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Report: First 1 Year Extension Of Temporary Stay (tm.7) In Nong Khai

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I am German and have a "Non-Immigrant Visa -O- Multiple" expired 16 July 2007. Last entry was on 15 June 2007 admitted until 12 September 2007.

Tuesday, 14 August I went to the immigration office in Korat. The officer told me to go to Nong Khai because I stay in Khon Kaen.

Wednesday, 15 August I went to Nong Khai, arrived at the immigration office at 8:50 and left the office at 9:35 with a 1 year extension up to 12 September 2008. The officer was friendly and helpfully.

I presented:

  • TM.7: Reason for extension "Retirement".
    Must be filled in manually, my printed version was not accepted.
    Signed on both pages.
    Mobile number added.
    1 Photo attached.
  • Passport with TM.6 Departure card from last entry.
    Signed copies.
  • 1900 Baht
  • Letter from embassy confirming income of more than 65000 Baht / month. Signed copy.

The original embassy letter was kept and I was told

  • to bring the copy of the embassy letter next year
  • to present next year ATM slips showing 65000 Baht / month coming into Thailand, a bank account would be good
  • to come in person for TM.47 (Notify of staying longer than 90 days)
  • to get a reentry permit when leaving the country.


Edited by willi2006
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I am German and have a "Non-Immigrant Visa -O- Multiple" expired 16 July 2007. Last entry was on 15 June 2007 admitted until 12 September 2007.

Tuesday, 14 August I went to the immigration office in Korat. The officer told me to go to Nong Khai because I stay in Khon Kaen.

Wednesday, 15 August I went to Nong Khai, arrived at the immigration office at 8:50 and left the office at 9:35 with a 1 year extension up to 12 September 2008. The officer was friendly and helpfully.

I presented:

  • TM.7: Reason for extension "Retirement".
    Must be filled in manually, my printed version was not accepted.
    Signed on both pages.
    Mobile number added.
    1 Photo attached.
  • Passport with TM.6 Departure card from last entry.
    Signed copies.
  • 1900 Baht
  • Letter from embassy confirming income of more than 65000 Baht / month. Signed copy.

The original embassy letter was kept and I was told

  • to bring the copy of the embassy letter next year
  • to present next year ATM slips showing 65000 Baht / month coming into Thailand, a bank account would be good
  • to come in person for TM.47 (Notify of staying longer than 90 days)
  • to get a reentry permit when leaving the country.


On 10 August 'gdhm' who lives in Khon Kaen also went to Korat and got his 1 year extension without problems

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On 10 August 'gdhm' who lives in Khon Kaen also went to Korat and got his 1 year extension without problems

I suppose this reply of gdhm which I knew is referred to http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...t&p=1468508.

gdhm does not mention it explicitly but I think it was not his first "1 year extension" and this might be the difference. I know from other people staying in Khon Kaen who got their first extension last year in Korat and were accepted again in Korat this year for renewal. Or may be decentralization or something like load balance is enforced between August 9 and 14 or at the officers discretion. I am just guessing.

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if next year you have to present ATM slips does that mean you must withdraw and spend the full 65K per month?

I'm also intrigued by this mention of ATM slips to show 65k being drawn (and, I guess, assumed to be spent) every month. First I've heard of it - and I've been assuming that the income confirmation letter from your embassy/consulate was enough. Certainly no mention of it at Chiang Mai when I recently got my first one year extension (based on retirement) to a still-current non-imm "B". They noted the original of my consulate income letter and kept a counter-signed photocopy. I actually asked the officer if they would need a new letter next year and he said "No - just bring the same one [i.e. the original] back to show next year".

As I've mentioned in another thread, Chiang Mai certainly DO like to see you have a Thai bank account and a decent balance in it - my interpretation of that being, say, somewhere in the 10k-20k+ (baht) range.

Edited by Steve2UK
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... and I was told
  • to present next year ATM slips showing 65000 Baht / month coming into Thailand ...

Yes, as I reported the officer told me this. He want to see 65000 Baht / month coming into Thailand. Did not say anything about spending for what ( :o ) or spending at all.

But: One year is long, requirements may change, may not be enforced. May be nice to have, no must. Who knows? I don"t worry. I will see what other people report. Next year will come and I will try. In case of problems there is still the Visa option with leaving the country every 90 days and there are also other countries which welcome retirees and their money.

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On 10 August 'gdhm' who lives in Khon Kaen also went to Korat and got his 1 year extension without problems

I suppose this reply of gdhm which I knew is referred to http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...t&p=1468508.

gdhm does not mention it explicitly but I think it was not his first "1 year extension" and this might be the difference. I know from other people staying in Khon Kaen who got their first extension last year in Korat and were accepted again in Korat this year for renewal. Or may be decentralization or something like load balance is enforced between August 9 and 14 or at the officers discretion. I am just guessing.

gdhm previously got his extensions in Udon Thani which was a part time office staffed by Nonk Kai officers.

