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Whats Happend To Bluecat


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which mod was it?

a senior mod or a newbie mod?

personally i think only senior admin should have the final say on banning senior members like bluecat, he or she has over 2000 posts for christ sake.

admin need to have a serious discussion if they are going to start banning people like BC,

what was it for?

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I have posted some really stupid posts, and i am still here...................for now.

I never saw any offensive posts by Bluecat, but many where totally meaningless, but, as someone has already mentioned, that applies to most of the posts in a forum.

Including this one. :o

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Mr B. Cat might be a prolifigate poster, but not in any section other than general and falang pub - so why is that a problem.

If the quality of some of his topics, well I don t see what the differece between them and the ones that were available during the dark days of the ajarn.com invasion.

Ok maybe the level of topics has declined in the past weeks, but if I don t wish to comment on a topic - I pass to something more interesting.

maybe the defendant, Mr B.Cat, is suffering trauma after the influx of the ajarn.com crowd. I believe counselling to be a more humane treatment than than of a ban. :o

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Yea looks like Angrycat is banned as well, I found this post from him......

OK, I'll answer as much as I can.

I have been banned from posting on this forum.

Not only banned from posting but banned from reading, I have no access anymore to Thaivisa forum.

I have to go through proxy servers,

I do not really know the reason.

And I do not really care.

Also a quote from p1p on the issue of moderaters accountability, when replying to a simular question.


I can confirm that the Moderators and Administrators have got together and agreed that no further such action will be taken without a full explanation being given. If anything has perviously occured to you without notice being given, then it was an oversight or a glitch and I apologise on behalf of the Moderating board.

Is this an open forum, or just an old boys club!!

Are the rules, just for comman members, or do all have to follow them.

Why was there no link posted when this topic was moved (although we already know)

Any MOD want to comment!!

If you dont hear much from my again you know why :o

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We are trying to rise the quality of the postings on this forum.

Re Bluecat: First he was warned several times by mods/admins. He was then suspended for 30 or 60 days by a forum admin. After that he used multiple nicks which is against the forum rules, and was subsequently banned for that reason.

We will look into his case again after 30 days.

This thread was moved by me to the Forum support branch, as it was created in the wrong forum. I am closing it now, as we don't discuss moderation against Bluecat openly.

Please read and understand our forum guidelines, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?act=boardrules

Edited by george
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