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Amercan Expats In Thailand


The Expat Vote for the Big One  

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As a recently former expat, I'm voting for either Hillary, John Edwards, or Obama. Either one of them will do nicely, although I like the 2 for one deal of Hillary. She has the most experience, and I'd like to get Bubba back. :o

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Agree with Kat on the Clintons return...and am somehow hoping for a Hillary/Obama ticket...Obama as VP of course. At this stage they are hardly friends but stranger things have happened. Hillary is smart...dam_n smart and clever enough to see the potential of really getting stuff done after the failure of her husbands presidency on so many issues..at least that is my hope...frankly unless there is some real new bombshell any republican is un-electable due to the Bush hatred factor...though I do like that old relic McCain an awful lot as well....voting for sure

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Got to go with Hillary, with Bills leadership & her tenacity, America stands a chance on getting back in the Black again & the veto thing should be nill as I think Hillary is smart as well. her health care issues are in line with my thinking & being a business owner, the last administration was no help.Our kids in America is America's tomorrow. Time for the good ole boys to move on & give a woman a chance anyway. Women for the most part have proven they work harder to try to keep up with men.

So to me the hidden obscure taxes or the ones that are transparent that actually will make it to peoples pockets got my vote.

Time for the IBM's & Exxon MR. big to give some back to the community that made them. I don't care about paying my share!!!!

Oh I will be voting on an absentee ballot!


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I went with Ron Paul even though he will never get the nomiation. I expect it will be Gulliani against Hillary with Gulliani winning. There are many who think voting is not on the square. If they are correct, Gulliani is a lock. I don't however, think Paul will be the best choice for expatsliving in Thailand, but that is another matter.

Go to Paul's web-site and read what he has written since 1970, you will be impressed. His voting record is also interesting.

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For president I would like retired General Wesley Clark. Since thats unlikely then Clinton with Clark as V.P. I read someplace that Hillary would make Clark her V.P. Wesly Clark is qualified to straighten out the Iraq mess and the dollar is always stronger with a democratic administration.If I make any comments about bush this post wont be approved.

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I'd like to see a president who thinks the US does NOT have to be the world's policeman. One who has the guts to raise gasoline taxes to promote conserving and one who quits paying farmers to grow nothing.

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I'd like to see a president who thinks the US does NOT have to be the world's policeman. One who has the guts to raise gasoline taxes to promote conserving and one who quits paying farmers to grow nothing.

I second that motion. Wouldn't that be a dream come true. Let some one else take over the overseer duties or no body at all.

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I took that test and came up with Mike Gravel! Who?

Also, a closer match to Obama than Clinton; that doesn't surprise me, but I don't think he has adequate experience yet and would be a sure to lose choice.

Anyway, to the Canuck dissenter, it is about how expats in Thailand are voting so it is a Thai related topic.

The results so far are interesting, showing a pretty even split, democrats and republicans. Also more of a middle of the road crowd, bias for McCain and Clinton, rather than the farther out left and right edges.

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As an expat since 1988 (when Reagan was still President) I have to say the embarrassment factor comes into play more strongly than health insurance or anything else.

Who will be the least likely candidate to make Americans look bad? Who is the most likely candidate to not stick their foot in their mouth? Who is the least embarrassing out of the whole lot?

Odd criteria, I know , but I have had to put up with questions about this kind of thing for quite a few years now. :o

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That is a good point, sbk. Living abroad, we are on the front lines of world opinion on American foreign policy. Obama would be the most refreshing change of face for non-Americans. His name alone which lets face it sounds Muslim would be a step in the door in improving relations with Muslim nations. His election would also quiet the more vocal European anti-American voices. But in my view, he can't win. On the other hand, if we select another man from the party of Bush, the world will take notice of that as well (in a negative way).

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Thia isnt a thai topic,,why is it not flaged,,,hu americans are the moderators?


100% agree.

We all know Americans looooove to talk politics. But politics conserning America, on a Thai forum? Even by some Americans that are not presently in Thailand?

Nothing wrong with our good friends from the USA, but surely there must be possible to make a separate Forum for this. Just as the Football Forum where we discuss European football.

And before someone else tells me.

I will not participate in this tread anymore.


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Whoever is elected US president has a greater impact on world politics, world economy, world war and peace, than any human on earth. Including Thailand. People all over the world care about who is elected US president more than they care about any other foreign political contest. I consider these two statements facts.

I imagine this thread will eventually flame out and be closed, but if it doesn't belong on a Thai board, it doesn't belong anywhere. There would no critical mass for an "American expat in Thailand presidential preference poll" on any other board, anywhere.

Did some people before think most of us expats here were mostly far left wingers or far right wingers? Well, now here is some evidence that most of us are hard core moderates.

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I'd like to see a president who thinks the US does NOT have to be the world's policeman. One who has the guts to raise gasoline taxes to promote conserving and one who quits paying farmers to grow nothing.

I second that motion. Wouldn't that be a dream come true. Let some one else take over the overseer duties or no body at all.

That would be Ron Paul (more of a Libertarian than Republican) - I was reading a piece a bit ago about him wanting to bring all US troops home from all US military bases and operations around the globe. No more troops in South Korea, no more troops in Germany, no more troops anywhere except US soil unless a war is declared by Congress or they are on short term training exercises.

My vote goes for McCain on the R side of the fence, and if I had to pick a D it would be Osama – or I mean Obama on the D side of the fence.

I know some folks knock Obama because of a supposed lack of experience, but that is one of the things that attracts me to him. He is an intelligent person and he will have a whole staff of advisors so I think he would settle in just fine. I doubt he would have any problems handling international travel/meetings, he handles himself quite well, does not tend to talk just to hear himself talk, and like I said he is a rather intelligent guy.

I might be wrong but I think Hillary is a long shot. I know independents that would vote for Daffy Duck before voting for her, and I know some life long Dems that probably won’t vote if she is the Dem candidate (for some reason these folks are all older – 70+). It’s a real shame because the way GW has been bungling things this should have been a walk away win for the Dems and it looks like it is going to be quite a race.

BTW – the candidate calculator kickout out Duncan Hunter as my #1 match. But the calculator is a bit overly simplistic. For example a candidates stance on abortion does not effect my opinion of them one way or the other. And the illegal immigrant position is more complicated than the calculator can possibly account for.

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I guess I should have included Mike Gravel in the sample poll. He is a little known candidate and doesn't have any chance whatsoever. BTW, Hillary is far from a long shot. She still stands as the mostly likely of all the candidates to take the brass ring.

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