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Warning: This is going to stretch the limits even for "Off the beaten track".


An interesting article on the success scientists have had implementing mind control in mice using nano particles and EM fields has been making the rounds over the past 24 hours:




Which leads to the obvious question. The Covid SARSv2 spike proteins are also nano particles, and they've been shown to easily cross the blood brain barrier among other things. Combined with 5G frequencies of up to 60GHz, it is not inconceivable that these 2 technologies could be used to accomplish a similar effect in the human population.


Then we have Trump announcing a very strange program called Stargate, which is $500 billion for a massive AI spending project, with one of the worst examples of a human being, Larry Ellison, only slightly less vile than Bill Gates himself, talking about using AI to make many more such mRNA "vaccines" under the guise of curing cancer. But why the name Stargate? In fact, there's a TV Series by that name, Stargate SG-1, and famous episode in their 10th Season called "2010", where an advanced race called the Ashen, under appearances of helping, actually uses vaccines to make humans sterile and thereby take over the planet without firing a shot. When combined with Covid's known proclivity to collect in the human reproduction centers, all of these things start to build a disturbing picture of what the overlords who conceived of Covid might have been plotting, and the range of destructive capabilities it could have had on our species had it not been stopped.


Conspiracy theory? Absolutely. But the speculation, if ultimately proven true, should send shivers down your spine.


If you are like me, and believe we have been living through a psyop these last several years, (and that psyop is not yet over) then you can't avoid considering that the above scenario is not technically impossible, and that Trump may be preparing to expose something truly diabolical.


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Reckon all those ladies, who took the jab, of child-bearing age, should start detoxing; NOW!


As for the vaxxed men. Don't think it's quite so serious, but start a fasting and detox programme ASAP.

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