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Pattaya Now Has Legal Metered Taxis!


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Last time I checked I wasn't the mayor of taxicabs.

I for one propose the honourable jingthing as mayor of Taxicabs :D

Any one second this? :o

I second it and also propose that he should have the use of his own personal metered taxi after all the effort that he has put in :D

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Last time I checked I wasn't the mayor of taxicabs.

I for one propose the honourable jingthing as mayor of Taxicabs :D

Any one second this? :o

I second it and also propose that he should have the use of his own personal metered taxi after all the effort that he has put in :D

I concur. Go get em Jingthing!

Bring back a full trip report and photos.

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As far as I have seen, using Bangkok taxis for several years, the Bangkok system works as follows:

Most of the time they will switch on the meter, take you to your destination and you pay the meter fare.

In some cases, because of traffic congestion or possible problems to find a new fare at the destination, the driver will ask for a fixed fare, meter will not be used.

If your destination is somewhere the driver do not want to go to he will refuse and you have to find another taxi. In this case you will usually be refused several times before you find a taxi.

From all the reports it sounds like Pattaya taxis also work this way. Short trips within Pattaya is metered, trips to "the Darkside" or Na Jomtien may be refused or on a fixed charge.

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As far as I have seen, using Bangkok taxis for several years, the Bangkok system works as follows:

Most of the time they will switch on the meter, take you to your destination and you pay the meter fare.

In some cases, because of traffic congestion or possible problems to find a new fare at the destination, the driver will ask for a fixed fare, meter will not be used.

If your destination is somewhere the driver do not want to go to he will refuse and you have to find another taxi. In this case you will usually be refused several times before you find a taxi.

From all the reports it sounds like Pattaya taxis also work this way. Short trips within Pattaya is metered, trips to "the Darkside" or Na Jomtien may be refused or on a fixed charge.

erm..... correct me if I'm wrong, but we've only had 2 or 3 reports of people actually using these taxis. (A pity that 'Mayor jingthing' didn't add to the sample :D ).

Most people have never even see one.

A bit of a small sample to draw any conclusions from I would have thought! :o

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I've heard from a few more that has not been reported on this thread, based on them most fares seem to be fixed. The reason for this is that most people use a bath bus when traveling shorter distances within Pattaya and use a taxi, if they can find one, to travel to the further out of way destinations.

Most places people travel to in Bangkok have an ample supply of fares, therefore the drivers can make a decent living using the meter most of the time, and there is no bath bus competition in Bangkok.

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There are only 20 taxis on the street now. We don't have enough credible reports yet to conclusively show anything about what is generally is going on. And keep in mind 20 cars is not a real test of what it could be like if there were 2000 cars. Comparing the current baby step in Pattaya to Bangkok is simply premature.

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I finally got to use one this week! I rang him on the mobile number given here some weeks ago and he answered and came and picked me up at soi Day Night and took me to Lake Mabrachan (Manike Pis) total cost 250 THB. He would not use his meter though and we negociated the price before we left, he spoke a little English and was very nice.

I have noticed that the taxis now have a blue part on the bottom half of the taxis now with a telephone number on the side at the rear end 038 368113.

It would be great to hear from some other people who have actually used these new taxis in Pattaya and if they managed to get them to use the meter.

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Thanks EmCross,

This sounds rude, but I think the thing to do is to call them and then REFUSE to use them unless they turn on the meter. You called for a taxi meter and they won't turn on the meter? That is outrageous, I wonder if people did refuse after they bothered to pick you up, how many would cave in and DO THE RIGHT THING. It's OK if they have a surcharge for coming to you, but if they do that, they should make that official and publicize what that amount will be, perhaps 50 baht extra, for example.

This is interesting, because if they are called and spent time and gas to get you, the POWER thing is on the CUSTOMER, not the driver. They will really want the fare then, and we have them by the balls, for a change!

We could also threaten to call the taxi company and COMPLAIN.

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I agree Jingthing, but I wanted to get home and could not be bothered to argue. I would certainly be prepared to pay and extra 50 baht for call out if they would then use the meter. I would really be interested to know if anyone has used one with the meter running.

