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Suvarnabhumi Still Plagued By Problems

sriracha john

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Suvarnabhumi still plagued by problems

A year after it opened, just half of repairs done

One year after its opening for commercial flights, Suvarnabhumi international airport is still plagued by a host of problems with only half of them having been fixed. When it was unveiled on Sept 28 last year, the airport was portrayed by Airports of Thailand (Aot) as a new, important landmark that Thais would be proud of. Instead, the airport is being remembered for all its flaws and scandals which can be traced back to the previous Thaksin Shinawatra government.

The AoT report only gives a sketchy picture of the flaws found at the airport so far. However, another report compiled by a panel set up to monitor the progress and problems at Suvarnabhumi provides more details that paint a worrying picture of the airport. The panel, led by Civil Aviation Department director-general Chaisak Angkhasuwan, has found 61 problems at the airport and to date only 30 of them have been fixed. The report puts the problems into three categories: those involving the terminal, including structural flaws; those concerning information technology and operations, and service problems.

Continued here:


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yeah...and it will always be a crappy airport. that's because the design and amenity level was so badly planned and built-in from the start. i go in/out maybe 6-8 times a year and it readily apparent the place is already falling apart. the fact that it is an uncomfortable airport (no place to sit in the terminal except at restaurant outlets (only places with chairs and i'm sure this is just a coincidence ). the grey metal chairs at the gates are the cheapest, tackiest, and hardest chairs at any airport i've ever been in. the fact that there is nothing to do or see/watch at the airport except shop while waiting for a flight is also surely just a another coincidence.

it really is a shame...the thai's are certainly capable of designing, building, and running a first class airport...the old DM was convenient and nice. in the private sector, there are many examples of world class facilities and hotels build and running here in LOS/Bangkok. unfortunately, when the public sector and it's masters, the venal politicians got their hands on the new airport project, the orgy of corruption and overcharging and under building was too much to resist. therefore, the people and visitors to Thailand are stuck with a monument to greed and government incompetence...a fitting tribute to the Thaksin administration who almost got the chance to open it's monument to Thai government incompetence and corruption.

was in bangers the past few days and sae an article in a hotel magazine about the new terminal 3 at changi (due to open in january 08). sure looks nice and it's a pity thailand didn't do something similar and be a showcase project for the world to see. can't wait for the next visa run to singapore to check it out.

Edited by JonnieB
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Can't believe you guys are still whining and complaining. I have never had ANY problem in that airport whatsoever, I repeat, not ANY problem and have traveled in and out more than 6 or 7 times, both on international flights as long as domestic flights. What is wrong with you people? Really can't find anything better to do than complaining?

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Can't believe you guys are still whining and complaining. I have never had ANY problem in that airport whatsoever, I repeat, not ANY problem and have traveled in and out more than 6 or 7 times, both on international flights as long as domestic flights. What is wrong with you people? Really can't find anything better to do than complaining?

Neither have i Alex, no problems what-so-ever.

The title should read 'Suvarnabhumi still plagued by moaning farang' or 'Sriracha still plagued by moaning farang'

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How about this title: "Inferior, overpriced airport still plagued by false sense of pride." And, "Annoyed moaning farang still plagued by local authorities trumpeting new airport."

The airport is adequate. It works ok. It's not worthy of the price paid, the time taken to build and open it, nor the hype of it being an airport in the same leagues of the other Asian leaders.

Don Muang did the job better and cheaper and without the hype.

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i agree, if you read my reply closely, i said that the government's heavy hand in the airport project (and attendant corruption) doomed it to second-rate statue. thais can design, build, and manage large infrastructure projects...just look at all the 5-star hotels and shopping centers around Bangkok. But these are private sector built and run. the airport is a government project (though technically the AOT is a private company (majority owned by the government).

i agree the airport is perfectly serviceable but no where near world class standards not the gateway to se asia the government promotes it to be.

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Can't believe you guys are still whining and complaining. I have never had ANY problem in that airport whatsoever, I repeat, not ANY problem and have traveled in and out more than 6 or 7 times, both on international flights as long as domestic flights. What is wrong with you people? Really can't find anything better to do than complaining?
Neither have i Alex, no problems what-so-ever.

