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Quite Easy To Live On 30,000 B A Month !


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I'm not a member - the members I know are from the old Thai school and have lifelong memberships, unlike the Chinese "nouveau riche" who have to pay :D

I bet you're dying to tell us how much you need a month and how you made it big from the gutter. :D

Yeah, didn't think so. Just playing with you Neer. Hope I didn't knock that Chinese turd off your shoulder.


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Well it looks like the girl friend and the guy from power buy are both scamming him, and your right his cable bill looks excesive too.

I guess he could just be one of those victims who gets taken for a ride by everyone he meets.

I wonder what he does to be able to spend B600,000 per month, he's not in economics thats for sure.

this thread is quickly degrading in jealousy :D , obvousily i dont buy a new television every month, but there are always new toys, i am sure you can relate. a television this month, sound system next month, new furniture etc. fwiw, on average i probably dont spend more than 170-180k/month.

You rock Dude. You've managed to save 400+K Baht in just a few posts.

Why don't you start a new thread in the vein of "Real men spend at least 600K THB and have a minimum p%^$# size of 12 inches :o

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A hel_l of a lot of you are saying YES,you can live on 30,000 baht a month,BUT,you wont be happy?

I dont understand this?

The old guy i spoke to is far happier than living in a Govt owned highrise flat and doesnt have to dodge druggies in the hallway each day.

Remember hundreds of thousands of pensioners in Australia live on the Govt pension of $1080 per month,are they not happy?

Either you live on it in Australia or Thailand,you live the same way i presume.

Im sure most old age guys would rather being living on the pension in Thailand than in Australia by themselves in some room.

The only drawback is of course medical care which is free in Australia for pensioners,so if you get sick,you gotta come back here,apart from that,why wouldnt you be happy,your living on the same money in Australia of 1080 per month,things are more expensive,so i cant see why a senior citizen couldnt/wouldnt be happy.

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The only drawback is of course medical care which is free in Australia for pensioners,so if you get sick,you gotta come back here,apart from that,why wouldnt you be happy,your living on the same money in Australia of 1080 per month,things are more expensive,so i cant see why a senior citizen couldnt/wouldnt be happy.

Sometimes old people get really sick very fast, and cannot be transported.

Why would old people not be happy here?

-Maybe because they want to be close their children/relatives/friends they have left.

-Maybe because there are many old people who need more intellectual stimulation than bars/hookers/whoremongers can give them.

-Maybe because it's too hot and humid here.

-Maybe because they prefer to spend their old age in the environment they are used to, and don't want to adapt to a completely new culture.

-Maybe because they prefer to live in a place where they understand the language.

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My Monthly Pattaya Budget

Fixed Costs:

Rent for studio in Central Pattaya: 6000 including all utilities.

Bike rent: 2400.

Internet: 1000.

6 months of insurance: 10,000.

Visa Run to Penang every 6 months: 10,000.

I spend on movies, food, gas, and treats for the girls. I have taken Thai language lessons at Pro Language school across from Carrefour so I can easily meet fresh off the bus or office girls so that eliminates "those" expenses. They're usually quite content with a bowl of noodles. I have 2/day.

I work only at the beginning or end of each month on my ecommerce business. Once I've hit the 30k amount, I stop until I need money again. I work more when I'm bored or want to make some more money. I'm happy to help anyone with ecommerce so you can work/stay in Thailand. PM me for more info.

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I am trying to figure out what is a luxurious lifestyle in Baht, and what is a basic Western Lifestyle in baht.

I have read many of the responses on this thread, and what is basic to one, seems luxurious to the next, so, I would like to know approximately how much would it cost to live a moderate lifestyle say in Chiang Mai? How much more would this moderate lifestyle be in Bangkok or Koh Samui or Phuket? I have also looked at a website entitled retireon550amonth.com or something to that effect, and would like to know if that is realistic or not.

If you could give me a range of:

a nice furnished rental apartment (studio or 1 bedroom) in a descent area. What percentage more would a furnished apartment be than an unfurnished apartment?

expected average grocery bills for veggies: fruit, cheese, and fish for one person

electrical, internet, water, television cable, and telephone

transportation cost for bus etc. in each city --not having a car

health insurance

entertainment allowance of going out twice a week

gym membership

Your replies would be appreciated, as I am trying to decide on where to live, and how much of my investments I need to cash in to get started in Thailand.

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A hel_l of a lot of you are saying YES,you can live on 30,000 baht a month,BUT,you wont be happy?

I dont understand this?

The old guy i spoke to is far happier than living in a Govt owned highrise flat and doesnt have to dodge druggies in the hallway each day.

Remember hundreds of thousands of pensioners in Australia live on the Govt pension of $1080 per month,are they not happy?

Either you live on it in Australia or Thailand,you live the same way i presume.

Im sure most old age guys would rather being living on the pension in Thailand than in Australia by themselves in some room.

The only drawback is of course medical care which is free in Australia for pensioners,so if you get sick,you gotta come back here,apart from that,why wouldnt you be happy,your living on the same money in Australia of 1080 per month,things are more expensive,so i cant see why a senior citizen couldnt/wouldnt be happy.

