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Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants with sexual assault, murder convictions roaming US


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3 minutes ago, impulse said:


I read it.  The entire thing.  But I don't cherry pick what I link.


BTW, I'm interested in hearing how many of them came in under Trump.  But I doubt CNBC wants that number out there...


Well, if you find that number be sure to let us know.

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5 minutes ago, impulse said:


Will do.  But the reality is that pointing fingers at the past isn't nearly as important as knowing the scope of the problem and how to fix it.


There doesn't seem to be any political will under Harris/Biden to fix it.  Otherwise, we'd be seeing  Venn diagrams of newcomers, overlapping with criminals.


When Trump got elected in 2016 he had some bigly big ideas about how he would fix the problem. He didn't. What makes you think this time around will be different? 

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Perhaps one of the reasons this report from ICE got little major media coverage, except for mostly the usual cast of right-wing Trump supporting outlets, are the following details reported today by Fox in a follow-up article:


"In a statement on Saturday, DHS said the data was being "misinterpreted."


"The data goes back decades; it includes individuals who entered the country over the past 40 years or more, the vast majority of whose custody determination was made long before this Administration," a spokesperson said. "It also includes many who are under the jurisdiction or currently incarcerated by federal, state or local law enforcement partners." [emphasis added]


The administration has said it needs more funding and reforms from Congress to fix a "broken" immigration system, including via a bipartisan Senate bill introduced this year – which has been rejected by Republicans. DHS said that bill would have provided much-needed resources, including additional immigration enforcement agents and officers and additional detention resources."




The same Fox report also included the following added detail for sorely lacking context -- the recent ICE report says their non-detained docket counted 425,431 undocumented individuals with criminal convictions.  Then adding of that number, "The data does not reveal how many of those criminals are recent arrivals. [emphasis added]


But then the article goes on to add, "in August 2016, toward the end of the Obama administration, ICE said there were about 2.2 million noncitizens on the non-detained docket and about 368,574 were convicted criminals." [emphasis added]


Meaning, that the ICE count of undocumented individuals with supposed criminal conviction histories already was 368,574 before Trump and Biden ever took office, and only grew by almost 57,000 (about 15%) during the entire eight years of the Trump and Biden administrations, with no breakdown of how many were added during either of those two presidents.


Thus, Trump and related Republicans who have long histories of demonizing documented and undocumented immigrants will try to paint the ICE report numbers as somehow the fault of Biden and Harris, and that the crime situation has been spiraling out of control.


When in fact, whatever the numbers really represent (and that looks to be in considerable doubt given the DHS comments reported above about the data going back 40+ years and that the non-detained count in fact includes individual who ARE incarcerated), the vast majority of those counted got added to ICE's list (whatever it may or may not represent) long before Trump and Biden came along.


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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


As the New York Times reported recently -- there is no migrant crime surge:

The Myth of Migrant Crime

Republicans suggest that immigrants are especially likely to be criminals. The data shows the opposite.
July 18, 2024
"In fact, U.S. rates of crime and immigration have moved in opposite directions in recent years. After illegal immigration plummeted in 2020, the murder rate rose. And after illegal immigration spiked in 2021 and 2022, murders plateaued and then fell.
Over a longer period, there is no relationship between immigration and crime trends. The number of foreign-born Americans has increased for decades, while the murder rate has gone up and down at different times, as these charts by my colleague Ashley Wu show:
Yes, some migrants have committed violent crimes. There are more than 45 million immigrants in the U.S., and invariably some of them — just like people of any other group — will do bad things. Similarly, thousands of native-born Americans commit violent crimes in any given week."



You're making a schoolboy error.......you're posting facts......big no no.


Lies are the new way forward, stories to get your point across......facts?...phffft.



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28 minutes ago, Will B Good said:



You're making a schoolboy error.......you're posting facts......big no no.


Lies are the new way forward, stories to get your point across......facts?...phffft.




I used to work in government for many years, and must say, I'm baffled at how ICE handled the release of this data to the requesting congressman.


Absolutely no problem with the data being provided. Government agencies need to be responsive to congressional oversight.


But to put out such a document so entirely lacking in context and perspective as to what the data really means, and what periods of time the data in fact covers, simply is IRRESPONSIBLE.


Anyone with half a brain in Washington D.C. politics would have to know that Trump and the related Republicans would likely use and abuse the data given any opportunity, as has been their custom in the past when it comes to immigration issues.


Unless it was an attempt on the part of the acting ICE director under whose name the report was issued [Patrick J. Lechleitner, Deputy Director and Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Director]  to play blatant pre-election politics.


