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Saudi Travelers Cautioned Against Fast Food Abroad

Javid Hassan, Arab News

RIYADH, 13 October 2007 — Saudis visiting the tourist resort of Phuket in Thailand during the Eid holidays have been cautioned against eating fast food, since the beef or lamb used in the preparations there need not necessarily be halal.

Though the alert has come from Phuket, it is equally applicable to all places around the world where these international fast food chains operate.

Speaking to Arab News from Phuket, Ibrahim Khatib, a Jordanian businessman residing there for the last three years, said a large number of Saudis who visit the tourist resort told him that they all go for their meals at well-known international fast food chain outlets.

“I would like to inform Saudi and other Gulf visitors eating at these internationally renowned fast food outlets that the beef or the lamb used in their preparations may be halal in Saudi Arabia but is not so in Phuket and, by extension, elsewhere in other countries.”

Khatib, who jointly owns a food company along with a Thai businessman, said these international fast food outlets “are using pork in their fast food preparations. He pointed out that he had visited a number of these international fast food restaurants. “I am not even one percent sure they are not using the same facility to grill pork, meat and beef,” he said.

Khatib said that when he protested to the management, they said they would respond to his concerns through an e-mail. But no e-mail was received.

Continued here http://arabnews.com/?page=1&section=0&...m=10&y=2007

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Honestly, are you serious? I have personally had it with this "change the world to suit your needs" crap. If it aint like Saudi, and Allah says you can't have it, then don't eat it. But don't ask that your meal be butchered a certain way. What's the difference? I have had much experience with this halal business. I had a Saudi Engineer with me in China. He only ate rice because the good book told him he could not eat pork. Well, my opinion is this:

If you opt to believe that Paul Bunion had a big blue ox named babe, then so be it. But don't bring that crap here. Halal is done in your home country and not here, then stay home. The world does not have to change to suit the needs of Musliums. Musliums need to accept that not everyone believes in that hokey pokey nonsense. There are plenty of destinations where Saudi's can feel right at home. You are on vacation, do as the romans, or go to Malaysia.

This Muslium thing is out of control. I love the aussie government for what they said about Islamic Law.

Musliums need to realize that not everyone knows what halal is. Not everyone has to avoid pork, and not everyone shrouds there women and makes them wear retarted ninja suits so as to not turn on all the men that see her. Be Muslium, by all means, it is your right, but keep it off my front lawn, because I personally think that it is the reason for most of the problems in the world. And as a father, I will beat my child if she ever comes home with a Muslium friend. Mind Pollution.

My Opinion.

Salam alakam!

Well Phuket is actually predominantly a muslim island, so maybe they should be asking you to go home?

The Muslims on Phuket are largely moderate and tolerant. Buddhists and Muslims coexist without any problems because Muslims don't insist on imposing their religious practices on the non-Muslims. Pork and alcohol and everything else is freely available. Phuket could serve as a model for tolerance and co-existance for most of these Muslim countries.


yes, but the phuket muslims are making a big statement now by building a huge mosque jsut before rat-u-thit road on the way down from the mountain. this greets everyone as they drive from, say, the airport, coming into patong, just as a gentle reminder that they ARE on a muslim island.

im not sure if anyone else has thought about this subtle reminder? (well, ok, im sure that many have, but you get my point)

Well Phuket is actually predominantly a muslim island, so maybe they should be asking you to go home?

If we are talking about the native population, I think you'll find that Thai-Chinese are the majority, not muslims.

yes, but the phuket muslims are making a big statement now by building a huge mosque jsut before rat-u-thit road on the way down from the mountain. this greets everyone as they drive from, say, the airport, coming into patong, just as a gentle reminder that they ARE on a muslim island.

im not sure if anyone else has thought about this subtle reminder? (well, ok, im sure that many have, but you get my point)

That is a remodeling of an existing Mosque, and expansion. Yes, it will be prominant when completed. However, as the lifeblood of Phuket is foreign tourists and their largely non-Muslim lifestyles, I don't see Phuket changing at all in this regard. Do you?


no, i dont. the muslims on phuket go about their business as usual and dont appear to let what happens in patong upset their daily lives.

a blind eye is turned and this shows a great deal of tolerance in my opinion.

