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The Urgency of Addressing Iran’s Nuclear Threat

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1 hour ago, Gweiloman said:

One man’s terrorist is another man;s freedom fighter. Most westerners I know think everyone else are terrorists. Like @connda said, hubris and hegemony.

From a Western perspective, the term "Insurgent" is a pejorative meaning "a bad person who needs to be killed."
But in most cases the term is used to define "an oppressed individual in a once sovereign nation who has risen up and is fighting to liberate their nation from domestic and foreign enemies."  However, read a Western main-stream media article and "insurgents" are always the bad guys because the term is always used from the perspective of a country like e.g., Vietnam, Malvinas, Granada, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Central African Republic, Sudan, Mali, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Chad, Haiti, Syria, Afghanistan, etc, where Western colonial powers intervene in the domestic affairs of a sovereign nation, enter the country as occupiers, and begin a war using advanced weapons usually slaughtering countless civilians (called by this sterile term: collateral damage) in order to "kill the insurgents."

Interestingly enough, the term "freedom fighter" is often coined to refer to the internal proxy forces of the colonial power which are created and funded to fight the "insurgents." 

So in a way I don't completely blame Westerner citizens of colonial powers for not understanding, as virtually all citizens of these countries (including myself) were literally indoctrinated from birth to believe the "one and only one narrative of Geo-politics" that all of the killing done "over there" by your country is for "the defense of your nation" (which is thousands of miles away from where your military is fighting) and for spreading "liberty and democracy" to the savages in foreign lands.  (Do ya want to know all of the disparaging terms used to label North Vietnamese "savages" during the war? They weren't nice, but they were used to impress on Western troops that all Vietnamese were savages.  And new terms as created to label all insurgents in countries where Western colonial troops are sent to put-down insurgencies.  You have to dehumanize those you wish to kill).

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7 minutes ago, connda said:

From a Western perspective, the term "Insurgent" is a pejorative meaning "a bad person who needs to be killed."
But in most cases the term is used to define "an oppressed individual in a once sovereign nation who has risen up and is fighting to liberate their nation from domestic and foreign enemies."  However, read a Western main-stream media article and "insurgents" are always the bad guys because the term is always used from the perspective of a country like e.g., Vietnam, Malvinas, Granada, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Central African Republic, Sudan, Mali, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Chad, Haiti, Syria, Afghanistan, etc, where Western colonial powers intervene in the domestic affairs of a sovereign nation, enter the country as occupiers, and begin a war using advanced weapons usually slaughtering countless civilians (called by this sterile term: collateral damage) in order to "kill the insurgents."

Interestingly enough, the term "freedom fighter" is often coined to refer to the internal proxy forces of the colonial power which are created and funded to fight the "insurgents." 

So in a way I don't completely blame Westerner citizens of colonial powers for not understanding, as virtually all citizens of these countries (including myself) were literally indoctrinated from birth to believe the "one and only one narrative of Geo-politics" that all of the killing done "over there" by your country is for "the defense of your nation" (which is thousands of miles away from where your military is fighting) and for spreading "liberty and democracy" to the savages in foreign lands.  (Do ya want to know all of the disparaging terms used to label North Vietnamese "savages" during the war? They weren't nice, but they were used to impress on Western troops that all Vietnamese were savages.  And new terms as created to label all insurgents in countries where Western colonial troops are sent to put-down insurgencies.  You have to dehumanize those you wish to kill).

The status of a terrorist group or state sponsor of terrorism is defined by either the UN list or individual states. Not by individual opinions of posters on a forum trying to convince others who is a freedom fighter or not.

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12 hours ago, connda said:

I won't even elaborate other that to state the obvious: Most Westerners have been raised from birth to believe that Israel is God's Gift to the World.  And of course, God gave them the Eastern Mediterranean (not the British via the Belfour Agreement) and as such they have the God-given right to ethnically cleanse the entire region since 1948 and anyone who disagrees is a "terrorist." 

The only problem?  The local Arab and Persian population is tired of the ethnic cleansing.  Now if you are the typical Westerner, then all Arabs and Persians are dirty camel-riding ragheads who don't deserve to breath the same air as "God's Chosen People" sooooo, ya'll root root root to <cue the Beach Boys "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran"

The same goes for Westerner's sentiments about Russia, China, and all other countries which you have been raised to viscerally hate.  So?  Don't be surprised when the nukes fly.  In this Orwellian world of Newspeak, the oppressors are the oppressed, and the aggressors are the victims of aggression.  The world stage is better than a fictional screen-play nowadays, kinda like Doctor Strangelove, and just about as satirically funny.

And what god would that be? The invisible person who is in heaven and everywhere at the same time, that many people pray to with no reply or response?


Or a fairy tale written by many people thousands of years ago.

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21 hours ago, connda said:

From a Western perspective, the term "Insurgent" is a pejorative meaning "a bad person who needs to be killed."
But in most cases the term is used to define "an oppressed individual in a once sovereign nation who has risen up and is fighting to liberate their nation from domestic and foreign enemies."  However, read a Western main-stream media article and "insurgents" are always the bad guys because the term is always used from the perspective of a country like e.g., Vietnam, Malvinas, Granada, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Central African Republic, Sudan, Mali, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Chad, Haiti, Syria, Afghanistan, etc, where Western colonial powers intervene in the domestic affairs of a sovereign nation, enter the country as occupiers, and begin a war using advanced weapons usually slaughtering countless civilians (called by this sterile term: collateral damage) in order to "kill the insurgents."

Interestingly enough, the term "freedom fighter" is often coined to refer to the internal proxy forces of the colonial power which are created and funded to fight the "insurgents." 

So in a way I don't completely blame Westerner citizens of colonial powers for not understanding, as virtually all citizens of these countries (including myself) were literally indoctrinated from birth to believe the "one and only one narrative of Geo-politics" that all of the killing done "over there" by your country is for "the defense of your nation" (which is thousands of miles away from where your military is fighting) and for spreading "liberty and democracy" to the savages in foreign lands.  (Do ya want to know all of the disparaging terms used to label North Vietnamese "savages" during the war? They weren't nice, but they were used to impress on Western troops that all Vietnamese were savages.  And new terms as created to label all insurgents in countries where Western colonial troops are sent to put-down insurgencies.  You have to dehumanize those you wish to kill).

Notice also how it is almost always the western world that throws around pejorative like the bad guys, the axis of evil, barbarians (Netanyahu), jungle dwellers (Borrell) etc. Much like many posters on here calling others shills, apologists, propagandists, orcs, without contemplating to think that they are are as guilty as the other side.

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