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Ask Weho


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Weho has just struck a chord with so many of us.

You can't explain how a star is born. It just happens.

Its just a matter of time before there is a glossy magazine with all the latest Weho sightings and gossip.

It will be called WEHO CONFIDENTIAL.

Many people in South Pattaya are already calling the district by its new name: The WEHO district.

Some of us lurk in the Black Man cleaning products section of the Friendship Supermarket just dreaming of a live encounter, or just a glimpse of our idol selecting a new mop. To actually witness him demanding some real customer service is beyond our dreams, as we are mere mortals and shouldn't be greedy.

Its just a matter of time before the Tourism Authority of Thailand realizes they have a world pop star in their midst, and grant WEHO a royal title as well as a lifetime visa, free enemas for life at Yanhee hospital, and immunity from prosecution for dildo violations.

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I thank the forum moderator for letting this thread continue. I know some here have been pushing the limits here trying to get WEHO to self destruct. In the past I have been known to be most unkind in this area. By starting this thread I hope to reach some kind of atonement.

I am taking a liberty here by asking Weho to answer questions that everybody would like to ask


Goodness! Weho really must be doing God's work?

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1. "kvell" can mean to just be really happy about something, that you're "beaming with joy". And Faustino's enema department is truly WORLD CLASS. I've never seen anything like it anywhere. Maybe in Bangkok there's a mega-pharmacy... if someone knows, please advise. And quite frankly, I'm proud to live in a place that has something like that, which you really can't find elsewhere. I trust all would agree Pattaya doesn't have everything, but we shine in enema product selection. Maybe because there are a lot of retirees here that we can support having such an extensive department. Whatever the reason, I'm very greatful we shine in this area. And I'm not kidding either.... I really mean it.

2. Trust me, weho WILL "self-destruct"... it's only a matter of time...

3. I did not know "sex-toys" were illegal here... although I've never seen them for sale, it just never crossed my mind. First dil*os, now youtube... what's next... I guess it's part of the "morality crackdown"... but in a pinch, I guess you can substitute certain vegetables, preferably organic... but I guess it's not the same as the "real thing"... cause real ones you can get in various races, even creeds, which is a real bonus. If they were ever to be legal, I would like a mulato one.

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Yes, the sex toys are illegal and thats why you don't see them for sale. Legal in Singapore though. My theory is that if people satisfied themselves with sex toys, it would be bad for business, wink wink nod nod.

I suppose fresh produce is what you might call a loop hole.

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Weho has just struck a chord with so many of us.

You can't explain how a star is born. It just happens.

Its just a matter of time before there is a glossy magazine with all the latest Weho sightings and gossip.

It will be called WEHO CONFIDENTIAL.

Many people in South Pattaya are already calling the district by its new name: The WEHO district.

Some of us lurk in the Black Man cleaning products section of the Friendship Supermarket just dreaming of a live encounter, or just a glimpse of our idol selecting a new mop. To actually witness him demanding some real customer service is beyond our dreams, as we are mere mortals and shouldn't be greedy.

Its just a matter of time before the Tourism Authority of Thailand realizes they have a world pop star in their midst, and grant WEHO a royal title as well as a lifetime visa, free enemas for life at Yanhee hospital, and immunity from prosecution for dildo violations.

That is so true... like WHY, of all the boys from N*sync, did Justin Timberlake become a star? They were all equally untalented... these things just can't be explained. I love celebrity sightings gossip... you can almost read my mind... like today, I just got back from Bangkok, by public bus... so an entry could be something like, "weho seen on the Bangkok-Pattaya bus, occupying two seats only for weho! then weho was seen telling the Dutch guy behind him to 'get the frick off your phone... we've been on the bus only 30 minutes, and you've made seven calls... how important could they be to you would feel you should disturb so many people around you...'"

And in New York, there's NOHO, and SOHO... in Pattaya there could be SOJO (south of Jomtien), or an "arts district" NOTUK (north of tuk-com). you're on to something.

And weho doesn't intentionally ignore questions... not even from detractors... if you feel jilted, ask again.