Well Phuket is actually predominantly a muslim island, so maybe they should be asking you to go home?

If we are talking about the native population, I think you'll find that Thai-Chinese are the majority, not muslims.

I don't think that's correct, Island wide, I believe it may be about 50/50 Muslim/Buddhist, but will stand to be corrected if someone knows exactly.

yes, but the phuket muslims are making a big statement now by building a huge mosque jsut before rat-u-thit road on the way down from the mountain. this greets everyone as they drive from, say, the airport, coming into patong, just as a gentle reminder that they ARE on a muslim island.

im not sure if anyone else has thought about this subtle reminder? (well, ok, im sure that many have, but you get my point)

Is it being actively built, meaning, will it ever be completed? I don't see any progress in the one year that I have been driven past it (left turn there to hit the narrow motorbike lane). IMHO it's an eyesore in its present condition and will be much better when complete.


The religon is from the Middle East and based in the Arabic Language. In order for it to be truly practiced and understood, it must be either translated exactly, or all Thai Musliums must speak and read Arabic. I speak a bit of Arabic and I have read the Quran. And I have yet to meet a Thai Muslium that has either read the Quran or one who can speak Arabic with me. As far as asking me to go home? I am home. I live here for what it is, and I dismiss it for what it isn't . I do not complain about what it lacks, and I never question it for what it has become. But 50% Muslium? I doubt it. More like Monkey See, Monkey Do. Like Christanity. Do what we do, and DON'T ASK US WHY.

A Non Muslium can eat meat that is Halal, but a Muslium can't eat meat that isn't . Anyone care to guess why Halal is so important to Musliums? Where the idea comes from? Have you ever seen an animal butchered Halal?

How would you like to be butchered if another species wanted to eat you?

Ask yourself this, why would such a "peaceful" religion be so horrific in the preperation of meat.

There are those who govern, and those who are here to be governed. Which are you?



oh yes. the changes in the past year in my opinion, are quite substantial. these things are always a work in progress, but i think its coming along.

i dont really think its an eyesore. ok. may be in its current half built condition being a concrete box, it may not look so nice, but i can appreciate it. it will be no more gaudy than some of the temples around the place.

oh yes. the changes in the past year in my opinion, are quite substantial. these things are always a work in progress, but i think its coming along.

i dont really think its an eyesore. ok. may be in its current half built condition being a concrete box, it may not look so nice, but i can appreciate it. it will be no more gaudy than some of the temples around the place.

I meant only in the current state of construction with all of the scaffolding and mounds of dirt and rubbish about; once completed it will be much better.


i particularly like the 'do not leave shoes here' sign on the steps which is often half hidden by shoes! always have a bit of a cackle to myself when i see that.

Honestly, are you serious? I have personally had it with this "change the world to suit your needs" crap. If it aint like Saudi, and Allah says you can't have it, then don't eat it. But don't ask that your meal be butchered a certain way. What's the difference? I have had much experience with this halal business. I had a Saudi Engineer with me in China. He only ate rice because the good book told him he could not eat pork. Well, my opinion is this:

If you opt to believe that Paul Bunion had a big blue ox named babe, then so be it. But don't bring that crap here. Halal is done in your home country and not here, then stay home. The world does not have to change to suit the needs of Musliums. Musliums need to accept that not everyone believes in that hokey pokey nonsense. There are plenty of destinations where Saudi's can feel right at home. You are on vacation, do as the romans, or go to Malaysia.

This Muslium thing is out of control. I love the aussie government for what they said about Islamic Law.

Musliums need to realize that not everyone knows what halal is. Not everyone has to avoid pork, and not everyone shrouds there women and makes them wear retarted ninja suits so as to not turn on all the men that see her. Be Muslium, by all means, it is your right, but keep it off my front lawn, because I personally think that it is the reason for most of the problems in the world. And as a father, I will beat my child if she ever comes home with a Muslium friend. Mind Pollution.

