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Understanding Prostate Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options


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Understanding Prostate Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options


Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among men worldwide. Despite its prevalence, it's a subject often shrouded in confusion and apprehension. This article aims to shed light on the critical aspects of prostate cancer, addressing frequently asked questions and exploring possible causes, symptoms, and treatments.


What is Prostate Cancer?


The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland in males, situated just below the bladder. It plays a crucial role in the male reproductive system by producing seminal fluid, which nourishes and transports sperm. Prostate cancer occurs when cells in the prostate grow uncontrollably, forming a tumor.


What Causes Prostate Cancer?


The exact cause of prostate cancer remains elusive, but several factors can increase the risk:


- Age: Prostate cancer is rare in men under 40, but the risk rises significantly after age 50.

- Family History: Genetics play a role; having a father or brother with prostate cancer doubles a man's risk.

- Race: African-American men are more likely to develop and die from prostate cancer than men of other races. The reasons for this discrepancy are still being studied.

- Diet and Lifestyle: A diet high in red meat and high-fat dairy products and low in fruits and vegetables may increase the risk. Obesity has also been linked to a higher risk of aggressive prostate cancer.


The Reproductive System | Loma Linda University Fertility


How do I Know if I have Prostate Cancer?


Early-stage prostate cancer usually has no symptoms. However, as the disease progresses, symptoms may include difficulty urinating, decreased force in the stream of urine, blood in the urine, bone pain, and erectile dysfunction. It's important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by non-cancerous conditions, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).


Enlarged Prostate (BPH) - Urology Center of Iowa


How is Prostate Cancer Detected?


Regular screenings can help detect prostate cancer in its early stages. The two primary screenings are:


1. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test: This blood test measures the level of PSA, a substance produced by the prostate. Elevated levels may suggest the presence of cancer.


2. Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)A physical examination where a doctor feels the prostate through the rectum to check for abnormalities.


If these tests indicate the possibility of cancer, a biopsy is often recommended to confirm the diagnosis.


What are the Treatment Options?


Treatment depends on the stage of cancer, a patient’s age, overall health, and their personal preferences. Options include:


- Active Surveillance Monitoring the cancer closely with regular PSA tests and biopsies. Suitable for low-risk, slow-growing cancers.

-Surgery: A radical prostatectomy involves removing the prostate gland. It's often used when the cancer is confined to the prostate.

- Radiation Therapy: This includes external beam radiation or brachytherapy (placing radioactive seeds inside the prostate).

- Hormone Therapy: Reduces testosterone levels, as prostate cancer cells rely on this hormone to grow.

- Chemotherapy: Generally used for cancers that have spread outside the prostate or don’t respond to hormone therapy.



How Can Prostate Cancer be Prevented


Although there's no sure way to prevent prostate cancer, maintaining a healthy lifestyle may reduce your risk. This includes a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and discussing with your doctor the potential benefits and risks of screening.




Prostate cancer, while common, doesn't have to be a death sentence. Early detection and advancements in treatment have significantly improved outcomes. It's essential to have open discussions with healthcare providers and be informed about the risks and benefits of various screening and treatment options.




For more information, visit reputable sources such as:

- American Cancer Society: [cancer.org](https://www.cancer.org/cancer/prostate-cancer.html)

- Mayo Clinic: [mayoclinic.org](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/prostate-cancer/symptoms-causes/syc-20353087)

- National Cancer Institute: [cancer.gov](https://www.cancer.gov/types/prostate)


These sources provide comprehensive, updated insights into prostate cancer and its management. Remember, awareness and regular medical check-ups are your best defences.




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If you have any trouble urinating please go see a doctor about it. It can happen at any age. At 53 I couldn’t urinate and I let it go a little too long and ended up in the hospital. Then tested and had surgery. It’s not pleasant but wasn’t too bad and well worth your health. We men are stubborn and we need to check things out a bit quicker than our minds tell us. 

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About 5 years ago I got a pain down below and it was painful when I went for a number 1. Paracetamol and retired to bed, seemed to do the trick but next morning things ere going backwards so I went to the hospital guessing it was a prostrate problem, blood test and urine test confirmed this and the doctors told me I had an infection. Opted for the camera to have a look inside, not pleasant but an option. Since then I have been on 2 tablets which work together and cost me about 1300 bts a month and since then no problems although as we get older going to the loo takes longer and interest in the ladies declines.

