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Thailand’s Policy On Quality Tourism


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“Sufficiency Tourism”: Thailand’s Policy on Quality Tourism (07/08/2007)

Minister of Tourism and Sports Suvit Yodmani has stressed the Government’s policy of developing Thailand into a quality tourism destination and attracting the arrival of quality tourists.

Mr. Suvit on 3 August 2007 made an inspection tour of Krabi province in the South to follow up on the progress of the projects under the “green and happiness” strategic plan. During his meeting with the Governor of Krabi and other senior officials, Mr. Suvut explained that quality tourism means “Sufficiency Tourism” in accordance with His Majesty the King’s initiative concerning environmental care. Sufficiency Tourism focuses on tourism disciplines and standards. In the first stage, some tourists might not be satisfied with it, but he believed that an intensified campaign for this policy would bring about success.

According to Mr. Suvit, quality tourists should have purchasing power and not exploit the country and the people. They must not create problems that lead to natural and environmental destruction. Attracting a large number of tourists overall is not as important as the number of quality tourists. He cited the slogan “Tourism in the Thai lifestyle against global warming” as a principle in promoting the policy of Sufficiency Tourism.

Mr. Suvit said that he wanted Krabi to become a “green season” destination, which attracts tourist arrivals all year round regardless of seasons. Krabi has great potential for tourism because of its readiness in terms of diverse natural beauty. Recognized as an eco-tourism center in the Andaman Sea, the province boasts many tourist attractions, such as hot springs and marine tourist sites. The local people also have a unique way of life that visitors find interesting.

With these special features, he believes that quality tourists will revisit Krabi. After the December 2004 tsunami, Krabi saw its tourist arrivals decline by only 10 percent. During the first six months of 2007, this province hosted about 600,000 visitors. The number is expected to reach two million by the end of the year.

Mr. Suvit suggested that Krabi link its tourism plan, in a systematic manner, with the nearby provinces of Phang-nga and Phuket. In particular, it should hold sports events to be promoted together with tourism activities. Among the sports events are a run, walkathon, and bicycle tour along coastal areas. He stressed the importance of environmental preservation and the maintenance of quality tourism destinations in order to make Krabi a green season place for quality tourists.

Mr. Suvit ordered various agencies under the Ministry of Tourism and Sports to propose an action plan for Krabi, Phang-nga, and Phuket within 30 days. The action plan will be used as a guideline to promote tourism in the three provinces in the Andaman Sea.



"According to Mr. Suvit, quality tourists should have purchasing power and not exploit the country and the people. They must not create problems that lead to natural and environmental destruction. Attracting a large number of tourists overall is not as important as the number of quality tourists. He cited the slogan “Tourism in the Thai lifestyle against global warming” as a principle in promoting the policy of Sufficiency Tourism."

"Quality touirists" have PURCHASING POWER,

"Quality touirists" do not exploit the country and the people

"Quality touirists" do not create problems that lead to natural and environmental destruction

It becomes clear to me about "the new orders from the boss" about the visa extension and the requirement of "fresh" 800K Baht imported every year .......

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the requirement of "fresh" 800K Baht imported every year .......

There is no such requirement.

Of course, if he wants "quality expats" it may be a different matter.

Edited by JetsetBkk
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I have heard rumours that the "quality tourist" is considered by the TAT to be the one that arrives with pocket loads of cash, deposits it in a special reciptical at customs, turns around, boards the same flight he came on & returns home.

Pretty much the wording of the 4th (purchasing power) paragraph says exactly that. "We want your money but don't want to give anything in return for it. Deal?"

The basics of "trading" & "sharing" & "value for money" come to mind. "If you want to use my lawnmower, can I borrow your chainsaw?"

No idea sometimes.


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This whole idea of sufficiency seems to sound more and more like the Gross National Happiness scheme of Bhutan.

The idea of only high end tourists spending lots of money is also a Bhutanese theme.

The similarities are becoming very striking.