My Opinion.

Salam alakam!

Well you have managed to make sure I wont be visiting your restaurant thanks to such open minded views as these..

As you have moved to a majority muslim location your the one importing your standards... hypocrite no ??

Secondly why should a purchaser not be able to insist on the item they are purchasing to be a certain standard ?? They are not saying you have to do anything.. Only that is part of thier religious code..

Honestly, are you serious? I have personally had it with this "change the world to suit your needs" crap. If it aint like Saudi, and Allah says you can't have it, then don't eat it. But don't ask that your meal be butchered a certain way. What's the difference? I have had much experience with this halal business. I had a Saudi Engineer with me in China. He only ate rice because the good book told him he could not eat pork. Well, my opinion is this:

If you opt to believe that Paul Bunion had a big blue ox named babe, then so be it. But don't bring that crap here. Halal is done in your home country and not here, then stay home. The world does not have to change to suit the needs of Musliums. Musliums need to accept that not everyone believes in that hokey pokey nonsense. There are plenty of destinations where Saudi's can feel right at home. You are on vacation, do as the romans, or go to Malaysia.

This Muslium thing is out of control. I love the aussie government for what they said about Islamic Law.

Musliums need to realize that not everyone knows what halal is. Not everyone has to avoid pork, and not everyone shrouds there women and makes them wear retarted ninja suits so as to not turn on all the men that see her. Be Muslium, by all means, it is your right, but keep it off my front lawn, because I personally think that it is the reason for most of the problems in the world. And as a father, I will beat my child if she ever comes home with a Muslium friend. Mind Pollution.

My Opinion.

Salam alakam!

Well you have managed to make sure I wont be visiting your restaurant thanks to such open minded views as these..

As you have moved to a majority muslim location your the one importing your standards... hypocrite no ??

Secondly why should a purchaser not be able to insist on the item they are purchasing to be a certain standard ?? They are not saying you have to do anything.. Only that is part of thier religious code..

Whatever, all I know is that all of the well to do, rich folks that I know in Rai Wai have never heard of this forum. I can also say, that you are not welcome.

How can they be Musilum, they can't translate the text? How do they even understand what they are doing?

We will not be halal due to the extremely cruel nature and the mistreatment of animals. Eating them for food is one thing, but to bleed them and wait for them to die is inhuman.

The religon is from the Middle East and based in the Arabic Language. In order for it to be truly practiced and understood, it must be either translated exactly, or all Thai Musliums must speak and read Arabic. I speak a bit of Arabic and I have read the Quran. And I have yet to meet a Thai Muslium that has either read the Quran or one who can speak Arabic with me. As far as asking me to go home? I am home. I live here for what it is, and I dismiss it for what it isn't . I do not complain about what it lacks, and I never question it for what it has become. But 50% Muslium? I doubt it. More like Monkey See, Monkey Do. Like Christanity. Do what we do, and DON'T ASK US WHY.

A Non Muslium can eat meat that is Halal, but a Muslium can't eat meat that isn't . Anyone care to guess why Halal is so important to Musliums? Where the idea comes from? Have you ever seen an animal butchered Halal?

How would you like to be butchered if another species wanted to eat you?

Ask yourself this, why would such a "peaceful" religion be so horrific in the preperation of meat.

There are those who govern, and those who are here to be governed. Which are you?


As this geezer seems to know so much about everything, perhaps he should learn how to spell. As for even thinking of beating his child for having friends who believe in something different, well, that says it all. I won't be setting foot in his joint either.


This news article by Javid Hassanin the Arab News carries a Riyadh dateline, but actually originated in Phuket from a Jordan businessman who has resided in Phuket for 3 yrs.

“Khatib, who jointly owns a food company along with a Thai businessman, said these international fast food outlets “are using pork in their fast food preparations. He pointed out that he had visited a number of these international fast food restaurants. “I am not even one percent sure they are not using the same facility to grill pork, meat and beef,” he said.”