I live on much less than 30K and i'm as happy as a pig in Sh1t :o

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I live on much less than 30K and i'm as happy as a pig in Sh1t :o

Actually, i just saw another post of yours, in another thread:

As for the rest of the world, i work in the oil industry in Saudi arabia and here we drill wells in feet, measure weight in pounds and calculate volumes using barrels or gallons. 21st century or not imerial measurements are not going anywhere!

What are you? A toilet cleaner from Pakistan?

Or is the oil industry now paying that low salaries?

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I live on much less than 30K and i'm as happy as a pig in Sh1t :o

Actually, i just saw another post of yours, in another thread:

As for the rest of the world, i work in the oil industry in Saudi arabia and here we drill wells in feet, measure weight in pounds and calculate volumes using barrels or gallons. 21st century or not imerial measurements are not going anywhere!

What are you? A toilet cleaner from Pakistan?

Or is the oil industry now paying that low salaries?

Well spotted. I think there is a big difference between what you live on and what you earn. I earn nearly 30k per day but that is for my family's future, my month to month "living" is less than 30k.

Before i got into this line of work i lived and worked in the UK and struggled to survive every month. What i needed to live on and what i earned were also dissimilar but in the opposite direction. The bank was always empty at the end of the month.

The only difference for me is that back then i was forced to live on what i earned, now i chose how much i want to live on and put the rest away. If i earned 30k per month now i would live my life exactly the same, just save less.

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Shepsel, as Jingthing has already said, we had an interminably long discussion over on the Chiang Mai Forum of ThaiVisa about that website, so if you will look for it there, or use the search function there for that website's key words, you'll see that a moderate lifestyle in CMai is however long your string is, 8 cm or 98 meters. I barely get by locally on 75K and my rent is cheap, but other expenses are high. 50K would do you well in central CMai living a Western lifestyle.

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The truth is that many of the posters here dont have a clue what they are talking about..

Unless you ARE of the age of the OP,s example and HAVE to live on the income stated you are just peeing up wind.

Your requirements as you get older are meager in old age ,your physical activities are less, your sleep and food intake are less,your sexual appetite in most cases is less (although I may be an exception).

Many of us have outlived our families and so have no roots left in our own countries and therefore life in S/E Asia is a great alternative to a park bench and a handout at the Salvation Army Chapel.

The should have done it different brigade dont know the circumstances of the reasons we are here in the first place,a marriage gone bad late in life can have devastating effects on a previously well planned and financially catered for old age.

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The truth is that many of the posters here dont have a clue what they are talking about..

Unless you ARE of the age of the OP,s example and HAVE to live on the income stated you are just peeing up wind.

Your requirements as you get older are meager in old age ,your physical activities are less, your sleep and food intake are less,your sexual appetite in most cases is less (although I may be an exception).

True, but then there's healthcare needs and expenses, which on average for most people in their last years of life are more than their healthcare expenses for their entire life combined.


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So true Heng, I just returned from a Oz after a heart operation,luckily I had a little fund set aside for just such an emergency, I say luckily because I definately could not afford the 1 million baht plus that I was quoted for the same procedure here in Los.

Budget Airlines can get you in and out of Oz for far less than a months pension these days.

The choice is ,do you live in abject poverty on a pension in Oz waiting for the day when the inevitable illness strikes you or do you make the best of whatever days you have left by living where you choose(in this case Los).

Its an individual choice , and if a person chooses the latter ,they do not constitute a burden on Thai society.

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These cost of living threads always get my attention. We all have unique needs and pleasures. Some of us are happy with a 20 bt meal and care less about living in a large house. Others couldn't imagine eating cheap local food and living in a studio. I consider myself lucky - I don't get much satisfaction from expensive food or living accommodations.

What it comes down to is, basically, what you enjoy. You only live once so spend what it takes to be happy. If you're not happy spending 30k bt, then make more. If making more isn't an option, then make the best of it.

I'm currently living in San Fran ( not cheap ) and spend less 100k bt. I eat out and party with friends 2-3 nights a week. Have a great life and spending more would add little to no extra pleasure.

Many posters think that living simple is a necessity and a bore. I make nearly 800k bt. a month and could easily live a very affluent lifestyle. Not for me! I walk or take my scooter to work and live in a one bedroom apartment. Have an 8 year old car that I rarely drive.

My point - you spend what you need and each individual has different needs. As for me, 30k wouldn't be enough and 60k bt would about right.

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Yes, of course, it is individual. In my case, I made a trade off of working for 10-15 more years and possibly being wealthier upon finishing work (not exactly guaranteed) or trading that potential higher wealth for more years of leisure living at a reduced but not harsh spending level. I would rather have the time, largely because I became totally burnt out on the work I used to do. I am very happy with my choice. Even if it backfires, at least I made the effort and had the time away from what to me had become hel_l on earth. Life ain't a REHEARSAL, folks. Money isn't the only thing. Time to me is much more valuable.

