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Kansas Woman Shares "Unbearable" Horrors of Hell After Near-Death Experience

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In 2019, Charlotte Holmes of Wichita, Kansas, found herself at the center of a life-altering event when a routine checkup with her cardiologist took a sudden turn. Her blood pressure skyrocketed, leading doctors to suspect she was either having a stroke or an impending heart attack. Rushed to the hospital, Charlotte was quickly placed on an intravenous drip. But soon after, her heart stopped. For 11 minutes, she was clinically dead.


During those moments, Charlotte says she experienced both heaven and hell in vivid detail. Recalling her story on the Christian TV show *The 700 Club*, Charlotte's husband Danny remembered the eerie atmosphere in the hospital room. “I looked around, and I knew there were no flowers in that room,” he said. “That’s when I knew she was not in this world.”


As for Charlotte, who was 68 at the time, she recounted the beginning of her experience: “I could see Danny standing in the corner... I could see all the nurses around." But then, her vision shifted. "I opened my eyes, I looked around at the beauty. I could see the trees, I could see the grass. And everything was swaying with the music, because everything in heaven worships God.” 


Charlotte described heaven as indescribably beautiful, noting that its magnificence is beyond human comprehension. “It’s so above what we can even imagine – [by] a million times, a million times,” she said, emphasizing that earthly words fall short in conveying what she saw.


Led by angels, she recalled feeling “pure joy” and an absence of fear as she entered heaven. There, she was reunited with deceased family members, including her mother, father, and sister, who appeared healthy and vibrant. “They didn’t look old, they didn’t look sick, none of them wore glasses,” Charlotte said. “They looked like they were in their 30s... They looked wonderful.”


Among the most profound moments was her encounter with a bright light, which she instinctively knew to be God. Standing alongside Him was a toddler, whom Charlotte identified as her son, lost during pregnancy. “I lost that child,” she shared. “I was five-and-a-half months pregnant. I can remember them holding the baby up and saying, ‘Charlotte, it's a boy.’ Then he was gone.” Seeing the toddler before her, Charlotte was overwhelmed. “I said, ‘God, how is that possible?’ [And] He says, ‘They continue to grow in heaven.’”


But her experience was not limited to the joys of heaven. God chose to show her a glimpse of hell. “I looked down, and the smell, and then rotten flesh – that’s what it smelled like – and then screams,” Charlotte recalled. The stark contrast between the beauty of heaven and the horrors of hell was overwhelming. “After seeing the beauty of heaven, the contrast to seeing hell is almost unbearable,” she said.


Charlotte remembered God’s words as she witnessed hell: “He says, ‘I show you this to tell you, if some of them do not change their ways, this is where they shall reside.’” The imagery and warnings left a deep impact on her.


Soon after, Charlotte heard her father’s voice, telling her to return to the living world and share her experience. At that moment, she felt herself being drawn back into her body and awoke in her hospital bed. She made a full recovery and was released from the hospital two weeks later.


Since then, Charlotte has dedicated herself to sharing her story, believing that it carries a powerful message. “People need hope,” she said. “They want to know that there really is something out there, they want to know that everything's OK.”

Her belief in heaven is unwavering. “Heaven is more than you can imagine,” Charlotte stated. “I’m so grateful I can look you square in the eye and tell you for sure, heaven is real.”



Based on a report from MSN 2024-10-24







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