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Could an October Surprise Shift the Deadlocked Trump-Harris Race?

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7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

It doesn't appear that anything can happen in terms of a revelation about Trump's moral bankruptcy, previous crimes, or lack of character, which will influence his supporters. Most are aware of who he is, and what he is, and they're planning on voting for him anyway.


So what could happen that could influence the campaign would be some ugly revelations about Harris. Let's see what happens, I still think it's her election to win. 

that just shows you how much disdain people had for the us political system. the reason trump won in the first place was people wanted a change from the normal BS, wars and false promises, . i'm surprised that the so called 'intelligent' democrats don't understand something so simple.

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13 hours ago, neeray said:

I see it more as Trump has pulled "every dirty trick in the legal book". Whatever has been "thrown at him", he deserved and brought this sh*t on himself. Inciting a riot to support his government takeover effort is one pretty good example! Lives were lost and now it has come out that Mike Pence's life was in danger, and what did Trump say when told? Trump just said, "SO WHAT". 


Link it or stow it.

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23 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Here is what Trump has done for America!: Only 13 Presidents failed to get re-elected. Only 5 Presidents failed to win the popular vote. Only 4 Presidents have been impeached or resigned. Only 1 President has ever been criminally indicted. And only ONE President has done ALL FOUR. -

DJT didn't lower taxes (He deferred them) -

He didn't get Americans that healthcare coverage -

He did not unite the USA, he divided it -

He didn't lower prescription drug prices -

He didn't get roads or bridges built He didn't decrease the deficit -

He didn't end the opioid crisis -

He made over 250 visits to his golf clubs costing us taxpayers $150 million -

He didn't revive the coal industry -

He didn't make covid-19 'disappear' He didn't make Mexico pay for the wall 

He is ranked the worst President in history 

He added $2 Billion a month in tariff costs to the American consumer

He has a net-negative jobs creations for his administration 

He decreased corporate taxes, passing the tax burden to the workers 

He added $ 7.8 Trillion to the deficit - a full 25% of the total deficit 

He incited an insurrection against our government 

He is the only president to never achieve 50% approval. 

He didn't put "America first" and he sure didn't "Drain the Swamp... 

He left office with the worst job numbers of any President since the Great Depression with a net job loss over his term 

He is the first former president to be a CONVICTED FELON (34 times). 


The presidency is very much about character. Trump is a lowlife convicted felon.


He completely blew it. Again. This man is his own worst promoter. He should stop talking. Nearly everything he says is nonsense, pure fabrication, or outright lies. Not sure what he thought he would gain by this appearance, as he does not do well with audiences that do not displaying total fealty to their Master. 


What's this? 




looks like a bs wish list from Tug.

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21 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

You've twisted reality once again. If Trump loses there is no way that he's going to accept the results, he's pretty much already said that that's the case. If Harris loses she will bow out gracefully just like every other Democratic Contender that's lost in the last hundred years.


I guess you already forgot January 6th. 

i am not talking about Harris or Trump, i am talking about their supporters.


jan 6th was BS, i couldn't care less, it's just you lot pearl clutching, which Dem was it that compared it to the holocaust ?

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The first time I heard the term October Surprise was in 1988, and it referred to something GHW Bush (CIA chief at the time) did prior to the election in 1980 with Iran (remember the Tehran hostage thing?) and it appears to have succeeded in getting Ronnie elected. I will not comment on the personal relationship between HW and the young fellow who tried to kill Reagan.


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