Thai tourism and Bhutanese tourism as well as their economies are hardly comparable, that is without yet debating whether the happiness scheme is workable in Bhutan or just an admission poverty can't be eliminated.

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...environmental care...tourists should have purchasing power...They must not create problems that lead to natural and environmental destruction...

Whether rich or poor, a tourist urinates and defecates. It is when these wastes are allowed – by hotels, municipal planning authorities, etc. – to flow untreated into rivers and the ocean that environmental pollution occurs. But who is going to tell this to the Minister of Tourism and Sports?



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This sounds like a government guy trying to keep his job. Saw it many times working for the US Government.

His boss probably got pissed off because he saw some drunk tourist taking a leak on the side of the road, so he goes into the tourism guys office and tells him to attract a better brand of visitors. But the guy has no ability to do this, no on does, so he creates this "program" to draw a better class of tourists. He will go around and give some speeches, make flyers and posters, crap like that. He will get to keep his job--but nothing will happen.

I was a part of many useless and wasteful programs like this in the US. We used to actually try to get teenagers to stop drinking. Wanna guess if we had any success?

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I was a part of many useless and wasteful programs like this in the US. We used to actually try to get teenagers to stop drinking. Wanna guess if we had any success?


Good post. If I know American teenagers(or teenagers anywhere), I think I know the answer. Were you also trying to get them to not have sex? :o

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What Thailand considers to be "quality" tourists are the type that frequent Monoco and the South of France - places with the best of the best of everything. Other than the Oriental Hotel, why would they come here? :D

For the sleaze .............oh and culture :o

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Same tired old stuff from these unworldly politicians. Do they never have an original idea ?

Oh ! And Bhutan uses the Gross Happiness Index in a forlorn attempt to hide the fact

that they are one of the worlds poorest countries ... GDP/pc $ 1,400 :o


Edited by naka
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If Thailand is serious about focusing on "quality tourists" (just another word for rich people, spending lots of cash), the government ought to address the following issues:

- Thailand is in competition with Malaysia, Indonesia (Bali), Maldives, and increasingly Vietnam. Why would a tourist choose Thailand? What has Thailand the other destinations don't have?

- The "quality" tourist likes a natural, i.e. clean environment, clean and abundant fresh water, clean beach, clean streets, honest merchants in shops, a glass of wine even if lunch lasts longer then 2 PM, entertainment until early morning, good telephone and Internet infrastructure. All things in which Thailand - let's say - could improve.

- Thailand has a lot of top class hotels and resorts, true 5 star places, ironically all managed by farangs. If this new FBA will pass, we will see that this will change rapidly and drastically. The Government now wants also the management to be controlled by Thais.

- Transportation to the resorts is often very cumbersome. After arriving at Suvannaphum airport, the trip to, say Kho Chang or Krabi is often so difficult, elder people renounce to the trip altogether.

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...environmental care...tourists should have purchasing power...They must not create problems that lead to natural and environmental destruction...

Whether rich or poor, a tourist urinates and defecates. It is when these wastes are allowed – by hotels, municipal planning authorities, etc. – to flow untreated into rivers and the ocean that environmental pollution occurs. But who is going to tell this to the Minister of Tourism and Sports?



Silly fool! Quality Tourists don't have anuses.

Edited by dave111223
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...environmental care...tourists should have purchasing power...They must not create problems that lead to natural and environmental destruction...

Whether rich or poor, a tourist urinates and defecates. It is when these wastes are allowed – by hotels, municipal planning authorities, etc. – to flow untreated into rivers and the ocean that environmental pollution occurs. But who is going to tell this to the Minister of Tourism and Sports?



Silly fool! Quality Tourists don't have anuses.

So why don't you just stay home and sponsor a couple of Isan girls? There is no need to strain Thai infrastructure with your physical presence.

That seems to be the master plan.