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2 hours ago, Inderpland said:

I think you forgot to switch on your irony detector this morning.🙂

TBH I tend to skim through a lot of posts nowadays rather than read them. I am 80 and I get so bored with reading the same old MAGA crap my response is on automatic and I just post without thinking.



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Some added useful context from the BBC:


"Of the 1.5 million apprehensions of people crossing the border illegally so far this financial year - and where Border Patrol was able to check against law enforcement databases - about 15,608 were of people with previous criminal convictions.


The most common conviction was for illegal entry into another country (9,545), followed by driving under the influence (2,577), and drug possession and trafficking offences (1,414)."




By my math, that works out to about a 1% rate of prior criminal convictions based on the above numbers, with the largest number being illegal entry into another country (which would hardly be surprising given the population involved here).


Not quite the immigrant crime wave Trump and related Republicans are trying to gin up.....


Meanwhile, as for Trump's bogus claims:


"He [Trump] has repeatedly criticised the government's record on the border, saying "Kamala Harris has allowed 21 million illegals to pour in from all over the world."


These encounters have risen to record highs under the Biden administration but not to the level Trump - who has not provided a source for his claim - maintains." [emphasis added].




The guy just makes stuff up as he goes along, and rarely seems to have any basis in facts or reality.


However, it does seem like there are an awful lot of immigrant haters out there, in the U.S. and elsewhere, which is particularly sad given that pretty much EVERYONE who lives in the U.S. (apart from Native Americans) has their familial roots as immigrants at some point in time.


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7 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Some added useful context from the BBC:


"Of the 1.5 million apprehensions of people crossing the border illegally so far this financial year - and where Border Patrol was able to check against law enforcement databases - about 15,608 were of people with previous criminal convictions.


The most common conviction was for illegal entry into another country (9,545), followed by driving under the influence (2,577), and drug possession and trafficking offences (1,414)."




By my math, that works out to about a 1% rate of prior criminal convictions based on the above numbers, with the largest number being illegal entry into another country.


Not quite the immigrant crime wave Trump and related Republicans are trying to gin up.....


Meanwhile, as for Trump's bogus claims:


"He [Trump] has repeatedly criticised the government's record on the border, saying "Kamala Harris has allowed 21 million illegals to pour in from all over the world."


These encounters have risen to record highs under the Biden administration but not to the level Trump - who has not provided a source for his claim - maintains." [emphasis added].




The guy just makes stuff up as he goes along, and rarely seems to have any basis in facts or reality.




The truth and Trump are complete strangers and AFAIK they have never met.

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48 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


As the New York Times reported recently -- there is no migrant crime surge:

The Myth of Migrant Crime

Republicans suggest that immigrants are especially likely to be criminals. The data shows the opposite.
July 18, 2024
"In fact, U.S. rates of crime and immigration have moved in opposite directions in recent years. After illegal immigration plummeted in 2020, the murder rate rose. And after illegal immigration spiked in 2021 and 2022, murders plateaued and then fell.
Over a longer period, there is no relationship between immigration and crime trends. The number of foreign-born Americans has increased for decades, while the murder rate has gone up and down at different times, as these charts by my colleague Ashley Wu show:
Yes, some migrants have committed violent crimes. There are more than 45 million immigrants in the U.S., and invariably some of them — just like people of any other group — will do bad things. Similarly, thousands of native-born Americans commit violent crimes in any given week."

The mistake you are making is conflating "migrant" with "illegal immigrant".  The data for legal and illegal needs to be separated in order to be useful.   


I don't think anybody wants immigration to stop. But there is a discussion on who, how, and how many.  Granting status and letting people free to roam the country, or giving away bus/plane tickets, is absolute idiocy. 

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30 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

The mistake you are making is conflating "migrant" with "illegal immigrant".  The data for legal and illegal needs to be separated in order to be useful.   


Actually that's an intentional misstatement (lie) Trump has repeatedly made, most recently when he kept referring to LEGALLY permitted Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio as "illegals"


A few examples among many:


"Do you denounce the bomb threats in Springfield?” a reporter asked Trump on 14 September.

“I don’t know what happened with the bomb threats,” Trump lied. “I know that it’s been taken over by illegal migrants, and that’s a terrible thing that happened.” ... “These are people that aren’t legally in our country. This is an invasion of our country.”




"The next day, at a rally in Arizona, Trump conflated his lie about “eating pets” with his lurid stories about migrant murders. ... You have this small little community. All of a sudden you have 20,000 illegals in your community. Nobody knows where they come from."




As for the Haitians legal status, the city of Springfield has a FAQ webpage that answers that question:


"Q: Are the immigrants here legally and how did they qualify?
YES, Haitian immigrants are here legally, under the Immigration Parole Program. Once here, immigrants are then eligible to apply for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Haiti is designated by the Secretary of Homeland Security for TPS. Current TPS is granted through February 3, 2026."