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Most places people travel to in Bangkok have an ample supply of fares, therefore the drivers can make a decent living using the meter most of the time, and there is no bath bus competition in Bangko

That is total bull. There are buses, skytrain, and underground in Bangkok.

Also, much of Pattaya is not covered at all by baht bus service.

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They have to be pressured to do the right thing. They will be as corrupt as charter baht bus drivers unless we collectively hold their bums to the fire! Otherwise, forget about ever getting a REAL taxi meter service here.

If they come for a pickup from a call, and they quote a baht bus charter fare and will not use the meter, I suggest a TOTAL BOYCOTT. Use a charter baht bus instead and tell them you are doing that and WHY. Also, get their car ID if possible and complain to the taxi office. Also start contacting and pressuring the local English press to cover this story and join the fight for a REAL taxi meter service in Pattaya. Otherwise, this is already lost.

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They have to be pressured to do the right thing. They will be as corrupt as charter baht bus drivers unless we collectively hold their bums to the fire! Otherwise, forget about ever getting a REAL taxi meter service here.

If they come for a pickup from a call, and they quote a baht bus charter fare and will not use the meter, I suggest a TOTAL BOYCOTT. Use a charter baht bus instead and tell them you are doing that and WHY. Also, get their car ID if possible and complain to the taxi office. Also start contacting and pressuring the local English press to cover this story and join the fight for a REAL taxi meter service in Pattaya. Otherwise, this is already lost.

I would have thought that having taxis that can be called from areas not serviced by baht buses was still a step ahead even if they only work on negotiated fares. How else can a person living on the dark-side get a ride somewhere?

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They have to be pressured to do the right thing. They will be as corrupt as charter baht bus drivers unless we collectively hold their bums to the fire! Otherwise, forget about ever getting a REAL taxi meter service here.

If they come for a pickup from a call, and they quote a baht bus charter fare and will not use the meter, I suggest a TOTAL BOYCOTT. Use a charter baht bus instead and tell them you are doing that and WHY. Also, get their car ID if possible and complain to the taxi office. Also start contacting and pressuring the local English press to cover this story and join the fight for a REAL taxi meter service in Pattaya. Otherwise, this is already lost.

I would have thought that having taxis that can be called from areas not serviced by baht buses was still a step ahead even if they only work on negotiated fares. How else can a person living on the dark-side get a ride somewhere?


Btw by sending the driver away will only make things worser for people who are willing to pay. Because if this happens a few times to them they wont be picking up people any longer.

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Negative thinkers. You are only guessing. The positive result might be that they start using the meters. The fatalism of many expats in Thailand is depressing. Don't settle for the same old CORRUPTION. Demand more and you just might get it. Demand nothing and you get what you deserve. NOTHING.

If most everyone that they try to scam plays along and caves, then the hope of ever having a proper taxi meter service is lost. If they encounter massive resistance to this corruption, they will either fold up shop or reform and provide a proper service. And to my view a taxi meter that won't turn on the meter is a SCAM.

The only exception to this if if the ride is outside the SERVICE AREA of the taxi system. However, that service area at this point isn't even defined by the baht bus mafia (which owns the cabs). That they should do as well: define the service area, define the service charge for pickups if there is to be one (I think this is fine as long as they announce it and stick to it), and use the <deleted> meters!

Maybe the lake is outside the (metered) service area. Fine if that is the case. Then tell the public exactly what the service area is. More transparany, less corruption, more jobs for more drivers, real service for the public.

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On a sidenote - top walking street and needed to head to soi8 quickly. Requested a moto-taxi, the lad quoted 100bht. Told him fk off and give me the right price 40bht. He wouldnt budge, but one of his mates came up and asked me what he wanted to charge. I told him 100bht and it should be 40bht. He said you are right, then took me to Soi8 for correct fare. :o

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Maybe you should start you own taxi company because it sounds like you have much more experience then these guys!

No thank you.

If you are suggesting that as a resident here I am not in a position to complain and suggest others take actual ACTION that might have the potential to actually improve a corrupt situation, then EXPLETIVE DELETED.

