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Should A Woman Be Allowed to hold the office of President of the USA?


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3 minutes ago, Unamerican said:

Not at all a truly Christian response, is it? 


Why not support everyone in such worthy desires? 



Well said.


In my experience the more religious people become the less 'christian' they behave.......very sad state of affairs.




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20 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

This is a question that the entire world is afraid

A presumptuous start to any question or statement of opinion.  It is not even 'your' entire world, but an imagined construct of a world run according to a view of a single religion and a specific interpretation of it.  If your god created the world then why did he create men first?  Men do not have the physical capacity to create further life; only women have that after a fleeting dalliance with a male.  In nature there are several species where there is only one male in the group and if that male dies then a female of the species changes sex!


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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Personally I think women are far better politicians than men, they're less emotional and they're less inclined to declare war, so I'm very much in support of women candidates. 

I agree that women are not equal to men.


IMHO women are far superior in every way and in every type of job with the one exception of a job that requires the strength that men have more than women.


Fortunately jobs like that are disappearing.

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1 hour ago, G_Money said:

I beg to disagree.  You won’t see it on liberal MSM.


Fox has the highest viewership and ratings in the country.


The truth does hurt at times.


By all means.  Post your proof from a reputable source claiming it’s not true.



Fox has the highest viewership and ratings in the country.



Accepting that as a fact, is your comment  a complaint or a concern....to be sure it is a very sad reflection on the US population.




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1 hour ago, Will B Good said:

These women have achieved billionaire status

And those are just  (some if) the US candidates.  Just think how may thousands there are in the major countries of the world: places such as India and China!!  

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3 hours ago, jimmybcool said:

I didn't read most of this thread.  Just my vote - I have no problem with a woman president.  I do not like the two candidates we have had to date (Hillary and Kamala) but that is more to do with their politics and qualities than gender.  If for example Condolezza Rice ran I'd be 100% OK with her as president. 

Her courageous resignation in protest against the Bush administration's dishonesty in pushing for the Iraq war will always be an inspiration to all of us who are fans of the former national security advisor and Secretary of State.

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18 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

would the country have been better off having the favor of God on them instead of having God take a back seat and turn HIS face away from them



Does 'your' God know he is supposed to behave in a christian manner?



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52 minutes ago, mdr224 said:

Im not feminist. Im not sure you actually believe the things you post it seems you just want to pick fights. No use debating someone who disagrees with everything

I presented my opinion.

which has been statistically proven over the years.

You disagreed with me.


if you want to live in your feminist fantasy land then that is entirely up to you.

Good luck with that. 
it is going really well.

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21 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

This is a question that the entire world is afraid to ask in this day and age of women's rights and gender equality; but in my estimation, it is the "elephant in the room" so far as this upcoming election is concerned. I am a Christian, and in the Christian ethos a woman would not be allowed to hold that office. The Holy Scriptures make it perfectly clear that there is a line of authority in God's Kingdom, and a woman is not to have spiritual authority over a man. The Head of the woman is the man, and the Head of man is Jesus Christ. This goes for marriage and the household and even in the church where women are not to hold the position of Deacon or Pastor and having spiritual authority over the men. I simply cannot imagine that God would bless a woman and her nation when the population goes against the Laws of God and elects a woman as President. HE will only work within His own framework of authority. We all know intuitively that having a woman as Commander in Chief is just not natural, and I firmly believe that a nation will never be blessed when a woman is in charge.


If you follow politics at all, you will see that our House and Senate are filled with women who are at odds with everything that is good and Godly for our country. They simply don't have the wisdom that is required to fulfill the calling to these higher offices. Even King Soloman, the richest and wisest man in his time, said that in all his dealings he never met a wise woman. The only thing that could be worse than having a woman as the leader of any nation would be to have a boy king, and historically that has been proven time and time again. I am deeply concerned for the direction that our country is headed, and I am totally convinced that if a woman is elected as President of the USA, then we will have done a grave injustice to ourselves.


I am certain that I will receive tremendous pushback on this which only goes to show how we have been deceived by the rise of feminism over the past decades. There was a time in history when the Christian churches even preached on this topic from the pulpits of America, and it would have been unheard of to elect a woman as President. Sadly, in this age even the churches have been intimidated by the secular culture and are deathly afraid of being called out and cancelled for standing firm on this topic. Preachers are all but silent on the matter.....being afraid of losing their positions and having their church's non-profit status removed by the government and even being closed down for going against the culture and propagating so-called hate speech and intolerance. God's Word is the same yesterday, today and forever more, and HE is unchanging. For me, this is not a matter of opinion, but it's a question of obedience to God. As for me and my house, we will always serve the Lord and put Him and HIS WORD first in all of our decisions. 


In support of my position, I offer for your consumption an article that will explain my point further and offer Scripture references to support my claim. 


This type of thinking went out in the 1950's except maybe the bible belt of the USA and radical cults. 


Not everyone in the USA follows the same faith as you and that's clearly laid out in the founding of the country and establishing the govt as separate from church. Women are far more compassionate and levelheaded in determining moral and social issues when not encumbered to have to think and act like a man to be able to work on the political playing field. There's nothing wrong with women in politics. Keep religion out of government as there is no place for singular religious thinking in todays cornucopia of  religions in the USA.  

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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

The obvious answer is "of course, just not THIS woman".  Plenty of smart and savvy ladies in politics in the US, in both parties, that could be considered presidential material. Hell, even Hillary Clinton, with whom I disagree on just about everything, would have been a better president than Kamala. Hillary is at least smart, sharp, and has experience in the world.

Harris is a great candidate. Practically anyone is compared to the alternative.


PS. I've had a look at the OP and a couple of the posts and I'll let you guys enjoy this thread without me. There's only so much lunacy one can deal with in one day. Discussing Trump is more than enough.

Edited by Inderpland
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5 minutes ago, Will B Good said:



A woman has never been voted by the people to be President of the USA.

The people decide, not me.


The only one that attempted it was because she was the wife of a former president.


Now I know the feminists on here will argue and say that Hilary got there on her own merits, but she didn’t. 
She never would have got close to being considered if Bill had not been president.

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