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Interesting I have obtained the original visa from Nong Khai and three reenwals this is the dirst that I ahve heard that they would accept ATM slips. You have always had to prove that the money came from outside Thialand. I have always acccomplished that with a letter from my Thai Bank stating that the money came from a specific account o in my home country. I was not able to obtain that from the bank on the last renewal. But nothing was said at immigration since my bank book matches the deposits I suppose.

If they will accept ATM slips that is change and a good one at that. Guess I will start saving those slips LOL just in case.

I have always deposited the 65K and more each month, so I cant be of much help on the other question. I have never had the 800K in the account and don't plan to.

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 10 August 'gdhm' who lives in Khon Kaen also went to Korat and got his 1 year extension without problems

I suppose this reply of gdhm which I knew is referred to http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...t&p=1468508.

gdhm does not mention it explicitly but I think it was not his first "1 year extension" and this might be the difference. I know from other people staying in Khon Kaen who got their first extension last year in Korat and were accepted again in Korat this year for renewal. Or may be decentralization or something like load balance is enforced between August 9 and 14 or at the officers discretion. I am just guessing.


I have been here in Khon Kaen about 18 months. Arrived April 2007 to divorce my first (nightmare wife - love is blind). At first I used 30 day VOAs whilst I worked out procedures and decided what my future was.

Happily my future was to meet up with a female friend of my first wife. The friend had been fooled, lied to and used by my first wife to interpret and fool me over the Internet (they first met as my first wife needed help with English to send me emails).

I hasten to add the friend was horrified when she later found out how much she had been manipulated and deceived and would have nothing to do with my first wife after that. She was 100% innocent of intentionally helping my first wife in her nasty deceptions ( :o like me, naive and too trusting - we both have learnt from this)

This friend did everything in her power to help me and my first wife solve our problems during my short 6 weeks with my first wife to no avail and as I said above we thankfully divorced.

After a quick courtship I married the lady who had all the lovely qualities I had been led to believe my first wife had, but who did not possess, one except physical beauty and I have been very happily married ever since.

August 2006 I went to the Thai consulate in Vientiane, Laos with my wife and got a 3 month (I assume tourist Visa).

Based upon that I went to the Udon Thani (sub district Office of Nong Khai and got my extension Retirement Visa which was valid one year from the date I got my first Visa in Vientiane (namely until August).

I sent my postal 90 day reporting to Nong Khai since then UNTIL the Udon Thani sub district office closed down This made the journey from Khon Kaen to Nong Khai within 15 kms of a journey to Korat and longer and harder to reach if travelling by coach.

I then moved into a rental in Khon Kaen and need to advise my change of address on a 90 day report form. I decided THIS time to send that by post to Korat as I had decided that Korat was the easier to get to for me from Khon Kaen.

The acknowledged 90 day report (and blank form for next time) was received by me 1 day before I was travelling to Korat (with my wife). There was no mention I should have used the Nong Khai office (they could see I had used Nong Khai before because I used the form Nong Khai had sent me and had crossed out the "Nong Khai" name stamp on it and I replaced it with "Korat")

When at the Korat Imm. Office the next day (10th August I believe) my wife and I were asked why we had not gone to Nong Khai and we advised that Korat was quicker easier and only 15kms farther away anyway. There was NO objections raised whatsoever that we had gone to Korat.

I had all my necessary forms and received my extension (once again based on Retirement) and I also obtained a single exit/re-entry to Thailand stamp for my passport.

I left with the view "see you next year" and the officer I saw gave me his name and contact number should I have any questions during the following year.

The German gentleman's report he was redirected to Nong Khai is very surprising because as far as I am aware (at that time) there was no suggestion Visa seekers were required to go to any particular office. Indeed my neighbour has chosen in the past to go to Bangkok to renew (and visit at the same time).

I suppose it just goes to show the massive inconsistencies we Visa seekers are exposed to. What a shame something so simple in reality, is met with so much confusion.

The 2 Imm. Offices and 1 Embassy visits were made by me in the company of my wife.

I hope this clarifies my (gdhm) experience and my number of extensions

Kind Regards, Dave

Edited by gdhm
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The German gentleman's report he was redirected to Nong Khai is very surprising because as far as I am aware (at that time) there was no suggestion Visa seekers were required to go to any particular office. Indeed my neighbour has chosen in the past to go to Bangkok to renew (and visit at the same time).

It's a new requirement (within the last month or so) that you must go to your 'home' immigration office. Going to be a pain for those blessed with a$$hole immigration officers :o

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The German gentleman's report he was redirected to Nong Khai is very surprising because as far as I am aware (at that time) there was no suggestion Visa seekers were required to go to any particular office. Indeed my neighbour has chosen in the past to go to Bangkok to renew (and visit at the same time).

