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Thai Hull Consulate Uk: New Location In 2007

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I see that the Thai consulate has moved address to Hessle in Hull. Is this far from Hull Rail station? Has anyone taken a taxi from the railway station? There is no advice on the Hull website about Train/Bus/Taxi access. Thanks in advance................

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I did this back in March and you need to keep the taxi with you as there are no taxis anywhere near the consulate which is on an industrial estate !

Obviously you get all the paperwork completed beforehand so as to take the minimum time.

Taxis in Hull are not really geared up for this and the one I got was worrying about the size of the fare and kept banging on the consulate's window. All in it cost me £25 with about a 10 minute wait at the consulate.

Used to taking taxis in capital cities and especially London I didn't bat an eyelid about just asking him to wait but he was more concerned about getting back to his rank for the little old bad lady's £1.50 trip home on a wet March afternoon !

With hindsight print off the map and get a wider reaching map off the internet as they have no idea where it is. Get them to fix a fare for the round trip. I think they should do it for £20 as they have zero hope of anything on the way back. It is a poor bleak town and they should be kissing your ass for the job.

There is nothing to do at the railway station so make sure you are not waiting 3 hours for your return trip.

If I had to do it again, I would investigate Birmingham. I just didn't have the time to post it to Hull as I was only back for 3 days.

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