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Met my Thai Wife in Takhli in 1969 and was married in Korat in 1972 and yes we are still happy. let see if I count it right thats 35 years.

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Married Mrs Scotsman in a Thai wedding 7 years ago and then married again with papers in Nov last year We are like best friends we just get on so well together its all down to respect :o

Met my Thai Wife in Takhli in 1969 and was married in Korat in 1972 and yes we are still happy. let see if I count it right thats 35 years.

wow..!! that's wonderful. :o


Just wondering, if the man said he doesn't want to married, so that's mean he doesn't really love you or not? Or just afraid of relationship? Or just want to have fun? Uhummmm Men are much more complicated than women. :o


4 years rolls up on the wedometer this Friday.

She's with the family now - sent her home last week as little sister was in ICU in Korea. She (little sister) died on Saturday morning.

I'm sneaking in for a surprise visit on Friday.

Congrats to the long timers.

Met my Thai Wife in Takhli in 1969 and was married in Korat in 1972 and yes we are still happy. let see if I count it right thats 35 years.

As a fellow Korat dweller, congrats mate! 32 years is quite a feat :o . BTW what area of Korat are U at? We're just outside the city-centre, on Mitrapab Rd.

Just wondering, if the man said he doesn't want to married, so that's mean he doesn't really love you or not? Or just afraid of relationship? Or just want to have fun? Uhummmm Men are much more complicated than women. :D

With respect, on the contrarary my dear. I do believe its the other way round; women ARE more compex then men IMHO :o


2 1/2 years together here, little baby 3 months old.

Wasn't looking for a long term relationship after a bad ending to my prior tyrst here in LOS but a slow start and her easy going nature gave me the confidence to try again. Neither of us are the easiest people to live with but we understand that and so far we've learned to work things out.


Not a full year yet

Met Mrs Gimbo in February, married in village wedding in June and got our paperwork sorted October 1st. So I guess I am still in shock :o

Happy to know that these things can last. Congrats to all the "in for the long haul" couples :D


Started going together in 1976 got married in '79 one great daughter, 31 years, not bad eh! and still going strong. Mind you we both forgot our wedding anniversary on 6th ctober.

Can thoroughly reccommend it.


Mrs Thaigene2 has endured a torturous 6ish years of sexual ordeals and has managed to produce 2 offspring that looked sufficiently like me-us (once untied), so all-in-all pretty good (except for the PMS moments).

We'll make sure they grow up to be little Thaigene2's..God help the world. Here they come!

So far so good - mate!

Mrs.Neeranam and myself have been married 6 years(today) and I've never thought of trading her in. 6 years and two kids later, everthing is great, and getting better everyday.

How long have you been with your Thai partner?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being married to only one person?

Congrats and many happy returns to you and the other posters on this thread. Me & Mat have been together almost 4 years. Not married yet but we're looking at Songkran next year for the big day. Not easy, lots of ups and downs, but those are mostly due to the distance and time apart and occasional language/cultural misunderstandings. The most important things are there, the love, caring, understanding and dedication. We try to not think in terms of what we don't have, but more in terms of what we do have.


Met 5 years ago yesterday and married 4 years ago today.

Our gorgeous son will be 3 in December.

Like all relationships we have our ups and downs, but thankfully far more ups than downs. :o


why the discrimination of poor buggers like me :o who is married to non-thai Mrs Naam since 27 years, 11 months and 13 days?

I know a few guys who have been here a long time and trade in their girlfriend every 2-3 years. I know a few guys who have been married over 20 years and a couple over 30 years.

Mrs.Neeranam and myself have been married 6 years(today) and I've never thought of trading her in. 6 years and two kids later, everthing is great, and getting better everyday.

How long have you been with your Thai partner?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being married to only one person?

:o Congratulations :D We are into our 23rd yearof marriage. Many advantages and many disadvantages but after all those years I too, wouldn't change anything. We're both in our late fifties early sixties and living life to its fullest. :D

I know a few guys who have been here a long time and trade in their girlfriend every 2-3 years. I know a few guys who have been married over 20 years and a couple over 30 years.

Mrs.Neeranam and myself have been married 6 years(today) and I've never thought of trading her in. 6 years and two kids later, everthing is great, and getting better everyday.

How long have you been with your Thai partner?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being married to only one person?

I've been with the Mrs for 9 years and will be married 6 years on the 18th of November. I can't say I've ever had a happier or closer relationship. I haven't seen many disadvantages to being with her mainly advantages :o


5 years now with Mrs Toad and a beautiful 2 year old junior toad. She must have the patience of a saint to put up with me at times. :o

why the discrimination of poor buggers like me :D who is married to non-thai Mrs Naam since 27 years, 11 months and 13 days?

I think that this thread is targeted at Farangs married to Thais, and not the other way around (assuming of course that u ARE Thai?).

But anyway, I understand your point. :o


4 years and counting with Mrs mouse , longest relationship before her was about 4 nights so she must be alright :D . Baby mouse is nearly 3 years old now and the pride and joy of my life :D .

Still though , I plan on getting divorced when I'm about 33 , live the playboy life untill I'm 40 and then settle down with a new bird :o:D:D ................... lor len cap :bah: .

I know a few guys who have been here a long time and trade in their girlfriend every 2-3 years. I know a few guys who have been married over 20 years and a couple over 30 years.

Mrs.Neeranam and myself have been married 6 years(today) and I've never thought of trading her in. 6 years and two kids later, everthing is great, and getting better everyday.

How long have you been with your Thai partner?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being married to only one person?

Married in 1969, still with the same Thai girl, four kids and a life time later. Advanatage? With just one girl for so many years I don't forget and call her by some other's name.



I'm gay, found this thai boy on the internet in spring 2000, arrived in Bangkok on December 7th 2000 and am still together with that same guy - makes it almost 7 years for us :o

Best regards.....


I know a few guys who have been here a long time and trade in their girlfriend every 2-3 years. I know a few guys who have been married over 20 years and a couple over 30 years.

Mrs.Neeranam and myself have been married 6 years(today) and I've never thought of trading her in. 6 years and two kids later, everthing is great, and getting better everyday.

How long have you been with your Thai partner?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being married to only one person?

Married in 1969, still with the same Thai girl, four kids and a life time later. Advanatage? With just one girl for so many years I don't forget and call her by some other's name.

Well done Asiaexpat - I could learn a few tips from ya..well, 'er, ya know....well I mean about the kids in Thailand not about the other stuff (kinda figured that out!). Mrs Thaigene2 and I have a couple of little lovelies..in anubahn - language pm's would be of interest!


I first met my Thai wife over 14 years ago and fell in love with her in a couple of weeks.

I divorced my first wife and married Mrs billd over 7 years ago and now we have a 3 year old son who I spoil endlessly.

My wifes main drawback is her inability to count as by her reckoning she is only 27 and has no intention of being any older.


I thought for sure I would be the member married the longest but a couple of you have me by a year or two. I was married in 1973 while on my second tour at U-Tapao.

We finally retired and live in Bangsaen.

Good luck to all.



Bit late as I just got back from Oz and have'nt been doing the TV thing.

But I would like to congradulate you and the little woman and wish you both, and the other Happy couples, many more years of happiness. seeing that kind of happiness in these times gives hope.


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