TAT in Chiang Mai said recently, it is planned to "wipe out" the image that CM is a meeting place for back packers... Back packers don't have money. So stay out! That back packers are often students and will have good jobs and will come back as "quality tourists" in the future if they like a country is beyond the powers that be brains in Thailand.

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Whether rich or poor, a tourist urinates and defecates. It is when these wastes are allowed – by hotels, municipal planning authorities, etc. – to flow untreated into rivers and the ocean that environmental pollution occurs. But who is going to tell this to the Minister of Tourism and Sports?


When I built my hotel in Phuket. I was especially careful to install a sufficient number of septic tanks, soakaways and fat-traps for all the guest bedrooms.

The Thai-owned hotel that was built down the road just piped all this 'cr*p' into the nearby klong.....


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After arriving at Suvannaphum airport, the trip to, say Kho Chang or Krabi is often so difficult, elder people renounce to the trip altogether.

i daresay, the fact that they are remote has something to do with their tourism appeal.... :o

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“Tourism in the Thai lifestyle against global warming”

&lt;deleted&gt; does that mean? :o Somebody has armed this jobsworth with some buzzwords / phrases and he has predictably garbled it into something laughably pretentious and ridiculous. Groundhog Day.....

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Personally, i can't see anything wrong with TAT declaring a strategy centred around attracting quality tourists. Isnt that what every country wants. It doesnt automatically imply that backpackers will no longer will be welcome; it means a shifting of Thailand's tourism brand away from solely focusing on backpackers and sex tourists and towards spas, luxury resorts and the like.

Seems like a good strategic goal to me.

Of course Thailand is a fair way from that position now, but declaring it as a strategy is the right start and provides some directional sense for future policy developments.

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Without the backpackers and other lower budget travellers in Chiang Mai there would be NO tourists in Chiang Mai.

I see that there's been a huge increase in Chinese, Korean and southeast Asian tourists to Australia this year. I think the Thais would call these people, "Quality Tourists". Apart from the Siam Sq and Oriental Hotel zones and Phuket like resorts no big spenders would be interested in a country like this.

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...environmental care...tourists should have purchasing power...They must not create problems that lead to natural and environmental destruction...

Whether rich or poor, a tourist urinates and defecates. It is when these wastes are allowed – by hotels, municipal planning authorities, etc. – to flow untreated into rivers and the ocean that environmental pollution occurs. But who is going to tell this to the Minister of Tourism and Sports?



It seems that a lot of quality tourists are being expected to arrive in Pattaya shortly. Loads and loads of condos being built (wongomat is booming). they will be expected to buy a condo and stay for 2 weeks each year and spend all their money in the new (being built) shopping complexes. Also they will be expected to ignor the 500 or more pimps and hookers decoratng the beach front. Avert their childrens eyes when they come into view of hardcore porn DVDs on display or the plastic penis sales people touting their wares. Not to mention the booming crime - yes even more boom!

In fact what you have in Pattaya is good spending farangs leaving in their droves - being replaced by low spending experts in agressive bartering type tourists.

I have witnessed many asian tourists grabbing at clothes (for sale) etc and offering sometimes only 30% of the asking price before throwing them back at the horrified looking Thais whom seem to adopt a dont touch if you dont buy policy - they better get used to it quick!!

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the requirement of "fresh" 800K Baht imported every year .......

There is no such requirement.

Of course, if he wants "quality expats" it may be a different matter.

Some are reporting that there is. Even if there is not, it seems that we are moving in that direction. Thailand really doesn't seem to want the person who spends 50K baht a month or less anymore.


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the requirement of "fresh" 800K Baht imported every year .......

There is no such requirement.

Of course, if he wants "quality expats" it may be a different matter.

Some are reporting that there is. Even if there is not, it seems that we are moving in that direction. Thailand really doesn't seem to want the person who spends 50K baht a month or less anymore.


yes thailand are attracting higher class tourist but they are 1 time visitors ,where by the cheaper backpackers (who do spend money) come back again and again .with the higher classed tourists they spend most of there money in there 5 star hotels and this does nothing to nelp fhe small struggling bars and restaurants that attract the tourist in the 1st place....