It seems to me that the Jordan businessman was just trying to stimulate business for his food venture on the Island. I don’t have a problem with that at all; if he can provide a service to Arab tourists who visit Phuket, then more power to him.

As a previous poster mentioned, Muslims and others get along very well in Phuket, and that fact is an example for the rest of the world to follow. Most people just want to get along and live in peace. The militant branch of Islam with its appalling terrorist tactics, though a small minority of Muslims, are what provokes people like Intoxicajun write what he did. I’ll bet he would invite all people of good will to his restaurant, and I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt about that, and plan to try that Cajon food when he opens.

Honestly, are you serious? I have personally had it with this "change the world to suit your needs" crap. If it aint like Saudi, and Allah says you can't have it, then don't eat it. But don't ask that your meal be butchered a certain way. What's the difference? I have had much experience with this halal business. I had a Saudi Engineer with me in China. He only ate rice because the good book told him he could not eat pork. Well, my opinion is this:

If you opt to believe that Paul Bunion had a big blue ox named babe, then so be it. But don't bring that crap here. Halal is done in your home country and not here, then stay home. The world does not have to change to suit the needs of Musliums. Musliums need to accept that not everyone believes in that hokey pokey nonsense. There are plenty of destinations where Saudi's can feel right at home. You are on vacation, do as the romans, or go to Malaysia.

This Muslium thing is out of control. I love the aussie government for what they said about Islamic Law.

Musliums need to realize that not everyone knows what halal is. Not everyone has to avoid pork, and not everyone shrouds there women and makes them wear retarted ninja suits so as to not turn on all the men that see her. Be Muslium, by all means, it is your right, but keep it off my front lawn, because I personally think that it is the reason for most of the problems in the world. And as a father, I will beat my child if she ever comes home with a Muslium friend. Mind Pollution.

My Opinion.

Salam alakam!

Well you have managed to make sure I wont be visiting your restaurant thanks to such open minded views as these..

As you have moved to a majority muslim location your the one importing your standards... hypocrite no ??

Secondly why should a purchaser not be able to insist on the item they are purchasing to be a certain standard ?? They are not saying you have to do anything.. Only that is part of thier religious code..

Whatever, all I know is that all of the well to do, rich folks that I know in Rai Wai have never heard of this forum. I can also say, that you are not welcome.

How can they be Musilum, they can't translate the text? How do they even understand what they are doing?

We will not be halal due to the extremely cruel nature and the mistreatment of animals. Eating them for food is one thing, but to bleed them and wait for them to die is inhuman.

Don't make me laugh, unless you're selling only vegetarian food in your restaurant i suggest you shut up. Anyway, i'll not be eating in your restaurant either, anyone who panders to "well to do rich folk" and is such a biggot would put me off my food.


In Rawai, where Mr. Asoke sold Indian food, a new restaurant has opened selling South American, Mexican and Cajun food. It's very good, I recommend giving it a try.


Mr intoxicatedcajun, have you got your arse plugged in to fox news, and use your sh it for brains?

1. Shrouded muslim women exist, but that is largely down to the culture of the area. I remember drunkenly visiting an (unbeknown to me) halal food stall in patong and asking for moo (pork). The unshrouded thai muslim lady laughed, pointed to the crescent and star sign and cheekily slapped me on the bum. She didn`t declare jihad. Personally I am opposed to shrouding, I think it`s backward (like your attitudes) but it`s a matter of personal choice to be overcome by education.

2. You describe muslims as intolerant but declare you would beat your child for bringing home a friend who happened to be a muslim! Apart from showing you unsuitability to parent, it shows the transference that is at the root of your rant. You impose on muslims all the things about yourself that you are uncomfortable with.

