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1. yes i am English, and

2. by 'got where it is' i mean got to be one of the richest and most influential countries in the world

Ok, you're English.

No more doubt in my mind.

Sorry,... :o:D

what a load of shit...

people come to the UK to work and to earn good money and support their families, they certainly don't come all the way here to claim the measly pittance they get on the dole...

get a life, stop reading the Sun and the Daily f**king Mail and stop believing the poison and bulls*hit that the tabliod newspapers spew out to the masses of Britain

these people have more to offer the UK than the legions of jobless ENGLISH layabouts who think the world owes them a living...

I am speechless,

I assume you are a director London Transport activley recruiting and training refugees or illegal immigrants in the UK ?

Give me a break please Tosser :o

what a load of shit...

people come to the UK to work and to earn good money and support their families, they certainly don't come all the way here to claim the measly pittance they get on the dole...

get a life, stop reading the Sun and the Daily f**king Mail and stop believing the poison and bulls*hit that the tabliod newspapers spew out to the masses of Britain

these people have more to offer the UK than the legions of jobless ENGLISH layabouts who think the world owes them a living...

people come to the UK to work and to earn good money and support their families

are you sure about that?

i'm not that old but i've worked hard in the uk and am sick to f**king death of watching other people get the benefits whilst the true residents are getting kicked in the nuts by the powers that be (the weedy little pricks that now run our country).

tell your theory to the people who have worked hard for 30 years to get a nice house, car and a comfortable life only to watch a refugee family walk in and get exactly the same in the space of about 2 months, then sitting there screaming about how they are the victims of racism whilst holding thier hands out.

if i've upset anyone then i'm sorry :o




Why all the blame on refugees,we only take a pittance.I dont blame them i would also do the same in their position Let them start a new life, whats wrong with that? Just what would you do in their shoes.Also some countries that are more poor take in many more refugees. We are one of the rich countries of the world. But then again sponges are the same no matter where they come from will only take, i bet many of the refugees will only need help to start off with and then will become TAX payers just like us.

Its ok for us we can go anywhere we please,they dont have the same choice.

Why all the blame on refugees,we only take a pittance.I dont blame them i would also do the same in their position Let them start a new life, whats wrong with that? Just what would you do in their shoes.Also some countries that are more poor take in many more refugees. We are one of the rich countries of the world. But then again sponges are the same no matter where they come from will only take, i bet many of the refugees will only need help to start off with and then will become TAX payers just like us.

Its ok for us we can go anywhere we please,they dont have the same choice.

True but To most refugees and many asian immigrants Tax is a foreign concept.

I have a friend in NZ who is a Tax inspector.

Many of the comments she gets are What is this tax?,and why do we have to pay it.

Even though as soon as they get there they sign up for every benefit they can get.

Its pretty easy to see why people get Anti Immigration.


the point is when people first come to the UK, they are not ALLOWED to work... the home office will not grant you a working visa so how the ###### ARE people supposed to support themselves??????



and you lot who get on your high horse about 'immigrants' are a joke...

what a bunch of hypocrites...

all those of you who are living in Thailand are also immigrants so why is it OK for us to go and live abroad but then complain and bellyache when people want to go to your own country and do the same thing???

every single day you should just count youselves lucky that we weren't born in a country that is poor or is starving or is in the middle of a civil war

and you lot who get on your high horse about 'immigrants' are a joke...

what a bunch of hypocrites...

all those of you who are living in Thailand are also immigrants so why is it OK for us to go and live abroad but then complain and bellyache when people want to go to your own country and do the same thing???

every single day you should just count youselves lucky that we weren't born in a country that is poor or is starving or is in the middle of a civil war

how am i a hypocrite?

nobody has helped me here, nobody has given me a house, car, business or a job, nothing, i've done it for myself and still pay all neccessary taxes, and i respect the fact that the government here should'nt have to help non thai's, not like other countries.

i'll refrain from insulting you as chons doing a great job already. :o


robsayers2000. The voice of logic and reason.

Good of you point out rob that we are immigrants here as it had slipped my mind.

Now can you tell me where us "immigrants" can get free food, housing and a visit once a week from the immigrant patronising unit of the Thai government to make sure we are doing OK and do we need anything, like a new car etc?

Next time you see an "immigrant" here getting anything from the government will be the first.


Best just leave it Rob, you can't reason with a bunch of racist bigots.

You could spend countless hours dissecting the masses of factual inaccuracies in thier twisted fantasies of the plights of asylum seekers and refugees (unless I missed the post which clarified that by 'immigrants' we're talking about foreign Premiership footballers). But would their minds be open to accurate information?

Nah. Let them be.

what a bunch of lunatics..

Yup they are now running the asylum called the UK.

Now enlighten us as to what you do to pay the rent.

As to civil wars etc. most of these "asylum seekers" kicked of with the break up of Yugoslavia now there is no more trouble there what's wrong with asking these people who have been on the gravy train for years in the UK "if they wouldn't mind, sodding off back to Bosnia or wherever they came from?"

Next time you are down the boozer with your asylum seeker mates ask them where are their wives and families?

As most of the ones I have the pleasure of funding out of my taxes are single young men.

I even knew one that was from Maylasia a hotbed of strife, the fact he had a house in Levenshulme paid for and a giro book had no bearing on the matter at all.


Nice one Andy , how can we be racist if our spouses are Asian ?

Unless we are racist-hypocrite-bigots?

Check out robsayers earlier posts , he is the epitome of a hypocrite , and batty boy to boot..


has taken me ages to read through the posts on this thread , must admit i find it interesting that a thread abouit returning to the uk ,has respondents who still live there . personally i dont want to . expensive if youre an ordinary working man . the government lies (but so does thaksin ) its grey, dont mind cold ,but hate miserable grey days ( love cold clear mornings ). englands just not the place i enjoyed many years ago .