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yes thailand are attracting higher class tourist but they are 1 time visitors ,where by the cheaper backpackers (who do spend money) come back again and again .with the higher classed tourists they spend most of there money in there 5 star hotels and this does nothing to nelp fhe small struggling bars and restaurants that attract the tourist in the 1st place....

Good point. The "quality tourist" is only spending money in establishments owned by the rich elite.

Maybe the ministers in charge of recruiting qulaity tourists & spurning all others have a vested interest....

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Quality tourism goes something like this.....

Mr X, a foriegn Multi Millionaire, who is self employed, descides to Visit Thailand with his wife for a short Vacation.

He travels to Thailand in his private Jet.

Arriving at Thailands new International Airport they have a tyre explode on landing due to the poor surface quality of the runway.

They get in to the airport and walk for 30 minutes to get to immigration.

At immigration they are asked for their Itinerary to prove that they do not intend to stay more that 30 days.

They explain to the immigration official they they are here in their own jet and only will be staying a week.

Mr X has been here before, Mrs X has not.

Mr X is doing a litle work while he is here, and his wife will be relaxing.

The immigration official then enquires if Mr X has a work permit.

The supervisor is called over to the desk, and they start to count up Mr X's number of days in country in the past 180 days.

This continues for a further 15 minutes, finally Mr X is given a 30 day stamp, and told he cannot come back into Thailand again for 3 months.

Mr and Mrs X head down to Level 1, stand in line and get a Taxi to the Sheraton Grand Sukhumvit.

They are informed, after leaving the airport in the Taxi, that due to the weather, traffic problems, and limited availablity of gasoline after midnight, that the fare will be 800 Baht.

The other problem is of course that the Hotel is full, but luckily the driver knows a great place on Suk Soi 4.

After arguing with the driver, they do get to the Sheraton.

They get a good nights sleep, and decide to go out and see the sights.

Grabbing a taxi, they tell the driver to head to the Grand Palace.

The driver informs them that it is closed today, but he does know of a good jewelery shop that he could take them to, that his wife might like.

They decline, and get the driver to let them out at Chitlom.

The driver estimates the fare to be 300 Baht, as his meter is "broken"

Whilst walking along, Mr X has has a cigarette.

When he is finished it, he looks in earnest for an ashtray or rubbish bin.

Not being able to find one, he flicks his cigarette but into the gutter with a lot of other rubbish.

Mr X is then approached by Sgt Somchai of the Royal Thai Police, who for some reason is wearing a Hello Kitty armband.

Mr X and Mrs X piss themselves laughing, they have never seen anything so funny. The Police with Hello kitty adormnents on their Uniform.

Sgt Somchai is now offended and informs them that they are criminals, as he witnessed Mr X drop a cigarette but on the street.

Mr X is told that he will have to pay 2000 Baht for littering, or be taken to the Police station.

2000 Baht later they are on their way.

They have had enough of this and are getting hungry.

They decide to get a taxi to Silom and get something to eat.

4 Taxis refuse to take them, due to heavy traffic. The next Taxi will take them but cannot use the meter, as it is busy and will take a long time.

A fare of 300 Baht is agreed upon.

Arriving at Silom Road 5 minutes later, they get out of the taxi and head to the restaraunt.

They order some lunch and a bottle of red wine. Sorry Sir, no wine as it is after 2pm.

Asking why, they are told that it is after 2 pm, and you cannot buy alcohol.

Why is this, they ask again. Because the Government says so...

etc etc etc etc etc etc etc..........

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My personal opinion that this policy is the product of people with no grip on reality. I also think that hiso Thais are understandably disgusted by the western view of Thailand as a brothel country, and people are rewarded for producing international public messages countering that. This is such a message. Smoke, mirrors, PR, no relation to currrent or future reality. It is the new airport of policies, much hyped and vaunted resulting in another embarassment.