3. `eating them for food is one thing but to bleed them and wait for them to die is inhuman`

Probably I think you meant inhumane. Anyway the animals are killed to eat, halal is the religiously prescribed way. Animals in a uk slaughterhouse are killed the same way, except they get an electric stun first. How is the thai chicken you eat killed? What about the cajun fish you eat - how does that die? Is it gently introduced to a tank where the oxygen level is reduced so that it slowly falls into a stupor before it calmly passes away? Or is it yanked from it`s life giving water and left to flip flop gasping for oxygen while you and your cajun friends gibber and holler and jab it with sticks?

Sadly I was looking forward to sampling the cajun food at your eatery but now I won`t bother. I fear my mouth is too `purty` and I don`t want to be ridden like a hog.


I was speaking out of bounds when I said that beating my child part. If you knew me, which it has become crystal clear no one here does, you would have known that was the rough draft. I would have thought that I would have outgrown shooting my fingers off like that by now, but I have a vivid imagination and a short route from brain to mouth..

I would never show disrespect to any religion or belief system. I honestly respect all, but I never receive respect for mine, no matter where I go. So at times, my first reaction is one of anger. But I soon realize that not all can show respect for others' beliefs.

I would never hurt my child, and I am sorry, but I feel that teaching her certain things are far worse than a spanking her. Many would disagree, but I want her to decide what to believe in when she is ready to decide..

Halal, having spent Ramadan on a rig in the desert in Qatar near KSA, is opening up a main vein and allowing the animal to die slowly by bleeding out. Western standards kill the animal instantly.

As for my restaurant... I am sorry my opinions have turned you off. Please come, your first meal is free, and I promise not to be in Thailand while you are dining. I mean honestly, lets keep the debating here, in the forum. I would hate for anyone to miss out on this food.

.... But, if you just can't forgive me,


more for me, shaa!

Ahhh eyyy!

Tox loves Tax. Tax eats free!


i agree, lets keep the debate going but refrain from name calling and personal attacks. this thread is being watched closely and more warnings and suspensions WILL be handed out if necessary.

Saudi Travelers Cautioned Against Fast Food Abroad

...... Though the alert has come from Phuket, it is equally applicable to all places around the world where these international fast food chains operate.

...... go for their meals at well-known international fast food chain outlets.

I wonder what these 'international fast food chains' could be.

I know McDonald's (usually) hang halal certificates in their outlets. I doubt Burger King is halal. Subway? I'm sure Saudi's and Arabs don't go to 7-11 for their hotdog fixes, which definitely is not halal.

i agree, lets keep the debate going but refrain from name calling and personal attacks. this thread is being watched closely and more warnings and suspensions WILL be handed out if necessary.

my apologies donna

As far as asking me to go home? I am home.

no your not, you are a guest in someone elses country and many of those whose home it is are Muslim

Whatever, all I know is that all of the well to do, rich folks that I know in Rai Wai have never heard of this forum. I can also say, that you are not welcome.

How can they be Musilum, they can't translate the text? How do they even understand what they are doing?

We will not be halal due to the extremely cruel nature and the mistreatment of animals. Eating them for food is one thing, but to bleed them and wait for them to die is inhuman.

I hope you were pissed when you wrote these posts.

Rich folks that you know in Rawai? Rich by whose standards? The seriously rich aren't at that end of Phuket in general at all. Of course there are plenty of very pretentious people that like to pretend that they are well to do.

I was speaking out of bounds when I said that beating my child part. If you knew me, which it has become crystal clear no one here does

why would people want to know you with the views that you have

I certain things are far worse than a spanking


**edited to add**

I am sure that you will do ever so well with your new restaurant and your views on those that you have chosen to live with but perhaps you could choose not to share them with those of us on the forums?

I am sure if you do a quick google search there are plenty of forums that cater to people with your views


Since when is a religion a race of people?

It is highly offensive to glibly imply racism.

If you want to preach tolerance you must be tolerant of other peoples views.

You are tolerant of other peoples views as long as they are the same as yours.

There is a word for that. But I wont be drawn into name calling!

In case you haven't been keeping up with the news for the past 3 decades it is Islam that is awash with intolerance, fanaticism, and murderous vengeance.

Best stick to talking about your dive shop and refrain from speaking about something you haven't a clue! :o

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