And I'm so excited, I was in Bangkok all day, at the big Travel Show at the Queen Sirikit Center... they also had a great health expo, and even a Silk fair, with demonstrations... all free, open to all, and so easy to get to... I think it's all on til Sunday night. 3 great free events, all in one place. Then I stopped at the Emporium Center, cause I like the Sunrise Taco place in the upstairs food court... and I love the air conditioned bathrooms there... don't ya hate when you're at a mall, and they don't feel it's necessary to cool the bathrooms? Actually, the toilets at Tuk-Com are quite pleasurable. If it's detached, like at Friendship, I understand... but INSIDE the same building, please cool it for those of us who are a bit on the delicate side.

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Yes, the sex toys are illegal and thats why you don't see them for sale. Legal in Singapore though. My theory is that if people satisfied themselves with sex toys, it would be bad for business, wink wink nod nod.

I suppose fresh produce is what you might call a loop hole.

Maybe there's been pressure from the sex industry, like maybe their representatives lobby the government legislatures to KEEP sex toys ILLEGAL, cause it could compete with them, and force them to lower their prices. And at the rate they've been going with these crack downs, you're right... they may outlaw cucumbers... or as a compromise, require they be CUT into pieces or slices, when harvested, so people can't substitute them... but then someone else may carve or shape a carrot, or even, yes, an eggplant (it could happen...). Where does it end? I'm looking at my cell phone, with vibrator mode, in a whole new light now.

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THere seems to be only 2 kinds of people on this thread Weho and those who want to probe him.........why the obsession?.........................up to you I guess

gotta agree ,

help us out will you ?

what is the threads title ??

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THere seems to be only 2 kinds of people on this thread Weho and those who want to probe him.........why the obsession?.........................up to you I guess

gotta agree ,

help us out will you ?

what is the threads title ??

The title is a little confusing. Weho had started some threads but the thread should just stay on that subject. By starting a thread that has you ask WEHO a question, multible questions can be asked.

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Oh look WEHO you and Hasselhoff have something in common!!!!!!!!!!!

Hasselhoff wins libel damages

LONDON (Reuters) - David Hasselhoff accepted "substantial" libel damages from celebrity magazine OK! on Friday over reports he was drunk and abusive at a Los Angeles nightclub after winning a custody battle for his daughters.

The award of damages at London's High Court was against OK! publisher Northern & Shell Plc and Northern & Shell North America Ltd, which publishes OK! Weekly magazine.

The court heard that in July, OK! ran an item which alleged he had been "off his face" and "abusive" at the night club.

On the previous day OK! Weekly published a story headed "Hasselhoff Celebrates Custody Win" which alleged he "drank champagne like it was water" from midnight until 2.00 a.m.

"The truth is that the allegations are entirely false," said Hasselhoff's lawyer Simon Smith.

Both publications have agreed to print an apology, pay "substantial damages" and reimburse the 55-year-old former Baywatch star's legal costs.

In a statement issued outside the court afterwards, Hasselhoff said: "While this should not have happened in the first place I am very pleased with the outcome of this case.

"In the past whenever false reports about me have surfaced I have done my best to ignore them. However, due to the completely false allegations published by OK! magazine and others I was encouraged this time by my children to take a stand."

Hasselhoff is now a judge on the television contest show "America's Got Talent." He divorced his wife, Pamela Bach, 43, in August 2006. They have battled for custody of daughters Taylor Ann, 17, and Hayley, 14.

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The title is a little confusing. Weho had started some threads but the thread should just stay on that subject. By starting a thread that has you ask WEHO a question, multible questions can be asked.

um , err , oh mmmmurm


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re: David Hasselhoff: So refreshing to see someone with a stellar reputation get justice. After seeing the video of him, drunk out of his mind, with his daughter trying to get him sober for some job the next day, while a hamburger kept dripping out of his mouth, I am astonished that OK! magazine would make such crazy allegations that he could be a drunk.

And the ONLY reason he "won" his custody case, is because the ex-wife is more whacked out than he is. Trust me, he ain't the "father of the year" award winner. And did you hear that clip of him singing "This is the Moment", then he talks about how hard he's worked to be able to "sing like that"... puh-leese. He thinks he's Frank Sinatra. He's not even Frank Sinatra, Jr.

The way he sings, he makes Amy Winehouse seem like Barbara Streisand...

"Don't wanna go to rehab, no, no, no..." Frickin' genius.

David Hasselhoff makes Pete Doherty seem like a beacon of stability and reasonableness.

His acting makes Zac Efron seem like Sir Lawrence Olivier.

His body makes billionaire heir "Gummy" Davis seem like the coverboy of "Men's Fitness" magazine.