The title should read 'Suvarnabhumi still plagued by moaning farang' or 'Sriracha still plagued by moaning farang'


I have never understood the persistent whinging with regards to su-wanna-poom - with the exception of skyloft singha prices, of course. :D

I'll get my coat. :o

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Can't believe you guys are still whining and complaining. I have never had ANY problem in that airport whatsoever, I repeat, not ANY problem and have traveled in and out more than 6 or 7 times, both on international flights as long as domestic flights. What is wrong with you people? Really can't find anything better to do than complaining?
Neither have i Alex, no problems what-so-ever.

The title should read 'Suvarnabhumi still plagued by moaning farang' or 'Sriracha still plagued by moaning farang'


I have never understood the persistent whinging with regards to su-wanna-poom - with the exception of skyloft singha prices, of course. :D

I'll get my coat. :o

Ditto, ditto, ditto. Left and Returned there last month and it went very smoothly. Check-in took minutes. On the return the wait was very short and bags arrived promptly. No taxi touts on departure, and nice to see that a nice space was clear for arriving passengers, which was not the case when it first opened. The whole controversy is politically motivated, with the factions who lost out on Don Muang against those who gained at Suvannaphum. Keeing Don Muang open is silly, and in the long run I suspect it will eventually be closed and the area developed.

Edited by qualtrough
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hi guys

t he quicker don muang is close and all flights go to new airport the better

new airport has the capacity for this providing the flight schedules are ammended slightly

and no transferring to domestic flights

it is not the best airport in the world but i have had no problems there

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there was a report that many international airlines are happy with the quality of the new airport and are seriously thinking about increasing number of sheduled flights starting within the next month or two.

the thing is that airport capacity is now already overstretched and they can't get that many new airplanes without hindering smoth operation - hence the new terminal to be constructed starting beginning 2008 and talks about some international flights coming back to Don Muang.

Giving passengers a choice of flying with airlines from the new airport or from Don Muang will make it easier for them to transfer to the domestic flights. Another thing is that Don Muang is very convenient for connection to the thai rail network.

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there was a report that many international airlines are happy with the quality of the new airport and are seriously thinking about increasing number of sheduled flights starting within the next month or two.

the thing is that airport capacity is now already overstretched and they can't get that many new airplanes without hindering smoth operation - hence the new terminal to be constructed starting beginning 2008 and talks about some international flights coming back to Don Muang.

Giving passengers a choice of flying with airlines from the new airport or from Don Muang will make it easier for them to transfer to the domestic flights. Another thing is that Don Muang is very convenient for connection to the thai rail network.

Having used BKK more than 40 times since its opening , I can confidently say that it has now become a decent airport, but will never be on par with regional competitors like SIN or HKG. As with may things in Thailand , consistency is the problem. Such airport essentials as baggage delivery times, immigration experience ,lengths of walks to and from the gates, docking at a jetway or at a perimeter , lounge quality ... are still a hit and miss story at BKK.

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speedway, I understand that the new airport is closer to pattaya, where you live and you would much prefer to depart from here - but Don Muang is convenient for those living on the other side of Bangkok as well as those coming to the airport by train linking to the north and north east of thailand.

the second terminal in Suvarnabumi won't be finished for many years to come and delays in building it and teetering problems will be happening as much as with the first terminal.

as to amending flights schedules - not many passengers would like to use the airport after midnight as there is no yet public transport running 24/7. Same goes with workers doing night shifts.

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there was a report that many international airlines are happy with the quality of the new airport and are seriously thinking about increasing number of sheduled flights starting within the next month or two.

the thing is that airport capacity is now already overstretched and they can't get that many new airplanes without hindering smoth operation - hence the new terminal to be constructed starting beginning 2008 and talks about some international flights coming back to Don Muang.

Giving passengers a choice of flying with airlines from the new airport or from Don Muang will make it easier for them to transfer to the domestic flights. Another thing is that Don Muang is very convenient for connection to the thai rail network.