To all those who live in the UK and think that it is a great place. Good luck to you! As for the rest of us Brits who have decided to be elsewhere for whatever reasons good luck to you too! There is however no need to descend into the imbecilical juvenile pit of exchanging personal insults.


Thread cleaned up, several posts with references to the offending post deleted.

Please keep on topic: "Returning to the UK", otherwise we must close this thread.



Yesss that is the question! Most British people that I have spoken to never want to go back to Blighty, why is that so? When one speaks to a Canadian or an American, they also seem quite willing go back to their home country. Yet most British people don't. Any answers gang??!!

the honest answer... most of them are losers & have nothing to go back to or go back for! most of em' will end up jumping off a balcony in Pattaya afore too long... when the money runs out & the hoe moves on to a fresh victim...


My original post in this thread got lost thanks to some moron aussie bashing (why do ppl bother?? its old news).

I have Vietnamese customers/friends in Australia, one works as head liason officer for the housing commision in my city. He deals with the vietnamese housing, and has told me all about the problems he deals with every day. This circles around the fact that a huge number of refugees from the vietnam war are still living in government housing, collecting the dole, never learnt English, have no desire to integrate, and nothing can be done about them. This saddens him as he works ###### hard to support his family and pay his way.

We are seeing this more and more with each splinter group of illegals and refugees, refusal to integrate, poor language skills, refusal to follow Australian laws, black market business in everything they do, never pay taxes, work for cash and collect the dole, the list is endless.

Tell me this doesnt happen in the UK also!?!? Is the Uk not in the middle of a huge influx from Eastern Europe?? The guy who thinks its crazy that an illegal would come to Britain for the measly dole needs to get a reality check, these people are told EXACTLY what they will get when they arrive, how to apply for every <deleted> thing going, and how to extract the most out of the system. They are told this by the people who smuggle them in! They have NOTHING, the dole and government housing is like finding god.

My mum is British, and I can trace my family back over 400 years, its depressing to see what has become of the motherland. Why anyone would want to go back without having a large income to return to is anyones guess. I spose its all about where you feel most at home.


I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry, but try as hard as I can, I do not recognise the country depicted in much of this thread.

I work abroad, but own a home in the UK and rent a property in Thailand, and I do take my allowed 90 days in the UK each year.

I've always considered the ethnic diversity of the UK as something to celebrate not deride, having been born and raised in a cosmopolitan environment I've always had friends of Asian and African descent. Indeed Britain has always been an ethnically diverse nation; most of those who call themselves 'English' are German or Scandinavian settlers themselves. Britain is a country that I will always think of as home.

My parents brought me up with an open mind, I judge people by their words and deeds not by their origins, colour or creed. Sadly many who have posted on this thread were less fortunate than myself.

Xenophobia is a poison, these are embittered people who look at hard working Indians or Pakistanis running the local corner shop with envy. These are the people who would never work 7-11, day in day out, they want the same rewards without the effort. Little Englanders harking back to an era of Empire, still touted by the Daily Mail and it's ilk, where proud English people had nothing to fear but Hitler and rickets.

This is white trash, and sadly it's coming your way Thailand!

Mate you have obviously never lived in Leytonstone . Pray tell where did you live as a youngster?

You're not wrong! It certainly wasn't Leytonstone. :D:o

Mate you have obviously never lived in Leytonstone . Pray tell where did you live as a youngster?

You're not wrong! It certainly wasn't Leytonstone. :(:o

Leytonstone is more like ... :):D:D:D:D:wub:-_-


What a load of rubbish............

I live in the UK now (the amazing city of Liverpool), and this country couldn't be better. We have the strongest currency in the world, and have done for yrs, the worlds No.1 financial institution, it's SAFE here, and civilized.

We also have the worlds best education system (just look at how many of the worlds dignitarys send their kids to Oxford uni).

Personally I spend a few months every year in Thailand and other countrys, but there really is no place like home, the money here is fantastic, and the lifestyle is great.

Obviously the people who think otherwise are the sad losers who have nothing to go back to. There's so much money to be made here with the property boom, many ppl now have 2 mortgages on 2 propertys before they are 30, with the other one being a 'buy to let'. Buy the time they reach 50 they will be laughing all the way to the bank, and a nice early retirement to boot. Pity so many people have had to run off to Thailand and shack up with a '2 bob hookers' coz they can't make it with an English girl. I see so many of these sad w**kers in Thailand it makes me laugh.

Don't slag your own country off people, or your country will end up hating you and not wanting you back.

Mate you have obviously never lived in Leytonstone . Pray tell where did you live as a youngster?

You're not wrong! It certainly wasn't Leytonstone. :D:o

Leytonstone is more like ... (it won't let me have all the emoticons so see original post)

Actually that is the Daily Mail's version of my part of the world, but the reality really is :D:D:wub::D



Mr Helper, some of us losers here in Thailand are here because:

1 - Thai women are (in general), much better looking and nor as fat as English women :o

2 - Business opportunities in Thailand can be very good, and a low cost of living means that even a moderately successful business wil stand you in good stead for your retirement.

3 - In the Uk I have 2 properties, so maybe I fall into the successful category that you mention. Here in Thailand me and my GF (and my company) own 2 further properties and a 3rd just being finalised, but with many more opportunities beckoning!

So I have no qualms at all about staying put in LoS. The future's bright :D

Most British people that I have spoken to never want to go back to Blighty, why is that so? When one speaks to a Canadian or an American, they also seem quite willing go back to their home country. Yet most British people don't

Perhaps the British are being more honest? :o

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