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True Adsl So Slooooooow


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Ok, seriously...this is slower than dialup. Looks like they're paying more attention to bringing in new customers, rather than their quality of service. But, most people experiencing this problem will probably never read this. It took me 45 seconds to load this page!!!! What should we do?

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From what I've seen, not all people are experiencing problems. Some are getting good speeds, some are getting horrible speeds. I seem to be one of the lucky ones, and have gotten fairly consistant speeds for the past few weeks (with some slowdown during last month's change). I still test at around 500-600k (for a 512k connection) at mcafee.

Some people say that the bad speeds might be because the particular CO has many users who are infected with worms which use up a lot of the bandwidth trying to infect other computers. Others say that it's because of bad configuration on True's part.

I dont' have any suggestions other than to try testing your speeds at True's site and McAfee's site, and calling True with that information in hand.

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I've sometimes improved my speed by resetting my router to the factory config...maybe there are incorrect settings. Also ask them to reset your ADSL line. I'm not sure what else to suggest, it's a pain I know. Worst case is you cut your losses and pay the 2000B severance and just go back to dialup.

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I complained so hard that I got to have a meeting at True with five of there managers. The next day I had three engineers at my home checking everything. They tested the speed and said it was fine, but when I pointed out that they were using a site in Thailand they seemed disturbed that anyone would want to go outside. I finally got them to test speeds using Mcafee etc and after lots of head scratching they admitted that yes it was very slow but there was nothing they could do about it because they didn't have the bandwidth.

They did offer to sell me another package which they said would be much faster but much more expensive, I declined and said I just wanted what I pay for.

Please if your service is slow complain and keep complaining. Ask to speak to the Customer Service Manager or above, they seem to be the only people who take it seriously. Don't give up and just except the appaling service they are selling complain and complain again. One day someone will wake up to the fact that they can't sell something they can't provide.

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Totally out of order that they offer the 4mbit service imo, theres absolutely no point in getting it what so ever. I nearly ticked the box in the true office for 4mbit but after quickly checkin some webmail decided to test the 1mbit out to begin with and maybe upgrade in the future, it would have been a nice way to throw some money away. Out of 100's of downloads theres only 2 that have been flat out on 1mbit :o

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Oh really?

I thought it happaned to me only. I thought my laptop doesn't work well. I apply for this service 'coz i wanna search alot of information and have fun in the same times but searching so slow. sometimes my computer was freezed if i opened to much IE. window. My friend who is the editor of a technology forum warned me about this before. If true not improve their service customer might be gone in one or two month. 'coz there r more hi-speed internet service nowaday.

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