His parenting "skills" make Dina Lohan seem like Carol Brady.

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rumour has it you did a great job on the lonely planet forum.

Is there any truth to this rumour, and can you elaborate somewhat?

(most of us would enjoy reading about this)

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rumour has it you did a great job on the lonely planet forum.

Is there any truth to this rumour, and can you elaborate somewhat?

(most of us would enjoy reading about this)

Yes, I gave it them real good... they pretend to be "adventurers" and "naturalists", then they drive there in their terrorist-friendly gas-guzzling S.U.V.'s... they needed to be exposed.

And I can't be bothered answering fan MAIL, but I will answer all fan EMAIL. I'm dating a whirling dervish, and I just don't have the time to hand-write bags of postal replies... and I can't keep the guy still longer than a second at a time, and it's seriously cutting into my free time.

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* If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times,

does he become disorientated?

* If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from

Holland called Holes

* Why do we say something is out of whack? What's a whack?

* Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?

* If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?

* If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

* Why is a man who invests all your money called a broker?

* When cheese has its picture taken, what does it say?

* Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist but a person

who drives a race-car not called a racist?

* Why are a wise man and a wise guy opposites?

* Why do overlook and oversee mean opposite things?

* Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety one?

* I am is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language.

Could it be that I do is the longest sentence?

* Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?

* What hair colour do they put on the drivers licenses of bald men?

* I was thinking about how more people seem to read the Bible a

whole lot more as they get older, then it dawned on me, they're cramming for their final exam.

* I thought about how mothers feed their babies with little spoons

and forks, so I wondered what do Chinese mothers use. Toothpicks?

* If it is true we are here to help others, then what exactly are

the others here for?

* You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive.

* No one ever says, Its only a game when their team is winning.

* Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be if it didn't


* Do people who spend $2 apiece on those little bottles of Evian

water know that if you spell it backwards, it is NAIVE?

* Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant like making a

peeing section in a swimming pool?

These question have been bugging me for a long time maybe you could help.

regrds Ercorn :o

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* Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?

These question have been bugging me for a long time maybe you could help.

regrds Ercorn :o

How about adults who practice the "fetish" of infantilism...

I once saw this on the Jerry Springer Show, where they had these adults wearing diapers, and licking large lollypops, and crying "WWWAAAAaaaaaa", and saying things like, "I be a bad boy... spank me....WWWWAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa".

One of them even had this lacy bonnet on his head. And a real hairy chest.... back hair too.

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* If humans evolved from monkey's/apes, why are they still here?

* Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

* Why is the show called unsolved mysteries? if they were solved they wouldn't be mysteries!

* Do penguins have knees?

* Why is it said that an alarm clock is going off when really its coming on?

* How come people tell you not to stand in front of an emergency exit when if there was an emergency surely you would run through it?

* Why did Sally sell seashells on the seashore when you can just pick them up anyway?

* In libraries, do they put the bible in the fiction or non-fiction section?

* Does a two-humped camel store more water than a one-humped camel?

* If you pamper a cow, do you get spoiled milk?

* Why is it that if someone yells "duck" they are helping you, but if they yell "chicken" they are insulting you?

* If the FBI breaks your door down do they have to pay for it?

* If they have angel food cake on earth, do they have people food cake in heaven?

* If you fart and burp at the same time, would it make a vacuum in your tummy?

Do they call a fortune teller who cant see a "blind seer"?

* Why do you put two cents in when its only a penny for your thoughts?

Can you cry underwater?

* You know the signs on restaurant doors? No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service? what if someone goes in with No Pants? Would the restaurant still have to serve them?

* If an African elephant comes to America, is it an African-American elephant?

* If a doctor suddenly died while doing surgery, would the other doctors work on the doctor or the patient?

* Why do we sing "Rock a bye baby" to lull our little ones to sleep when the song is about putting your baby in a tree and letting the wind crash the cradle to the ground?

* Why do we say we're head over heels when we're happy? Isn't that the way we normally are?

* If the Wicked Witch of the West melts in water... how did she ever bathe?

* If bald people work as chefs in a restaurant,do they have to wear hairnets?

* Why do sleeping pills have warning labels that state :'Caution: May Cause Drowsiness?

* Do nudists have pin-ups of people with clothes on?

* How can Darth Vader breathe and talk at the same time?

* If there's a wheelchair-bound comedian, is it still called "stand-up"?

* When the French swear do they say pardon my English?