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I can only speak of my own experience.

2023 September.

I was urinating many times during the day and night. I was in the Philippines and did a Biopsy, very unpleasant but necessary. The results - benign.  Then 3 months later nothing changed so I got a Second opinion in US, America.. Prostate Cancer was found. Aggressive State..


2023 April.

(Surgery Performed, Prostate Removed) 

Was healing and feeling good.  

2024 Jan - Aug

my PSA was rising (when you have no prostate you shouldn't have PSA number or should be something like 0.01..) at 0.8 we had a PetScan CTscan done. 2 small Metastasis were found 

2024 Aug

   Thailand Bumrungrad Hospital Bangkok. 6 weeks of radiation treatments.

2024 currently today, October 16th..

  Heading back to Bumrungrad Hospital for results this week.. Bumrungrad Radiation Treatment Center IS FANTASTIC AND THE BEST!  I feel positive the treatments worked.


So my point is this... If you feel you are urinating more frequently and or something is just off., get your back side to Bumrungrad Hospital Bangkok Thailand.  This isn't a game, you don't have time ( Although it's rare Prostate Cancer can kill you..it's the spread that might.. tumors can relocate)

   I'm living good..

I have always been in great shape. Blood work great, NO diabetes, not overweight, 25 years Military 🪖 HOOAH.

  So this can hit anyone as it doesn't segregate...


Anyone have any questions . Feel free to hit me up at LINE: WOODY KENNY. or IM. At Woody Kenny.   


Side note: I lived in the Philippines with my Filipino Wife for 4 year's, have a house built, car still there. Medical is not, repeat Not the best.. Very few areas like Manila Region has decent Medical.

  But who wants to live in Manila..

 Bottom line you just don't want to get caught in the Philippines needing serious medical.. That's why I'm here in Thailand where medical is Top Self at Bumrungrad Hospital Bangkok.


Thank you for reading...








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27 minutes ago, nong38 said:

About 5 years ago I got a pain down below and it was painful when I went for a number 1. Paracetamol and retired to bed, seemed to do the trick but next morning things ere going backwards so I went to the hospital guessing it was a prostrate problem, blood test and urine test confirmed this and the doctors told me I had an infection. Opted for the camera to have a look inside, not pleasant but an option. Since then I have been on 2 tablets which work together and cost me about 1300 bts a month and since then no problems although as we get older going to the loo takes longer and interest in the ladies declines.

So what Disease did you have?  

   Be thankful it wasn't Prostate Cancer brother.. stay safe and avoid hanging out in the bars... Time for life changes 

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Right chaps for what it’s worth please no PLEASE if your over 50 get yourself along for a PSA blood test .

ive had this done the past 11 years in the uk along with my annual full blood counts , 2 years ago I forgot to ask for my PSA test alongside my full bloods but thought ill be ok as I’ve been within region I’ll get it done next year.

So the next year November 23 I did ,, within one week I was fast tracked into urology , had an mri scan , then full bone scan , full urine tract scan , full body CT scan with contrast , had to undergo the horrendous transperenial biopsies all 30 of em 😂then after 2 months of that lot told I had prostate cancer and had to undergo 37 days of radio therapy , which I can tell you the last 3 weeks became almost impossible as you have to have a min of 280 ml in your bladder each time , and let’s just say by then your bowels and bladder are a tad over active.

Anyway the good news is 3 months on now at my first review I’ve been told my treatment has been very successful and I now have a virtually undetectable PSA of below 0.01% , and yes I will be monitored for my PSA levels for the next 10 years plus 1 more year of the hormone injections we are given.

Now then the very VERY IMPORTANT part of this story ,, I along with thousands and thousands of other men have ZERO symptoms at all , in fact when I had to do my flow test I passed it with flying colours with a score of 91% a continual flow of 568ml with only 2% residual in the bladder which they scan after your flow test.

Once again PLEASE get that PSA test done TOMMOROW 

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6 hours ago, WoodyKenny said:

So what Disease did you have?  

   Be thankful it wasn't Prostate Cancer brother.. stay safe and avoid hanging out in the bars... Time for life changes 

An infection of the bladder which was affecting the prostrate, the gland according to the doctors was benign and the 2 tablets I have would keep it in check.

Every year with annual health check up a PSA test is done to keep an eye on the prostrate and I would encourage everyone to have this done, my full check up costs about 1100 bts, the PSA alone is 400.

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