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Why Men Are Rejecting Marriage

save the frogs

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I am putting this in the political soapbox section of the forum because this person is discussing an interesting LAW that could/maybe should be put in place.


He is proposing a solution to costly and messy divorces. Ie put renewable marriage laws in place ... no need for lawyers etc when getting a divorce.


And the other reason I am putting this video in the political soapbox thread is that I find that people waste countless hours discussing political candidates without really thinking about any serious issues that directly affect their lives.


This guy is proposing some sort of legal reform which would make marriage much better in western countries. 


So my point for creating this thread is that most people are getting their information from the wrong places by continually listening to Trump on Fox News. 



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13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Marriage was a good idea when the wife had to stay home to look after the kids and cook the meals while husband worked.


It's a bad idea now that only benefits women, IMO.


Who would drive a car if there was a 50% chance of dying in an accident?


Yep, this guy nailed it. When women started working, traditional marriage started dying.

Govts benefit through a bigger tax base.

The whole world is all about money man. 

Love takes a back seat.



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Not sure it's all about men rejecting marriage.  May be more about women being self sufficient, and realizing, they don't need men as past generations thought they did.


I found independent, self sufficient woman putting off marriage, family life & kids till much later, if at all.


Unskilled, unmotivated woman seem to look forward to being married ... until they realize ... oops, and want out.  Then that 50/50 piece of paper comes in real handy.


75/25 if they popped out a few rug rats :cheesy:



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If the Japanese ever perfect those sex robots, the human race is doomed.


On an aside, but not off topic, in the USA, this statistic would scare the beejeezus out of me.  Today, 1 in 36 US kids is autistic.   I don't remember ever knowing a family with an autistic kid when I was growing up.  The CDC data only goes back to 2000 (wonder why?), but the wingnut media says the number was about one in 1500 when I was born. 


My nephew has 1 profoundly (totally non-verbal) autistic son, and another that's borderline, but too young to diagnose.  It's a good thing he's loaded and his wife is a physician's assistant.  Otherwise, the money they've spent on care for the past 6 or 7 years would bankrupt a typical family.  As it is, they're virtually trapped at home because they can't take their son out in public, or even to neighborhood events.  His behavior is too disruptive to those around him.  The saving grace is that they slum it in a $million dollar estate in the Texas Hill Country.


About 1 in 36 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network.




Maybe that's why the western birthrate is down?  Who wants that risk?  And if you're not going to raise kids, what's the purpose of getting married, that exceeds the risk of getting married?


Edited by impulse
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Women are realizing too late that they have been lied to by modern feminizm.  Delaying marriage to have a 'fulfilling' life and career is not the ticket to happiness. Neither is having a string of meaningless relationships and then waking up in their mid to late 30s suddenly bit by the marriage bug.  


Fact seems to be that men really don't care about a woman's career or earnings. They prefer their partners to be fit, feminine, friendly, and agreeable. Women don't get this. They try to 'girl boss' too much.   It IS possible to balance career and home if done properly, but it requires sacrifice from both partners. 


Hence the growth of "passport bros" who travel abroad to seek partners who match their needs. 

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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

Women are realizing too late that they have been lied to by modern feminizm.  Delaying marriage to have a 'fulfilling' life and career is not the ticket to happiness. Neither is having a string of meaningless relationships and then waking up in their mid to late 30s suddenly bit by the marriage bug.  


Fact seems to be that men really don't care about a woman's career or earnings. They prefer their partners to be fit, feminine, friendly, and agreeable. Women don't get this. They try to 'girl boss' too much.   It IS possible to balance career and home if done properly, but it requires sacrifice from both partners. 


Hence the growth of "passport bros" who travel abroad to seek partners who match their needs. 

You should publish the results of your research in The Journal of Because I Said So.

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4 minutes ago, placeholder said:



You should publish the results of your research in The Journal of Because I Said So.

Already did. Peer reviewed and all. 


My speaking tour begins next month. I'll send you a ticket!

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3 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

Hence the growth of "passport bros" who travel abroad to seek partners who match their needs. 

just came across a youtube vlogger based in romania.

claims eastern european women are way better than american women for marriage. 

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20 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

just came across a youtube vlogger based in romania.

claims eastern european women are way better than american women for marriage. 


Tristan or Andrew?


In any case, the warmongers have made sure there are plenty of Ukrainian widows and former lovers on the dating market.


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A couple generations changed things.  50s & 60s, divorce was still embarrassing vs today, where it's almost expected :cheesy:


Lots of broken homes in the 80s and beyond.   Along with living together is accepted in MSM.   

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Isolation and loneliness have always been bedfellows of aging. These days it's getting worse as so many people have chosen to be childless. The number of women over the age of thirty in the USA has crossed the 50% mark. This has never happened before in human history. I'll repeat that - 


This has never happened before in human history. Astounding. 


The effects of the Age of Isolation have already started. The second half of this century will be a catastrophe as literally you'll pick up the phone and no one will be there to help you. Four hour waits for ambulances are now the norm, two weeks to see a GP. 


The rich will be fine, they'll use their resources to capture the market. Your average Westerner won't be fine. 

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33 minutes ago, placeholder said:

possibly more entrepreneurial.


In my experience, just more traditional in outlook. Your average Eastern European woman looks at Western women with contempt and can't believe woke is a thing. 


I know many and I've heard them talking. But remember, they all either lived through the deprivations of communism or their parents did. They have a different world outlook for that reason. Even they might change within a generation or two. 

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I have long been an advocate for legal reform in relationships.  As a minimal start any monies paid to woman (or man) should be contractual payments conditional upon the relationship being maintained. If the woman decides to exit the relationship she should have to repay the monies paid to her. It's only right.


Easy to do and easy to implement.


The guy makes a good point, that a woman can withdraw consent to sex any time, but a man can't withdraw consent to provide economic sharing at any time, rather the opposite happens if she decides not to have sex and to divorce she gets the house and car, or half the value.


We need to wake up to the new reality, this is woman's paradise we live in. We can make it a men's paradise.

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Marriage has it origins in religious efforts (by men) to entrap a woman, securing regular sex and pandering to a man's obsession that women should have their sex lives controlled by them.


Look at Islam....but Christianity is/was not that far removed from achieving the same levels of control.



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10 minutes ago, Will B Good said:



Marriage has it origins in religious efforts (by men) to entrap a woman, securing regular sex and pandering to a man's obsession that women should have their sex lives controlled by them.



couples have been a thing long time before modern religion 😉 It was a way where we secured our offsprings to survive and the man could focus on get the food on the table and a good shelter that would keep them safe, and also protect the family,  while wife took care of kids and made food. Nothing else than that. 

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25 minutes ago, Will B Good said:



Marriage has it origins in religious efforts (by men) to entrap a woman, securing regular sex and pandering to a man's obsession that women should have their sex lives controlled by them.


Look at Islam....but Christianity is/was not that far removed from achieving the same levels of control.




This is absolutely 100% correct. Well apart from the religious part.


Our cavemen ancestors had to fight for sexual access, she went with the victor. But those men unable to compete soon figured out that they could buy women with food, ie get sexual access in return for a stable provision of food. However, if the woman then got pregnant by another male, this investment was wasted. Therefore, men insisted on loyalty. Out of this monogamy and eventually marriage was born.


Monogamy and marriage are men's inventions.

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