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You Using Paypal Through Thai Bank?


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I'm also interested in this. Does anyone use PayPal here or another pay service?

My current 2 paypal (PP) accounts are through 2 out of country accounts. I've done this for 2 reasons:

1-If I put my account into Kasikorn for example and then withdrew as you do from PP into Kasikorn, I wouldn't know who to complain to about the deposits not showing up if I were out of country. That would be a major panic until I were back in Thailand.

2-PP purports to be your friend but in the event there's a resolution attempt, your funds are frozen and PP will always see this in your record even if you refund the buyer.

3-It is my understanding that if your account is Thai based, the buyers can see this and it could lead to some prejudices against you as a seller. If I had to choose between USA or Britain vs. Thailand or Nigeria.... :o

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I'm also interested in this. Does anyone use PayPal here or another pay service?

My current 2 paypal (PP) accounts are through 2 out of country accounts. I've done this for 2 reasons:

1-If I put my account into Kasikorn for example and then withdrew as you do from PP into Kasikorn, I wouldn't know who to complain to about the deposits not showing up if I were out of country. That would be a major panic until I were back in Thailand.

2-PP purports to be your friend but in the event there's a resolution attempt, your funds are frozen and PP will always see this in your record even if you refund the buyer.

3-It is my understanding that if your account is Thai based, the buyers can see this and it could lead to some prejudices against you as a seller. If I had to choose between USA or Britain vs. Thailand or Nigeria.... :o

great post, apart from the fees being sky high, paypal will choose UK usa buyer over a thai seller 100%. and thats a fact.

i mean paypal uk chooses in the buyers favour 90% of time so a thai paypal account is mickey mouse to them, BUT if you use a uk/usa and sell on ebay and a package go's missing, you will have no defence because of the tracking no.

just be prepared to lose money now and again as buyers are scammers as well

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The trick is to have a Paypal account linked to a U.S. based Bank and Credit card and then after those are verified add the Thai Bank account. Works great for me, allowing me to move funds and make payment in any number of ways. Been doing it a long time now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

those who has PayPal registered in US (must have US bank account) can get what is called PayPal debit card. it is actually sort of ATM card, although it works as MasterCard (there is MasterCard logo on it)

daily withdrawal cash amount limit (using PIN code) is US$400 and fee charged is 1$ doesn't matter what the amount is. However if no PIN code involved, in other words if use it as a debit card for shopping etc - then the daily spend limit is US$3000 - especially good if you buy something expensive. and you also get CashBack bonus min 1.5% as I recall.

so, instead of paying 1$ for cash withdrawal, you can get back some money - well, at least not lose that 1$ :o

have been using it min 2-3 years already. works well. there were cases of charge back with particular banks as Bkk bank. but after I started to use mainly SCB ATM machines - practically no more such problems.

you can also check balance in SCB ATM unlike in other banks' ATMs - have to select Checking Account there.

and this ability to check balance is a great advantage - no need to every time login to your PP account online to see your balance. as I saw it so far - this balance checking is Free of charge. while some my friend told me horror stories about some other credit card or on-line payments companies which charge 1 or even 4$ EVERY time he try to check balance - this is crazy!

I do not know about UK or other countries at the moment - whether they too can get such PayPal debit card. my other friend has PP registered in Japan and when he contacted them trying to get such debit/ ATM card - they said it is not avail for others than US residence.

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