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26 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

The mistake you are making is conflating "migrant" with "illegal immigrant".  The data for legal and illegal needs to be separated in order to be useful.   


I don't think anybody wants immigration to stop. But there is a discussion on who, how, and how many.  Granting status and letting people free to roam the country, or giving away bus/plane tickets, is absolute idiocy. 

What country in the world would allow this calamity of errors?

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10 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Actually that's an intentional misstatement (lie) Trump has repeatedly made, most recently when he kept referring to LEGALLY permitted Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio as "illegals"


A few examples among many:


"Do you denounce the bomb threats in Springfield?” a reporter asked Trump on 14 September.

“I don’t know what happened with the bomb threats,” Trump lied. “I know that it’s been taken over by illegal migrants, and that’s a terrible thing that happened.” ... “These are people that aren’t legally in our country. This is an invasion of our country.”




"The next day, at a rally in Arizona, Trump conflated his lie about “eating pets” with his lurid stories about migrant murders. ... You have this small little community. All of a sudden you have 20,000 illegals in your community. Nobody knows where they come from."






Oh, absolutely he was wrong about the Haitians. They came under a special program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans I believe. Biden ramped it up to 30,000 people per MONTH for this one program. Lunacy.

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10 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

Oh, absolutely he was wrong about the Haitians. They came under a special program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans I believe. Biden ramped it up to 30,000 people per MONTH for this one program. Lunacy.


Not quite that simple:


"On January 5, 2023, the Biden administration announced its intent to provide “safe and orderly pathways to the United States” for up to 30,000 nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. The new program, formally known as the Processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans (CHNV), allows certain people from these four countries who have a sponsor in the U.S. and who pass a background check to come to the U.S. for a period of two years to live and work lawfully, using a legal mechanism known as “humanitarian parole.”


The creation of this new parole program, however, was coupled with restricted access to asylum at the U.S./Mexico border for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Starting in January 2023, the government of Mexico agreed to allow the U.S. to expel up to 30,000 migrants from those countries to Mexico each month—preventing them from requesting asylum under U.S. immigration law. With the expiration of the Title 42 order in May 2023, the U.S. announced that it would formally deport some migrants from these countries to Mexico instead of to their home countries.


With the expansion of the program to Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans on January 9, 30,000 monthly slots are available in total, across all four countries."




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17 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

THANKS @riclag  ... some staggering numbers.  


The border Czar did such an excellent job, can't wait till she's president :cheesy:


2024 .....  HARRIS .....  2024

biden/ harris administration have been consistently 

outstanding in their calling for a surge to the border!

As a result Ice was forced to include a letter to a Congressman to showcase 

stats that support what Trump and others have said , about migrant criminals .This is a unvetted catastrophe . I worry for my kids in the USA. 

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:

TBH I tend to skim through a lot of posts nowadays rather than read them. I am 80 and I get so bored with reading the same old MAGA crap my response is on automatic and I just post without thinking.




   Always someone else's fault , its MAGAS fault that you failed to detect an ironic post 

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8 minutes ago, riclag said:

biden/ harris administration have been consistently 

outstanding in their calling for a surge to the border!

As a result Ice was forced to include a letter to a Congressman to showcase 

stats that support what Trump and others have said , about migrant criminals .This is a unvetted catastrophe . I worry for my kids in the USA. 

Do you think any of these folks will be showing up to get their deportation notice :cheesy:


"The data, as of July 2024, is broken down by those in detention, and those who are not in detention -- known as the non-detained docket.  The non-detained docket includes illegal immigrants who have final orders of removal or are going through removal proceedings but are not detained in ICE custody. There are currently more than 7 million people on that docket."


To put that in perspective ...

... 34 of the 50 states, have less than 7 million people living in those states.


Only 16 states have more than 7 million residents :cheesy:


126 of the 234 countries & dependencies, don't have 7 million residents.  Only 108 countries have  population of 7+ million :cheesy:


A few countries around the 7 million +/- mark ... :coffee1:


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33 minutes ago, riclag said:

biden/ harris administration have been consistently 

outstanding in their calling for a surge to the border!

As a result Ice was forced to include a letter to a Congressman to showcase 

stats that support what Trump and others have said , about migrant criminals .This is a unvetted catastrophe . I worry for my kids in the USA. 



What it is is Trump and Co. abusing and misrepresenting statistics to paint a false picture and falsely attribute blame to Biden and Harris for the ICE data, as explained in the following Fox News report:


"In a statement on Saturday, DHS said the data was being "misinterpreted."


