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How Do I, Connect 3 Things At One?


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I am after something that will allow me to connect 3 things at one into my PC sound port. I currently have 3 things connected using 2 Y connections on top of each other. Which is not ideal. But what i'm after is a 3 way adapter so as i can connect 3 things at once and give me a bit better sound quality. I have my speakers, headphones hooked up along with a cable that runs to my TV for sound so as i can watch movies. So what i have works but sometimes the sound drops out. So any ideas? Does my explanation make sense? :o

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You have just discribed my exact set up for my sound. I too have the y split and also run a cable into my next room for sound with the TV and also have some drop out ,which means I have to increase the gain at my TV amp. I have wondered about using a bluetooth for the remote sound. Let me know if you solve the problem.


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Well, if it were me I would buy a small component box, a handful of phono sockets and a phono plug. Just wire them all together in parallel and you have a distribution box. Works fine as long as the input impedance of the devices you are connecting is high (most cases that will be true). Wire the phono plug to the sockets and run the cable outside the box to your PC.

Just requires a small drill and a soldering iron/gun. About 1 or two dollars for a box and about .50 cents for each socket.



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Your post suggests that a purely passive approach is not working for you.

Goggle for "audio splitter" -download

(-download gets rid of most of the audio software file splitters)

Something like this ....


If there's a cheap chinese gizmo that does the same thing, you might find it at pantip. I wouldn't fancy trying to explain what you want to a non-English speaker though.

Edited by Hmmm
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The PC is not much of an amp. you need something to bridge the audio to the other devices so the PC only sees the one load.   If all else fails using a switchable device would allow only one thing at a time to load (ie be connected) to the PC output at anyone time.  If you need the audio in several places at the same time

then look for an distribution amp. then 

you may be able to set the level to each device sep. as well.

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A Y adapter but with 3 outlets instead of 2 would be the go. Do they make these?

What you have now (2 Y cables) is the electrical equivalent of a "3-way Y". So if you have problems now, you would have the same problems with such a cable.

Your problems sound like they're due to the multiple output connections loading each other, which is why I suggested an active (mini-amplifier) solution.

I assume you may wish to use more than one output at once, otherwise a simple A/V switch from Big C would work (although most of these have RCA connectors, so you'd need adaptor cables for those).

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