many of their own staff coming out and saying 'for Gods sake don't let him gain power again'.

The canary in the coal mine is singing it's heart out and like the analogy itself, you would be foolish to ignore the signs. 



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18 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Trump's brilliant plan for the economy is to tax everything that's coming into the country with tariffs as high as 100%, on Chinese products that are made by American companies.


Who pays those tariffs, the American consumers do. And it represents the largest tax height in the past 50 years. 


The billionaire investor Mark Cuban doesn't think former President Donald Trump's call for 200% tariffs on the agriculture equipment company John Deere is a good idea. "This Lack of Understanding of Business is insane," Mark Cuban wrote in an X post on Monday.


Cuban was weighing in on the 200% tariff that Trump said he'd impose on John Deere. Trump issued the threat at an agricultural policy roundtable in Smithton, Pennsylvania, on Monday.


"I love the company, but as you know, they've announced a few days ago that they're going to move a lot of their manufacturing business to Mexico. I'm just notifying John Deere right now: If you do that, we're putting a 200% tariff on everything that you want to sell into the United States," Trump said.


"Put a 200% tariff on the American company moving some production to Mexico," Cuban wrote on X. "But tariff Chinese manufacturers 10 or 20%, so that the Chinese products will be cheaper to sell in the US than the American company."


"Good way to destroy a legendary American company and increase costs to American buyers," he continued.

Who pays for raising corporate income taxes? 


You want open borders, vote for Harris.

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14 hours ago, johng said:

Better to jaw jaw than war war   talking to others and trying to understand their differing points of view is a good thing.


Censorship of other opinions,closed ears and refusal to talk or even listen has lead us to where we are now  closer to another world war than ever before  and guess what  its not Trumps fault 😋

That's right. The coming catastrophe in the ME is entirely down to netanyahu and his minion Biden, IMO. Trump was nowhere near the halls of power when it started under Biden's watch.

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On 9/28/2024 at 7:50 AM, spidermike007 said:

Trump's brilliant plan for the economy is to tax everything that's coming into the country with tariffs as high as 100%, on Chinese products that are made by American companies.

Quite right too. If they are prepared to make Americans unemployed so they can exploit Chinese workers to get richer, they deserve to get taxed till they squeak when walking.

They can't just put the prices up as people will stop buying their products made with exploited labour.

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