Edited by Jingthing
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yes thailand are attracting higher class tourist but they are 1 time visitors ,where by the cheaper backpackers (who do spend money) come back again and again .with the higher classed tourists they spend most of there money in there 5 star hotels and this does nothing to nelp fhe small struggling bars and restaurants that attract the tourist in the 1st place....

Fascinating. What a pity I actually work in the high end tourist trade and almost everything I know of my customers runs completely counter to most of this.

Let's ditch the myths:

Plenty of high end tourists staying at high end hotels also spend money in the local markets, local restuarants, local services (e.g. healthland), local malls, local entertainment - the idea they hang out drinking Dom and only buying Zegna suits is not entirely accurate. Although...of course they are paying 7% VAT plus duty on that Dom and that Zegna suit. Where do the staff come from in these places owned by the Elite? How come Khao San Road is effectively owned and run by a few individuals/families and how do we know that these people are not Elite?

Plenty of high end tourists, particularly the ones who are investing in condos like the Heights in Phuket are coming here monthly. They are not 1 time visitors. If you have data to suggest that high end tourists are more likely to come here once only...well let's just say nothing I have ever discussed with the TAT or seen in arrival data or seen in any of my clients' data has suggested that. The feedback from the hotels i deal with is that their best group are not low end package tourists, but rather real true blue high spending frequent tourists....who come back again and again.

Plenty of small struggling bars and restuarants don't do anything to attract many tourists; most of my friends have nil interest, for instance, in the struggling bars and lousy food of Patong, Patpong or Nana Plaza. Some do. If they were better, maybe they would not be struggling :o Suffice to say, the backpackers staying at Khao San Rd then travelling to Samui and onto Krabi etc etc have a range of places they go to, in the same way that the majority of single guys staying in Lower Sukhumvit have a range of places they like to visit. To say one is better than the other because...well tell me the because. I am fascinated to learn something new about Thai retail.

There are a ton of attractions for affluent visitors coming to Thailand. Just because some people love cheap hos, drinking from 9am and cheap hotels, doesn't mean that is all Thailand has to offer. Yes, it has a long way to go in terms of providing the best possible experience with the assets we have.

However....to suggest that the only reason visitors come here is for dodgy sex and booze, and that Thailand is unable to attract high end tourists at all sounds a bit like some posters should look beyond their own group of mates.

The biggest mistake Thailand EVER made in tourism, was not capping the number of tourists at 5m or a similar number, and focusing on delivering a better experience to that 5m until service standards were met, then increasing the target. The pursuit of numbers at any cost under Governor Jutamas is what has lead to falling standards of service and reducing spending per tourist. When you have this never ending supply of primarily low end package tourists, you don't need to get that good. That's why some places are struggling now. A wake up call is needed; and focusing on quantity will never do that.

Spending numbers per visitor, at least from what we are seeing, are improving. The focus should be on quality rather than quantity, ignoring the crazy PR drivel in the original post - what a load of nonsense!

Natural attractions are a finite resource; they should be sold to maximise shareholder i.e. country wealth - financial and non financial; which probably means not selling the country as a whoremonger's paradise with no other benefits.

But then of course, we know many would like it to stay that way; their illusion of their own life and choices are premised on:

- Thailand being corrupt, dirty, rubbish

- But they keep coming here

- And they consider themselves and their behaviour as whoremongers fine, since that is all the country has to offer

- And that they are the most important part of Thailand's sorry economy

- So any threat to that (a different class of tourist who spends more than them, reduction in the sex industry, drug trade or other incentives that bring them here) is something to be laughed at, ignored and crushed

I have my own illusions about how great and important I am too, it is part of most people. However, to suggest that Thailand must take the dregs of the western world as tourists is a bit of a joke; there are many major non white affluent markets that LOVE Thailand for a variety of reasons....and spend.

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