Are you referring to this self congratulatory report with anonymous airlines? :o

Airlines praise improved Suvarnabhumi

BANGKOK: -- National and international airlines have praised an overall improved service at Suvarnabhumi airport which will mark its first anniversary on Sep 28, airport director Serirat Prasutanond said Thursday.

He said a number of airline managers have lauded the continuous improvement of servrt, adding thice at Suvarnbhumi airpoat airport officials had followed up on arising problems and worked out solutions accordingly.

One of the positive changes is a permission for licensed taxis to offer service on the second floor of the passenger terminal, starting Oct. 1 to solve the problem of unauthorized taxis touting for passengers, Serirat said.

The ongoing improvement of the airport includes additional restrooms in October and more check-in counters for passengers soon.

Serirat said the CTX luggage scanner system has been fully operated after some technical problems earlier.

On the noise pollution which has triggered dissatisfaction among residents near the airport, Serirat said negotiations with affected homeowners would help find solutions that satisfy both sides.

The Airports of Thailand (AoT) will pay a combined compensation of 170 million baht to affected residents on Friday.

Asked about an extension of space for airline offices at Suvarnabhumi, the airport director said the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) would be in charge of drawing out an initial plan.

The ICAO will also conduct a feasibility study to determine if Don Mueang airport should be operated in compatible with Suvarnabhumi airport. All issues will be finalized in October, he said.

-- TNA 2007-09-14

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Can't believe you guys are still whining and complaining. I have never had ANY problem in that airport whatsoever, I repeat, not ANY problem and have traveled in and out more than 6 or 7 times, both on international flights as long as domestic flights. What is wrong with you people? Really can't find anything better to do than complaining?

Neither have i Alex, no problems what-so-ever.

The title should read 'Suvarnabhumi still plagued by moaning farang' or 'Sriracha still plagued by moaning farang'

Far more accurate would be, "Acquiesce Is Absolutely Clueless How A Forum Works"

What was posted was a Bangkok Post article written about the Civil Aviation Department's review of the airport.

If you want to flame me for an opinion I express, wait until I post an expression of my opinion.

*edit*.... and oh yes, have a nice day.

Edited by sriracha john
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I travel monthly in and out of Suwanaphoom on international flights. It works ok, and doesn't give me too many problems, but then I know what to expect. It's a perfectly adequate airport, but nothing special. It's nowhere near the level of Singapore or Hong Kong, by a huge margin.

What else is there to say?

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Can't believe you guys are still whining and complaining. I have never had ANY problem in that airport whatsoever, I repeat, not ANY problem and have traveled in and out more than 6 or 7 times, both on international flights as long as domestic flights. What is wrong with you people? Really can't find anything better to do than complaining?

Neither have i Alex, no problems what-so-ever.

The title should read 'Suvarnabhumi still plagued by moaning farang' or 'Sriracha still plagued by moaning farang'

Far more accurate would be, "Acquiesce Is Absolutely Clueless How A Forum Works"

What was posted was a Bangkok Post article written about the Civil Aviation Department's review of the airport.

If you want to flame me for an opinion I express, wait until I post an expression of my opinion.

*edit*.... and oh yes, have a nice day.

John, we all know your views about anything Thai. :o:D:D

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Can't believe you guys are still whining and complaining. I have never had ANY problem in that airport whatsoever, I repeat, not ANY problem and have traveled in and out more than 6 or 7 times, both on international flights as long as domestic flights. What is wrong with you people? Really can't find anything better to do than complaining?

Neither have i Alex, no problems what-so-ever.

The title should read 'Suvarnabhumi still plagued by moaning farang' or 'Sriracha still plagued by moaning farang'

Far more accurate would be, "Acquiesce Is Absolutely Clueless How A Forum Works"

What was posted was a Bangkok Post article written about the Civil Aviation Department's review of the airport.

If you want to flame me for an opinion I express, wait until I post an expression of my opinion.

*edit*.... and oh yes, have a nice day.

John, we all I'm know guessing about your views about anything Thai.

Feel free to quote anything specifically and contextually...

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the thai's are certainly capable of designing, building, and running a first class airport

Seeing as they have failed at almost every level with this one it's pretty obvious they are incapable!