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My Thai wife and I can and do live on less than 30,000 baht per month. I live exactly as I wish and want for nothing. What I live on is considerably less than what I could afford to spend. The rest of the story is that it cost me several million baht to get to this point.

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Moving to LOS in 2 weeks has concentrated my mind on cost of living expenses.

Reading these threads are illuminating more about the people on the thread than what it takes to live. I love the "dont you dare move here unless you are considerably richer than me and I have billions!!". I also love the "We're all going to die so save save save!" merchants.

I am not wealthy, I don't have masses invested but I do like to try new things and life is too short. So I thought about what I was spending in London each month compared to my expected spending in Bangkok.

Mortgage Ldn 70K Bkk 0

Council tax Ldn 10K Bkk 50bht

Maintainence Ldn 10K Bkk 0

Water Ldn 1.5K Bkk 2.5K

Electric Ldn 3.5K Bkk 5K

Gas Ldn 3K Bkk 0

Food Ldn 20K Bkk 5K

Car Loan Ldn 27K Bkk 17K

Insur/Tax/Park Ldn 5K Bkk 1K

So my basic living expenses (in a one bedroom flat) before leaving the house are 150K per month or 80K without the mortgage compared to under 30K in Bkk.

Then compare entertainment. I normally eat out twice a week and go to the pub a couple of times. For two people that would be about 40K and thats not michelen just local restaurants and pubs. In Bkk I would expect to pay a quarter of that (more if I go western). Once a month we like a long weekend away so add 20K compared to a weekend in Hua Hin or similar at 10K.

In Bkk I will need Satellite and health insurance which I did not have in London.

The OP won't have 17K car loan, 1K insurance and his electric will be lower but he has rent so I see him having half his money for living/ents.

You look at pensioners in the Uk having to choose between heating and food which I guess Aussies don't but if he is cool with his lot then I say power to him. I hope if I am in his situation at 67 I take the route that gets me laid!

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These cost of living threads always get my attention. We all have unique needs and pleasures. Some of us are happy with a 20 bt meal and care less about living in a large house. Others couldn't imagine eating cheap local food and living in a studio. I consider myself lucky - I don't get much satisfaction from expensive food or living accommodations.

What it comes down to is, basically, what you enjoy. You only live once so spend what it takes to be happy. If you're not happy spending 30k bt, then make more. If making more isn't an option, then make the best of it.

I'm currently living in San Fran ( not cheap ) and spend less 100k bt. I eat out and party with friends 2-3 nights a week. Have a great life and spending more would add little to no extra pleasure.

Many posters think that living simple is a necessity and a bore. I make nearly 800k bt. a month and could easily live a very affluent lifestyle. Not for me! I walk or take my scooter to work and live in a one bedroom apartment. Have an 8 year old car that I rarely drive.

My point - you spend what you need and each individual has different needs. As for me, 30k wouldn't be enough and 60k bt would about right.

HI it is not the same living on 30k earning 800k a month when you know you could use the extra funds if you needed to ,and have the mind set that you have a nest egg if things go wrong .for the person living on 30k with no extra funds somewhere its not the same . :D

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"I'm currently living in San Fran ( not cheap ) and spend less 100k bt. I eat out and party with friends 2-3 nights a week. Have a great life and spending more would add little to no extra pleasure."

there is no way you party 2-3 nights a week in SF and spend only 100k baht a month, unless by party you mean eat 25 cent ramen cups and play scrabble.

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I'm currently living in San Fran ( not cheap ) and spend less 100k bt. I eat out and party with friends 2-3 nights a week. Have a great life and spending more would add little to no extra pleasure.

I make nearly 800k bt. a month and could easily live a very affluent lifestyle. Not for me! I walk or take my scooter to work and live in a one bedroom apartment. Have an 8 year old car that I rarely drive.

my mother has taught me not to use foul language even towards people who try hard to insult my intelligence :o

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Really it is like winning the Lottery, you hear people say that it would not change there life at all + they would still work… Sorry everything extra changes your life…

Many here own there own place, own there own transport and live well for under 30,000, where in there home Country they had a mortgage and loans, car loan etc. just for these items only one is far better off living here. 4yrs ago my Council Tax for my 1bd semi house was 32,400 baht per year!! 23,040 baht for Mortgage per month, 11,160baht per month for car loan, thats without all the credit cards, insurances etc. Selling up and moving here = I owe nobody anything, own everything I need and can live stress free.

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"I'm currently living in San Fran ( not cheap ) and spend less 100k bt. I eat out and party with friends 2-3 nights a week. Have a great life and spending more would add little to no extra pleasure."

there is no way you party 2-3 nights a week in SF and spend only 100k baht a month, unless by party you mean eat 25 cent ramen cups and play scrabble.

I actually live 20 miles from the city and I should have mentioned it. I was drinking last night when I wrote this. I should have said go out 2-3 nights a week, not party.

Monthly Costs:

Rent, utils, and cable - $1,250

Car - $0 (own)

Gas - $25

Auto Insurance - $80

Health Insurance - $0 (work pays)

Groceries - $350

$1,700 left over for entertainment and misc.

Don't think I'm to good to eat Ramen, but never have played srabble.

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