* Do people who use sign language see little hands in their head when they think about what somebody said, or do they hear the words in their head?

* How did Walt Disney figure out how to make people pay to stand in lines all day?

* Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?

* Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?

* Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

* Why do they call someone "late" if they died early?

* Why are the adjectives 'fast as' and 'slow as' often used in conjunction with hel_l, is hel_l slow or fast?

* If the serving size on a can of soda is one can, then why is the serving size on the little can one can, too? Wouldn't the little cans be 2 cans?

* If a king is gay and marries another guy what is that guy to the royal family?

* Why are red buttons always the most important?

* How is chess considered a sport?

* Why is it when your sleeping it`s called drool but when your awake its called spit?

* If a hermaphrodite got sent to a certain gender prison, which one would it get sent to?

* If a teacher were to teach a younger grade than they were teaching before, would they be "degraded"?

* If you get chemo-therapy do you lose your pubic hairs?

* Would you die if you didn't pee?


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Dear Weho,

I have a hairy back.

Do you think I will be able to find love here in Pattaya, or will my hairy back prevent me from finding a girlfriend?

First, did you notice my new SPINNING avatar? I figured it was time for a new "look"... and this one is particularly annoying.

Now to answer your question: you can still find "love", ("whatever 'love' is", to quote Prince Charles), but you will not find farang love with that hairy back. You will be limited to desperate Thai "upcountry" gals, and/or a hooker who may not really love you, for who you really are. In a pinch, you may be able to nab a katoey mobile phone salesperson, from the second floor of Tuk-Com. They may not mind, or they may be willing to shave that thang for you.

There is hope for you: a new product called the "mangroomer", where you can shave that thang yourself...

try www.mangroomer.com...

Good question, by the way... almost worthy of a 1/2 smiley, but not quite. Sorry.

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Thanks for that Weho, I feel like I can start living again.

I tried calling the samaritans but they just hung up on me. I think one of them even dowsed themselves in kerosine.

Keep up the good work, and don't worry about the smileys, you can (politely) shove 'em up your hair-less ringpiece!

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I'm dating a whirling dervish, and I just don't have the time to hand-write bags of postal replies... and I can't keep the guy still longer than a second at a time, and it's seriously cutting into my free time.


May I call you "ho" for short?

Back to the subject.

Can we presume from your sentence above that, "I can't keep the GUY still....", denotes you might be of the "female" or "other" sexual persuasion?

Well, I guess you could be "gay".

Inquiring minds need to know.

PS: Love your new avatar. It drives me crazy.

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I'm dating a whirling dervish, and I just don't have the time to hand-write bags of postal replies... and I can't keep the guy still longer than a second at a time, and it's seriously cutting into my free time.


May I call you "ho" for short?

Back to the subject.

Can we presume from your sentence above that, "I can't keep the GUY still....", denotes you might be of the "female" or "other" sexual persuasion?

Well, I guess you could be "gay".

Inquiring minds need to know.

PS: Love your new avatar. It drives me crazy.

Thanks for noticing the new SPINNING avatar... it's really annoying, isn't it??? Some kind person from this website consented to sending me the file. I was recalling some fun times with my whirling dervish friend, and I thought of that avatar.

But you really shouldn't PRESUME anything... how about I can be whatever you want me to be. I could be like super dykeular... real butch... but then again, I could be a "lipstick lesbian"... if you know what i'm talking about. Or I could be a 10 on the "nellie scale"... I will shed a little light: I love San Francisco... the men play "leap frog" there... for keeps.

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I'm so kvelled that you changed your avatar. I like the whirlygig thing. I'm glad you changed it because I kept expecting to see ithat Korean guy who I think is not a nice gentleman at all in Fascino Pharmacy.

Do I have to ask a question? OK. What is your favourite restaurant in Pattaya -Jomthien? Have you been to the White Knight restaurant in soi VC? It is excellent value and the desserts are fantastic.

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Press the escape key and your avatar comes to a grinding halt.

Thanks for that as I was having to put one foot on the floor to read this thread.

Your puppet avatar with the A bomb in the back ground - I thought captured your personality. Now this spinning Rod Serling makes my head want to buss open. I think you are on your way to starting some mass mind control project?

I did a google on "WEHO" and lots of stuff came up. Alot of "West Hollywood" stuff.

You ever go to one of those clubs in SF where they dropped a big one on a pane of glass?

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