It's a new requirement (within the last month or so) that you must go to your 'home' immigration office. Going to be a pain for those blessed with a$$hole immigration officers :o

:D Yes I have heard of this that you must go now to your "local" office and that is why I carefully said in my last reply "The German gentleman's report he was redirected to Nong Khai is very surprising because as far as I am aware (at that time) there was no suggestion Visa seekers were required to go to any particular office".

What I would like to know is what basis they eliminate Korat and favour Nong Khai and where the boundary line is (which I bet does not exist). They are BOTH North East Thailand and only 15 kms difference from Khon Kaen. By coach Nong Khai is just under 3 hours and Korat about 10 mins faster (in my experience). Korat on its outside wall has Northeast Immigration Office (or something very close to that).

From what I recall the new rule (which I have not seen officially confirmed anywhere) was first mentioned very end of August/start of September -after the German gentleman's trip to Korat.

I will have to phone the Korat officer (whose name card I have) and see what he has to say.

Kind regards, Dave

Edited by gdhm
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If they will accept ATM slips that is change and a good one at that. Guess I will start saving those slips LOL just in case.

Not a good thing at all. From what the OP reported it sounds like the ATM slips is an additional requirement on top of the embassy letter confirming income (which should be enough on it's own) to confirm that the money is actually being brought into Thailand. Nothing in the report suggests that the ATM slips replaces any of the usual requirements.


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If they will accept ATM slips that is change and a good one at that. Guess I will start saving those slips LOL just in case.

Not a good thing at all. From what the OP reported it sounds like the ATM slips is an additional requirement on top of the embassy letter confirming income (which should be enough on it's own) to confirm that the money is actually being brought into Thailand. Nothing in the report suggests that the ATM slips replaces any of the usual requirements.


Leading on from previous comments. I can see it is not unreasonable that Immigration wish to confirm we Retirees are living off an income (not earned in Thailand). Let us be honest, if ALL income is earned and kept abroad and no income is held in a Thai Bank (or if held but not spent at all) then it is perfectly logical for Immigration to conclude the Retiree is illegally working and earning within Thailand and therefore in clear violation of his/her Visa conditions.

Having said that, the reported requirement to prove the FULL 65,000 baht is spent each month is ridiculous. Nobody spends evenly, and any intelligent person will will accumulate savings for emergencies , holidays or whatever. I accept some have much more than 65,000 baht income a month and therefore o easily spend that much each month and save for rainy days, but many do not or have less (and rely on "top up money" held in a Thai Bank to meet the Visa financial requirement).

When I went to Korat (August) I offered my latest bank statements to show [pension income and ATM withdrawals within Thailand. (luckily there are almost no other deductions so I am not revealing my private business). Korat were NOT interested in seeing this information (did not even look) despite the balance I needed which is held in a Thai bank was clearly not used for 12 months (except for a couple of large deductions in July when I moved into a rental needed to pay 3 months in advance and 2 months deposit and buy furniture and set up Internet and satellite TV etc.).


On a personal front, I obey the Retirement rules 100% that Thailand demand of me to stay here. If I wish to live here as a retiree I must obey all the terms, I expect to do so and I do. I and most of us are well aware and often hear of (and no doubt so do Immigration) that many retirees "work on the side" (often in some form of English teaching capacity in small schools or privately).

As a consequence, those of us who obey the rules to the letter are subjected to ever increasing rules and restrictions being adopted By Thai Immigration to try and stop/catch these illegal workers.

I am not being "holier than thou" but it is VERY frustrating that my life and the lives of other retirees who ARE 100% obeying the Retirement visa rules, have to to jump through so many hoops due to those not doing so. I resent any illegal working that may cause Thai Immigration to think "enough is enough" lets get most of these retirees out of Thailand then the problem will not exist. If that happens, for many of us it will not only destroy us, but also the lives of our Thai wives, children and families that many of us retiress have here.

I am NOT speaking from a position of wealth. My income is 55,000 baht a month NETT of tax (I need to top up with savings in a Thai Bank to meet the Retirement requirements) and I support a Thai wife and Thai 4 year old stepson. I would not dream of trying to work in Thailand having been granted a Retirement Visa which specifically prohibits that.

If retirees wish to work, then they should change their Visa type and apply for a Work Permit instead of illegally working and I am sure evading Thai Tax. (if earnings are high enough) After all, no way could they pay tax thus admitting and proving they are working in Thailand. Three breaches of Thai law. (illegally working with a "Retirement" Visa, no Work Permit and not paying Thai tax.

I wonder how many who whinge on the forums are guilty of breaches of the Retirement Visa "no work in Thailand" regulations and are thus guilty of helping promoting Thailand Immigration's ever changing and stricter rules in an effort to stamp out the practise.

Many people have said before on this Forum and others. We do not have a "god given" (or whatever your persuasion) right to live in Thailand. We do so at Thailand's discretion and permission as guests and we certainly do not have a right to break Immigration Rules & Regulations whilst enjoying all the benefits and lifestyle that makes us want to remain here.

Regards, Dave

Edited by gdhm
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