:o The new airport was designed and constructed by Euopeans....an Austrian did the design I believe and it was mostly the Germans who were supervising the construction. The funky looking design is what hey called "modern industrial style"


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Airport immigration staff suffer bad air, lack of rest space

Sleeping on a cold floor and breathing in bad air are familiar problems for immigration police at Suvarnabhumi airport, but the scene is so pitiful that Deputy Transport Minister Sansern Wongcha-um called it "unbelievable". The working conditions of these officers were in need of immediate improvement, Mr Sansern admitted as he recalled his inspection of the airport. The airport's immigration checkpoint chief says he was shocked to walk into visa control one night, and find no one there. "It was quiet," Suvarnabhumi immigration checkpoint chief Tawisak Tujinda recalled. "I was stunned when I saw no immigration officers there. But when I went a bit further, I noticed they were actually all sleeping on the ground," he said. The officers were in sleeping bags placed in a line along the floor. Pol Maj-Gen Tawisak was told that this was their makeshift "relaxation room". Immigration officers who work the night shift rest or get sleep while waiting for arriving passengers. But the airport does not provide any area for them to take a break, so they end up lying on the ground. "I can't believe the airport has no place for the immigration section. There are no work desks nor rest space. There is nothing at all," said immigration police officer Kannika Kongdee. "We've also encountered an air problem," she added. "Ventilation in here is bad." Worst of all was the investigation room for passengers with passport or visa problems, which presented a bad first impression for arrivals passengers. The area is on the underground floor. The room was roughly built with walls made of gloomy concrete blocks. The ceiling is low and there are only two ventilators.

Continued here:


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the thai's are certainly capable of designing, building, and running a first class airport

Seeing as they have failed at almost every level with this one it's pretty obvious they are incapable!

:o The new airport was designed and constructed by Euopeans....an Austrian did the design I believe and it was mostly the Germans who were supervising the construction. The funky looking design is what hey called "modern industrial style"


Maybe so , but only Thais pocketed the billions of THB of corruption money.

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Additionally I was the victim of unwarranted intimidation and harrassment from 'Excise officials' in the Arrivals area as highlighted in another thread on this sub-forum.

I will continue to level criticism and complaints at this new Airport until changes are made and until I receive both an explaination and an apology for the harrassment, intimidation and treatment I was subjected to.

Quick reference to the aforementioned thread indicates that you have received a likely explanation. The apology, alas, is probably still some time away!

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getting back to my original post, what is the good of opening don muang as internationa 2nd airport. star alliance and most other airlines have said they will stay at suvarnabhumi anyway.

air asia and a couple of small airlines might move, but the others will not, and no one can force them to.as regards the rail connection to don muang, you now have a very long walk from airport to train

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getting back to my original post, what is the good of opening don muang as internationa 2nd airport. star alliance and most other airlines have said they will stay at suvarnabhumi anyway.

air asia and a couple of small airlines might move, but the others will not, and no one can force them to.as regards the rail connection to don muang, you now have a very long walk from airport to train

I used to use the Don Muang train station frequently as it was near our house. Only a handful of backpackers used that service to travel to/from the airport to the city, and very few Thais. Even when the Int. terminal was operating it was a long zig-zag walk with bags from the RR station to the terminal. Certainly not a very big reason to reopen the terminal to Int'l flights.

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getting back to my original post, what is the good of opening don muang as internationa 2nd airport. star alliance and most other airlines have said they will stay at suvarnabhumi anyway.

air asia and a couple of small airlines might move, but the others will not, and no one can force them to.as regards the rail connection to don muang, you now have a very long walk from airport to train

there are a couple hundered of million reasons really.

Firstly, we have an asset sitting there that is not being fully utlised. We have another one (ie Suvanaphum) nearing capacity. Spend more money to expand it, which is then passed on to passengers (cue MOAN from regular suspects), or open the doors to the old one and let airlines and passengers decide where they want to supply from and to.

Sure the Suvanaphum will be the main gateway, but nothing to stop point to point airlines that fly regionally (eg India, Macau, HK, Shenzen, etc etc) to fly to DM. I mean, London has 5 airports, it isn't beyond BKK to have 2 airports. It is about competition and choice as far as I'm concerned.

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