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Using air conditioning and humidifiers together


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Seems a contradiction to use both together judging by the amount of water our air conditioner places outside every morning but I wake up a couple of times a night for a toilet visit with a dry throat and lips. My wife suffers even more so than I do. Before anyone suggests the obvious air conditioning does greatly improve my breathing issues. 

So, anyone have experiences of using both together and was it successful plus any advice on models and make etc. 

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I used a humidifier night time for a period along with the AC, it worked, stopped my dry gravely throat.


I can't recall the make just look on Lazada at reviews, around 600 baht, friend bought a Xiaomi and loves it, easy to clean, more expensive though.


Also check your AC isn't on dry mode

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In theory, there is no reason why you shouldn't run both, keep the humidifier away from the inlet duct of the aircon.


Also, running you air con fan as fast as you can help.  The air will be delivered faster and warmer and dehumidified less.  If you want the science behind this, let me know.

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