You have a better idea other than total FATALISTIC ACCEPTANCE of CORRUPTION? Or don't you care, or don't you need a decent public transport system here?

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Yes but it also has the potential for making things worse for us guys living on the darkside.

You know what? BS. And how bloody SELFISH.

There are already car services that you can call which will pick you up and charge at rip off charter rates and there have been for years.


Whether the taxi meters go away or not, or whether they go to the darkside or not.

If you don't know about these charter car services, some of them are named on this very thread.

We are talking about the beginning of a TAXI METER service. We don't need yet another of the same same rip off charter car/baht bus services. There is the beginning of hope for something much better. They need to be pressured into it. Otherwise, expect to wait 50 years.

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Thanks EmCross,

This sounds rude, but I think the thing to do ....

Totally out of order IMHO. Here's the OP who declined to ride in a cab to justify his rant, telling somone who did actually ride in a cab and post their experiences that they did the wrong thing.

The same OP who was stands by the reasoning that the meter would be used because the driver said so and left it at that. Maybe the OP feared that the driver would use the meter and the crusade and this thread would die a natural death.

I reckon the OP should be 'mayor' for taxi matters at city hall. A failure to actively do what one repeatedly keeps telling other people to do qualifies one immensely for this onerous task. That will fit right in with the promises, pontification and payola brigade already working there.

What's the terminology I'm grasping for here? All mouth and trousers. That's it.

As for this thread... stick a fork in it. It's done!

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Nan, I am not talking about one ride. I am talking about shaping the future of this service. As far as I can tell, all you just did was personally attack me. I suppose that is your right.

I do wish you might address the actual issues at hand, rather than focus on ONE rider or non-rider.

And I totally disagree, this thread or at least this TOPIC is nowhere near closure. The issue of the development of taxi meter service here is going to take many years.

If you seriously believe whether I personally take one ride (or not) that uses a meter, or not, proves anything whatsoever, or means this issue is settled, that is my friend, completely DELUSIONAL.

Instead of attacking me personally, perhaps you have a CONSTRUCTIVE SUGGESTION on what we can collectively do to help further the development of a real taxi meter service in Pattaya? I am all ears. No ideas? (I thought so.)

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Not sure who is the bigger hindrance to progress on this, the baht bus mafia taxi owners OR the hyper-NEGATIVE fatalistic, farangs. The same GLOOMY GUSSES who thought we wouldn't see taxi one on the streets here EVER. You were wrong about that, you might also be wrong that we can someday get REAL service.

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And I totally disagree, this thread or at least this TOPIC is nowhere near closure. The issue of the development of taxi meter service here is going to take many years.

Agreed, this topic should stay alive so we can hear from many others regarding their personal experiences with this new Taxi service.

These new yellow beasts are still a complete mystery.

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Well from my own experience - they refuse to use meters, hard to find and want to charge silly prices for going short distances. So I'll stick with baht buses/moto taxi(s) - more reasonable and convenient.

That is a valid response.

However, I would suggest people with that attitude at least approach them when you need a ride and see them, and ask for a ride, and if they refuse to use the meter, DECLINE the ride, and tell them why. If enough people do this often enough, you never know, they might really get the message.

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It's pretty obvious that these taxi's are here for the tourist. Why else would there be 7-8 of these cabs every evening on the Bali hai pier and about 4-5 in front of Festival in north Pattaya.

Fair enough. At 20 cars they add very little. I am looking forward to when there are 1000 cars with meters providing a real service.

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It's pretty obvious that these taxi's are here for the tourist. Why else would there be 7-8 of these cabs every evening on the Bali hai pier and about 4-5 in front of Festival in north Pattaya.

I wouldn't hold that against the taxi drivers. If you had a taxi, would you go and stand in some isolated spot where there are no tourists?

Boycotting the new taxis will achieve absolutely nothing because there will always be enough tourists in Pattaya to ensure the 20 cabs will make a good profit.

It all comes down to regulation. If the local government cannot regulate them with strict rules enforced by fines, they're going to charge whatever they can get away with. Government reguations are what keeps taxis in line in any city in any country. No strictly enforced regulations = taxi mayhem.

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