"The data goes back decades; it includes individuals who entered the country over the past 40 years or more, the vast majority of whose custody determination was made long before this Administration," a spokesperson said. "It also includes many who are under the jurisdiction or currently incarcerated by federal, state or local law enforcement partners." [emphasis added]






Using the data in the above Fox News report, as I posted above:


The ICE count of undocumented individuals with supposed non-detained criminal conviction histories already was 368,574 before Trump and Biden ever took office, and only grew by almost 57,000 (about 15%) during the entire eight years of the Trump and Biden administrations to the newly reported figure of 425,431, with no breakdown of how many were added during either of those two presidents.


Thus, Trump and related Republicans who have long histories of demonizing documented and undocumented immigrants will try to paint the ICE report numbers as somehow the fault of Biden and Harris, and that the crime situation has been spiraling out of control -- when in fact, the ICE report and its recap of 40+ years of stats does and says nothing of the kind.






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29 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Do you think any of these folks will be showing up to get their deportation notice :cheesy:


"The data, as of July 2024, is broken down by those in detention, and those who are not in detention -- known as the non-detained docket.  The non-detained docket includes illegal immigrants who have final orders of removal or are going through removal proceedings but are not detained in ICE custody. There are currently more than 7 million people on that docket."


To put that in perspective ...

... 34 of the 50 states, have less than 7 million people living in those states.


Only 16 states have more than 7 million residents :cheesy:


126 of the 234 countries & dependencies, don't have 7 million residents.  Only 108 countries have  population of 7+ million :cheesy:


A few countries around the 7 million +/- mark ... :coffee1:


Well done on those figures!

Fingers crossed that the left will see rounding up these criminals and deporting them , obama style , is fair!


“The most recent enforcement figures released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on December 30 offer the latest evidence of these trends. Eighty-five percent of all removals and returns during fiscal year (FY) 2016 were of noncitizens who had recently crossed the U.S. border unlawfully. Of the remainder, who were removed from the U.S. interior, more than 90 percent had been convicted of what DHS defines as serious crimes”.



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This thread, and the ways in which the underlying report from ICE has been misrepresented, is a good illustration of the saying popularized by Mark Twain:


""Lies, damned lies, and statistics"


"Lies, damned lies, and statistics" is a phrase describing the persuasive power of statistics to bolster weak arguments, "one of the best, and best-known" critiques of applied statistics.[2] It is also sometimes colloquially used to doubt statistics used to prove an opponent's point.





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29 minutes ago, riclag said:

Well done on those figures!

Fingers crossed that the left will see rounding up these criminals and deporting them , obama style , is fair!


“The most recent enforcement figures released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on December 30 offer the latest evidence of these trends. Eighty-five percent of all removals and returns during fiscal year (FY) 2016 were of noncitizens who had recently crossed the U.S. border unlawfully. Of the remainder, who were removed from the U.S. interior, more than 90 percent had been convicted of what DHS defines as serious crimes”.




What you somewhat disingenuously failed to note in your quoted excerpt above regarding 2016 statistics was the two sentences that immediately preceded it, which I'd have to assume you saw:


"The [Obama] enforcement priorities and policies, which evolved over the years, represented a significant departure from those of the Bush and Clinton administrations. As detailed below, the Obama-era policies represented the culmination of a gradual but consistent effort to narrow its enforcement focus to two key groups: The deportation of criminals and recent unauthorized border crossers."


If an administration starts out with the premise that "criminals" are one of only two groups that they're going to target for deportation, then it's hardly surprising that high numbers of its deportation cases for that particular period in fact involved criminals.


But that hardly makes that kind of data from back in 2016 somehow representative of the broader, larger undocumented immigrant population or the totality of border crossers.



However, the BBC above (Sept.28) gave more current data that's probably more meaningful and representative of reality:


"Of the 1.5 million apprehensions of people crossing the border illegally so far this financial year - and where Border Patrol was able to check against law enforcement databases - about 15,608 were of people with previous criminal convictions.


The most common conviction was for illegal entry into another country (9,545), followed by driving under the influence (2,577), and drug possession and trafficking offences (1,414)."




By my math, that works out to about a 1% rate of prior criminal convictions based on the above numbers, with the largest number being illegal entry into another country (which would hardly be surprising given the population involved here).


Not quite the ginned up, fake immigrant crime wave that Trump and Co. and trying to sell....



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3 hours ago, riclag said:

The bbc has a interesting article on the 

troubling situation!


They touch on this point as well ,Trump  administration criminal migration figures!

They also show the crime statistics with April’s FBI crime data, which  was found to be underestimated, but the bbc doesn’t mention that.Heres a article from Fox News that 

shows the FBI  crime report was off.







According to an unknown conservative organisation, and reported by Fox News! 😅

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